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Show in Austin, TX tonight at Red7


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You can go to school every day. Can you do the same for a surprise Green Day show? No. So go!

Also, yeah, like Dorie said, Austin has a long history with music. Austin City Limits? Anyone? :mellow:

Seriously. Skip school. I"M A MOM AND I AM STUDYING TO BE A TEACHER I'M SAYING THIS. Honestly. Too good to miss.

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Stop your whining, not everyone is lucky enough to live in the bloody Bay.

Don't forget New York lol

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Dammit! I knew that when we moved from Texas to Chicago that it was a bad idea!!! I'm so jealous of my home state right now! I hope it's an awesome show :)

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Seriously. Skip school. I"M A MOM AND I AM STUDYING TO BE A TEACHER I'M SAYING THIS. Honestly. Too good to miss.

You're gonna be the teacher that all the kids love :lol:

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Damn. Looks like I'm taking off work tomorrow to drive 4 hours to Austin. I agree with the above poster.. wish we could have had a bit more time to prepare. Not that I'm complaining :P

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You can go to school every day. Can you do the same for a surprise Green Day show? No. So go!

Also, yeah, like Dorie said, Austin has a long history with music. Austin City Limits? Anyone? :mellow:

Yeah, but I'm not driving yet, and my parents probably wouldn't let me skip school for this. :dry:

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Seriously. Skip school. I"M A MOM AND I AM STUDYING TO BE A TEACHER I'M SAYING THIS. Honestly. Too good to miss.

ahem...coming from the soon-to-be-teacher who couldn't drive her butt to San Francisco a few weeks ago... haha

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Yeah, but I'm not driving yet, and my parents probably wouldn't let me skip school for this. :dry:


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Yeah, but I'm not driving yet, and my parents probably wouldn't let me skip school for this. :dry:

Find a friend with a car and skip school. For serious. They can ground you for a month, but you're never going to forget this show. Don't give up!

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Find a friend with a car and skip school. For serious. They can ground you for a month, but you're never going to forget this show. Don't give up!

Unless it's 21+...


Wait, how do we know it's in Austin?

The band's been seen there just yesterday

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I honestly think it's crazy to tweet about a show 2 days in advance. Everyone goes crazy trying to get a ticket that's almost impossible to get, and flying in from all over the place. The way they did both Bay Area shows was perfect, announcing at the last minute. If you live in the area, great for you, and if not, then maybe next time the show will be near you. I really feel for everyone's anxiety over trying to get a ticket when thousands of people will be trying as well, probably competing for one of only a few hundred tickets. The stress is gonna be high.

I hope no one thinks I'm being bitchy, since I live in the Bay Area and was fortunate enough to go to both shows. I just wouldn't want to go through the stress and huge competition if the show was announced 2 days ahead of time, knowing what happened for the Costa Mesa and NYC shows. That's all.

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I wonder if Billie is all giggly and and is like "omg they have NO idea where it is can't wait to surprise them!!!!!"

Meanwhile we know where they are and what seat on the plane Billie sat on.

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I honestly think it's crazy to tweet about a show 2 days in advance. Everyone goes crazy trying to get a ticket that's almost impossible to get, and flying in from all over the place. The way they did both Bay Area shows was perfect, announcing at the last minute. If you live in the area, great for you, and if not, then maybe next time the show will be near you. I really feel for everyone's anxiety over trying to get a ticket when thousands of people will be trying as well, probably competing for one of only a few hundred tickets. The stress is gonna be high.

Agreed, but at the same time there were people in the Bay/NY that missed out due to being at work and not seeing the announcement and whatnot. At least this means that people have some warning. And it's not like there's going to be HEAPS of people flying in. There'll always be some, sure, but by not announcing where it is, even if there are rumours, will stop a lot of people from flying.

I hope it's actually in Latvia or something, just to really fuck around with people.

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Unless it's 21+...


The band's been seen there just yesterday

I have a feeling it might be 18/21+. =/

Oh well. :( It's not the first time I missed a Green Day event. C'est la vie~

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Wait a minute... ANOTHER Thursday show?

What is this? I bet the next album is going to be called Thursday. Yes, that's the logical conclusion.

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