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"American Idiot" Musical Tour

plaid ducky

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I'm going to the show in Rochester on February 27th. I've never seen it before so I'm ridiculously excited. :happy:

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If you are debating to see it go see it rumors are this is going to be the last tour.

nooo, awwww! That makes me sad if true. I know all good things must end at some point but I was hoping they come through MN again. :(

So, Yes, people go see it at least once if you're able while you can! :thumbsup:

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Last week, my friend asked me if I wanted to see the musical again. I said yes. We don't know when nor where, but we will try to see it again.

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Finally saw this when it was in Des Moines this weekend. Last nights show was good, but tonights was AMAZING. My seat was right in front of the stage, I caught St Jimmy's pick at the end, and I met a bunch of the cast outside (in the cold!) afterwards. They were all very kind, especially Billie's nephew Andrew.

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Cast including Andrew, Billie Joe's nephew singing Good Riddance

Lol she thinks Good Riddance is from AI. Edited by lizziebix
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Saw them last night in Amherst. Billie's nephew was in it. Holy crap did he look just like Billie. And sang just like him too. Big surprise. Great show.

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Andrew Humann, Billie Joe's nephew, sings "President Gasman" in Broadway American Idiot tour

No wonder his face looked familiar.

I saw the musical at Austin , and I almost thought it was Billie himself.

Edited by lizziebix
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I really wish I could go see this again.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that teared up during Wake Me Up When September Ends?

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The musical is coming to my city I am screaming and crying and dying with happiness. :runaround:

Hooray! tbh I wouldn't be going again if it wasn't coming to my city :ninja:

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Just found out it's coming to Waterbury CT this weekend. Yay.

Have you gotten tickets for it yet? I was trying today but it wasn't working online for me.

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I hope my friend figures out if he's going soon, because if he's not I get to buy expensive orchestra tickets and go alone and enjoy it all by myself :D

:lol: That's one of the reasons I'm totally cool with going to shows alone! I never like waiting for people to decide what they're doing. I've missed out on so many shows because people fuck around. If only it was a general admission show, huh?

(OK, it's really because I'm forever alone, but for argument's sake let's ignore that for now!)

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No wonder his face looked familiar.

I saw the musical at Austin , and I almost thought it was Billie himself.

Haha yeah me too! I knew it wasn't Billie but from a distance they definitely look similar.

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It's coming to Syracuse.... and we aren't too far away from where you live :P


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