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Tre Cool Engaged


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I didn't know Tre was dating anyone, but Congrats nonetheless!

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Christ, would you stop arguing for a second?

Whether you called her a whore straight up or just said that she looked like one, it was still rude and uncalled for. Plus, if you're going to say shit like that, you're kind of asking for an argument.

I highly doubt anyone here even knows her. So y'all have no right to judge her based on a few pictures.

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I clicked on the link to his Facebook, and it had "friend request sent" at the top, I had totally forgotten :lol: He could have accepted me by now though :dry:

Nah, really, I'm happy for him :)

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Tre never posts or goes on his facebook anymore it seems, his page is now this barren wasteland. It's kinda boring anyway, so no one is missing much. :lol:

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Yeah I clicked onto his FB and found out I sent him a request from like a long ass time ago. I'm lame. XD

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jk. yes!

he surely deserves to be happy. who am i to wish him not?

all the best for you Tre. love you bro!

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Christ, would you stop arguing for a second?

You are an idiot.

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congrats to Tre

and i hope thats gonna be his last engage =P

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Edit: Okay, so I didn't intend to yucky up Tre's thread, which should be a very happy one, with my comments. My post was hardly a completely serious one so don't think too much of it. I just (in bad taste and with a flu that's made me somewhat loopy!) wanted to give some people a taste of their own medicine and was being a tad too defensive over Tre and his fiance. :P I just get quite sick of some fans being so narrow-minded and nasty. I'll edit it into a spoiler so it doesn't take over this thread. There's no point deleting it since that's cowardly and annoying plus some is quoted anyways. If anyone wants to talk to me about it further, maybe pm me instead so we don't clutter up this thread anymore.

LMAO @ the plain jane ugly ass kids in their XXL black band t-shirts and acne ridden faces diving into a bag of cheetos, sitting on their fat asses while tearing apart some girl online they know nothing about, who is marrying one of their favorite musicians, thinking they're so fucking witty and above everyone. But I forgot, you're all so unique and hardcore and pUnX. Oh and don't get me started on the cougars.. Jealous her tits aren't flopping down south?! Jealous to see a happy lovely couple when you're forever alone, just you and your wi-fi 4 eva?

Newsflash: Dena is hot not a ho. Unless you want to say she's ho as hell. That's acceptable. Just cause she's hot and you're not don't get your xl panties in a bunch.

Why not be happy for Tre, if you're a fan? Why wouldn't you be happy for him? He's clearly delighted. Do you not want him to be happy? You want him to be lonely? Okay, cool.

All we know about Dena is that she can put a big smile on Tre's face.

You're all so insecure and narrow minded beyond belief.

So gurl can break some "pussycat doll" moves.. That's pretty cool, doubt you can. All it means is she enjoys Green Day's music and dancing around to it. That's nice to hear!

So she dresses in a way that it's identifiable that she's a chick and has her own style unlike you

Basically some of you suck beyond belief. I totally remember now why I've practically removed myself from this..."fanbase"

P.S.: That photo is meant to be funny and tacky. Obviously. FFS. She looks great though, love her hair. Tre's looking more tack, let's be honest. :lol:

Anyways, a massive congratulations to Tre and Dena!!! :woot:

I'm delighted for both of them and wish them the best of luck. :D

I hope we get to see a couple of wedding photos!

P.S.: Random question but originally people thought her name was Dina so I pronounce it like that still..Is that correct? Dee-nah?

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Look I get what you're trying to do, but using someones physical appearance an an insult, so you can give out to them for insulting someone on their physical appearance is really hypocritical. This comment is just as bad if not worse than the others. The amount of body-shaming in that was just ridiculous.

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So freaking what if she was dancing like a pussycat doll at the Green Day shows. I bet you anything a lot of kids who are judging her for how she is dressed have been judged themselves for wearing a band shirt, and spoken out about how unfair it is. Look at the hypocrisy of it.

Why would you say that?

Read your original post. I just don't understand why you think that's a fair thing to say. How would you like it if someone said that about you, based on one photograph of you - which is clearly meant to be a joke - with no other background knowledge? These comments are outdated.

