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Green Day 33 Day Challenge


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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

Probably Tre because he's considered so zany and he probably has a lot of interesting stories. I'm not saying Mike or Billie wouldn't, but Tre just seems like a hilarious guy.

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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

This is realy hard, but I'm gonna have to go with Mike again. He seems like the nicest guy ever, and always have something funny or clever to say. I think we could have a nice conversation :).

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Errm, I didn't answer day 3 yesterday so I'm answering it now... :P

Day 3 ~ Which band member inspires you the most?

What if it's all of them collectively? As a whole? lol :D They all inspire me in different ways, but I think it's Billie the most.

Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

I would want to meet Billie Joe, so I can thank him for everything he's done and for how much he changed my life. And I love how he's so true to himself. :happy:

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Day 3 ~ which band member inspires you the most?

Billie. He inspired me to start playing guitar and the piano. :)

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Day 4: I would meet with Billie Joe Armstrong. I think these last 3 questions have been essentially rooted to the same topic.

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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

Definitely Billie Joe...I have lots of questions.

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4 - Like the last 2 days, it would have to be Billie Joe. He would just be an awesome person to hang out with.

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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

Mike, because he seems like such a nice guy and if I were to play another instrument, it would be bass. Really, I wouldn't care which one I met. I love them all. 

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2 - It gives me a headache trying to choose a favorite band member... I played eenie meenie miny mo and got Mike.

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Omg, i am days late on starting this. TOO COMPLICATED! RAH I'M OLD AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE INTERNET blah blah blah whatever :)

Day 1 ~ How did you get into Green Day?- I had to hang out with a bunch of people i didn't really like- my mom's friends kids. And they were into WHATEVER WAS COOL at the time. Nothing ever stuck with them, but because i was a loser i generally did the same thing and clung to whatever was cool in hopes that someone would think i was cool. Eventually in the summer of '94, Green Day was their flavor of the week. I'd never heard anything like it and was completely drawn in by it. I was cool for about five minutes, then they all moved onto something else and I hadn't (still haven't) and they thought i was a big weirdo again. Oh well.

Day 2 ~ Favorite Green Day Band Member? Dude, i don't pull favorites. They are all important parts of the whole. But i'll say Mike because of my Mike secret story (when i was 14 and in high school, i was seriously questioning my sexuality. Ok, there wasn't really much of a question- i just didn't like boys. I didn't GET boys. But everyone knew i liked Green Day and all the girls were like "OMG BILLIE JOE IS SO CUTE OMG THEY ARE SO HOT" and eventually it would come down to "DON'T YOU THINK THEY'RE HOT, STEPH? WHICH ONE IS YOUR FAVORITE???" and... I didn't think they were cute! They were boys! They were... kind of funny looking and weird. But rather than out myself (omg eww a lezzie! the thought sent me screaming back into the closet.) I finally decided to tell everyone Mike was my favorite. Because he was kind of the odd man out... NOBODY thought he was cute, he was always wearing those silly plaid pants... i kind of felt bad. So he was my fallback. Thanks dood.)

Day 3 ~ Which band member inspires you the most? Tre, because he can suck his own.

Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why? My friend Marisa and i have come to the conclusion that we want to meet Mike because of his obsession/preoccupation with flying (Flying dreams, skydiving, etc) and also his quote "Music is the closest thing to Magic that there is..." WELL. OBVIOUSLY THE DUDE'S NEVER TRIED CIRCUS AERIALS. We want to take him to do flying trapeze! (your place or ours dude- they've got it indoors and year round in NYC, Boston, Oakland, and San Francisco.)

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I'm a little late... :P

Day 1 ~ How did you get into Green Day?

I'd have to thank my brother on this. He told me to watch the music video for AI, and despite not wanting to watch it I thought it was cool. Later on, I decided to give it another try, liked it, looked up more songs, and you can figure out the rest. :wub: I haven't looked back since.

Day 2 ~ Favorite Green Day Band Member?

Billie. Not for his looks (that's just an added bonus :eyebrows:), but because he inspires me in so many ways. He is without a doubt the most influential person in my life.

Day 3 ~ Which band member inspires you the most?


Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

Again, Billie. Mainly because I want to tell him thank you. For everything that he's done for me.

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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

Tre, because I've not had the chance to yet


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2) I dont know. I guess Tre but I think every band member is special to me.

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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

I would like to meet them all... but I would choose Billie cause he's my favourite band member...

I played the guitar already when I started listening to Green Day.. so I can't say Billie inspired me to play it... but I had a weird guitar teacher

and so I didn't really had fun... And through Billie it was again great to play (:

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Day 5 ~ If you had the chance to ask Green Day something, what would you ask them?

Hard one. There are a lot of things I'd like to ask them but I just can't choose. Never.

I've been thinking about that question for so long.

Probably something like "Is there a special thing you always take with you on tour?" I mean.. something like a family picture, a teddy bear, ... :lol: I don't know!

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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

god i have no idea. I have never met any of them so yeah, any of them will do :P

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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

Probably Billie as I think he would be the most interesting to chat to and would give a real insight into the band.

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Day 5 ~ If you had the chance to ask Green Day something, what would you ask them?


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Day 4 ~ If you have to choose between one, which bandmember would you meet and why?

Mmm. Difficult one! I gotta say Billie, because I would like to thank him for all the extraordinary music and amazing lyrics.

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Day 1 ~ How did you get into Green Day?

My ex-boyfriend. I'm not kidding, he was a total Green Day freak. And we are still friends!

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Day 4 - I think I would have to say Mike. I don't know why, something about him that just make me want to meet him first.

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Day 1 ~ How did you get into Green Day?

I heard American Idiot on the radio right after it came out and immediately fell in love with it. That's how it all began.

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