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Billie Joe Kicked off plane for having pants low


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Clearly, you've never had to travel for business. The involuntary bump remains a mortal fear of the person flying to a job site or to meet a client. :lol:

Oh I'm sure it could be a nightmare :lol:. Maybe if Billie had been in that position he would've gritted his teeth and pulled his pants up. Maybe anyway haha.

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I'm sorry, but how is refusing to pull up your trousers and swearing at someone 'sticking it to the man' or not bowing to authority ? He's hardly a Libyan protester is he ? If he'd have just done as they'd asked in the first place, none of this would have happened.

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It's not a huge 'sticking it to the man' statement, no. I don't think he was trying to make any statement at all about authority. I really believe this is just how he honestly reacted in this situation, being his obnoxious self. And his lovable obnoxious self happens to automatically reject authority. No one's calling him the next Tank Man.

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The puns are killing me, y'all. The comments on this news post on Sputnik Music are full of them too. :lol:

My favorite: I walk a lonely road... because i got kicked off of the plane LMAO :rofl:

I'm surprised how much GD these people know, awesome!

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My favorite: I walk a lonely road... because i got kicked off of the plane LMAO :rofl:

I'm surprised how much GD these people know, awesome!

I liked "Maybe it wasn't the pants but his Geek Stink Breath." :lol:

It's especially surprising seeing how everyone "hates those gay fags" on that site.

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The puns are killing me, y'all. The comments on this news post on Sputnik Music are full of them too. :lol:

OMG. Some of those people seem like they actually like Green Day! My favorites:

"You know I can not lie, I'm off the plane and I'm hitchin' a ride."

"It's comedy and tragedy, it's Southwest Airlines, and that's their name."

"Are you kicked out of a flight thats been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool with saggy pants?"

"I declare I don't care airline, I'm growing up and out of my waistline. In my saggy, baggy pants."


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Not sure southwest will be getting many more green day fans as customers...

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Not sure southwest will be getting many more green day fans as customers...

Are you kidding? Now that I know he flies Southwest, I'll be on it every chance I get :happy:

Unless he refuses to fly with them again after this.... but if he's looking for good deals on travel :P

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I'm sorry, but how is refusing to pull up your trousers and swearing at someone 'sticking it to the man' or not bowing to authority ? He's hardly a Libyan protester is he ? If he'd have just done as they'd asked in the first place, none of this would have happened.

This. all he have to do is pull his pats - it's not very hard thing to do!

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Who knows, maybe Billie would have pulled up his pants, had he known that he would be all over the place with this shit.

Anyways, could he just had done as he was asked? Yes, he could. Was he right to be pissed? Yes ,he was, in my opinion at least, but he could still have pulled up his pants.

Reading people's comments, it's more about if they like Green Day or not, if low-sagging pants are appropiate for a 39 year old man or not or if people generally like saggy pants or not. None of this is the question, which to me is: was his clothing in any way offensive or indecent? (If so, why did they let him get on the plane in the first place?) And this is a hard one, as what is acceptable for you might not be for me and viceversa. I do get the impression though that this is -again- a very American thing, even more so as Southwestern is based in Texas. In all my travelling all over Europe -which has been quite a lot- I have never come across something like that, nor have I ever heard any kind of discussion about this issue. I can't imagine something like this happening here, you'd really have to be almost naked.

There are better reasons than "inappropiate" clothing to remove people from flights, like the bunch of half-drunk rowdys I had to endure on a 3 hours flight, or the smelly guy in front of me on my last trip who didn't even seem to know the word "shower". I sure would have applauded if they had thrown him out.

Now I suppose Billie (or his undies) didn't reek like old fish, did he?

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He's 39 not 19 pull yer fucking pants up and adhere to airline rules.

You've never said truer words.

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look at what they had written !! =O

" Billie Jo Armstrong is 39, it`s time for him to tighten his belt and wipe off the mascara."


"This isn`t a case of having the freedom to dress however you want to in public. Obviously the line has to be drawn somewhere, no passenger would want to sit next to a guy wearing nothing but a Speedo. This is a matter of civility and manners -- nobody wants to see your dirty drawers Mr. Armstrong."

this really pissing me off :dry: . obviously who wrote it have no idea about billie

yeah that was stupid -.- but the worst sentence was this one: "It`s time for Billie to grow up, he can start by calling himself "Bill" and pulling up his pants." ...I mean his name IS Billie and not Bill, so why should he change it ?? the person who wrote that is just dumb :mad:

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OMG. Some of those people seem like they actually like Green Day! My favorites:

"You know I can not lie, I'm off the plane and I'm hitchin' a ride."

"It's comedy and tragedy, it's Southwest Airlines, and that's their name."

"Are you kicked out of a flight thats been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool with saggy pants?"

"I declare I don't care airline, I'm growing up and out of my waistline. In my saggy, baggy pants."


haha yeah those quotes are great !! :lol:

also one if my faves:

"if gettin thrown off plane's lost its fun, you're fuckin breaking"

...i think they really like Green Day, cos otherwise they woulsn't know so many green day songs and lyrics ;D

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Everyone on here knows how Billie wears his pants and what is wrong with it? I mean c´mon guys, saying Billie is too old to dress like he does just irritates the shit out of me and me being a bit older feel offended by it.I don´t feel old in any way and don´t want people to tell me how to dress. Everyone can wear what the hell they want! And I mean aren´t underpants some kind of clothes as well? I could understand if too much naked skin in the wrong parts is revealed but it´s not like Billie showed any parts of his body that shouldn´t be shown in public. Ok now I´m done with my rant.

And btw I like his saggy pants :P

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Billie Joe named 1 of 10 famous problem flyers.


Green Day’s nasal-voiced growler Billie Joe Armstrong found one more reason to whine on Thursday, when he was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight from Oakland to Burbank. Armstrong’s offense? Excessively droopy drawers. Maybe his next flight should be to Hot Topic, to buy himself a belt?
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I'm famous at school now because of billie. Friends and even people I hardly know are coming up to me telling me they saw "that dude I like" on the news cause of his pants. :lol:

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You know, I'm totally on billie's side. If he wasn't showing his ass (which I doubt he was) then he has the right to be mad. That's how he dresses and I don't think he should change it for a flight. And yeah an F-bomb slipped out, but we all know how billie gets when he's angry.

I'm still suprise he doesn't fly first class.

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