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LMAO @ the plain jane ugly ass kids in their XXL black band t-shirts and acne ridden faces diving into a bag of cheetos, sitting on their fat asses while tearing apart some girl online they know nothing about, who is marrying one of their favorite musicians, thinking they're so fucking witty and above everyone. But I forgot, you're all so unique and hardcore and pUnX. Oh and don't get me started on the cougars.. Jealous her tits aren't flopping down south?! Jealous to see a happy lovely couple when you're forever alone, just you and your wi-fi 4 eva?

you're using someone's physical appearance to insult them for insulting someone else's physical appearance?

fucking hypocrite.

congrats to them both, i'm sure they'll be happy as :}

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Look I get what you're trying to do, but using someones physical appearance an an insult, so you can give out to them for insulting someone on their physical appearance is really hypocritical. This comment is just as bad if not worse than the others. The amount of body-shaming in that was just ridiculous.

I just couldn't help myself. It needed to be said. So many Green Day fans attack women if they have any amount of style of good looks whatsoever. It's beyond irritating. They do it because they're insecure and delusional. My post was meant to be somewhat light-hearted, even though I'm pretty pissed. Their appearance wouldn't have been brought up by me, if they didn't bring hers up. I'm totally aware it sounded hypocritical but my issue doesn't really lie in people judging her on how she looks, it's more the reason of them calling her names. They're not calling her a ho because they actually care or think that she looks like one. They're doing it cause they're jealous. I'm a bitch and definitely judge people by their appearance if they have an attitude about people who look good. Not denying it. Also, I only layered on the fat jokes because everywhere I look in the Green Day fanbase there's people calling every thin girl/girl with a good figure anorexic or disgusting, etc when clearly they're just jealous and their insecurities are coming out. Again though, my post was meant somewhat light-heartedly.

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I just couldn't help myself. It needed to be said. So many Green Day fans attack women if they have any amount of style of good looks whatsoever. It's beyond irritating. They do it because they're insecure and delusional. My post was meant to be somewhat light-hearted, even though I'm pretty pissed. Their appearance wouldn't have been brought up by me, if they didn't bring hers up. I'm totally aware it sounded hypocritical but my issue doesn't really lie in people judging her on how she looks, it's more the reason of them calling her names. They're not calling her a ho because they actually care or think that she looks like one. They're doing it cause they're jealous. I'm a bitch and definitely judge people by their appearance if they have an attitude about people who look good. Not denying it. Also, I only layered on the fat jokes because everywhere I look in the Green Day fanbase there's people calling every thin girl/girl with a good figure anorexic or disgusting, etc when clearly they're just jealous and their insecurities are coming out. Again though, my post was meant somewhat light-heartedly.

It did not need to be said like that though. You had good intentions with the post, but you contradicted yourself and made that entire post hypocritical. As for "my issue doesn't really lie in people judging her on how she looks, it's more the reason of them calling her names," well they're calling the woman a whore, because they judged her appearance. People insulting women for having a girly style is just as bad as you insulting them and playing on their insecurities.

Calling yourself a bitch does not give you a free-pass on this, if you don't want people here insulting girls who have a more feminine style or a thinner figure, then don't insult girls who don't. An eye for an eye make the whole world blind and all that.

Look my view on this is that women should not be insulting each others physical appearance, ever. We get enough shit from society in general about how we should look, we don't need to get it from each other too.

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I'm sure most people on here, even though they may have made a "light-hearted" remark about either the photograph or Dena herself, are delighted for them both.

I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had a "What the fook" expression on their face when they first saw the photograph, no need to basically shit on everyones appearance because of a few jokes or comments. I doubt Tre gives a fuck what anyone else thinks about the photo, he wouldn't have posted it otherwise.

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I love how the private life and the person that makes Tré happy has created so much controversy in this thread. He's happy who cares what she look's like or how she dresses. Its ridiculous this has sparked so many rows :lol:

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can you all just please cut the shit? the man is getting married, ffs. it's pretty tasteless for his fans to be discussing whether or not his wife-to-be looks like a slut in any capacity.

if you want to discuss appearances and stereotypes further, go make a thread in general chat.

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I get the feeling that they intended the photo to look.......off. I mean, for all we know, they both have a good sense of humor, and figured it would look funny.

Also, Dena is hot. Extremely hot. What if Adrienne put on clothes like that? The majority of people would be like "oh Adrienne, damn, I'm jealous of Billie Joe blah blah blah." I just don't get why everyone is judging her because of one picture. It's not fair, or right.

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I'm happy for him. He should have kids.

News flash.....

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:dance: Congrats to Tre :happy: I didn't even realise he had a girlfriend at the moment! Good for them
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