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"American Idiot" Musical Tour

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Talking Your Tech: Gabrielle McClinton

Live theater is supposed to be the last bastion of a non-connected society, where folks turn off their cellphones and enjoy the show. But for those who stage the productions, it can often be a losing battle.

So the producers of the touring rock musical American Idiot decided to give in. They've set up dedicated tweet nights, where audience members can type away. Theatergoers are also encouraged to keep in touch with the cast after the show at #idiotLA.

We met with one of the stars of the musical — based on the pop-punk album American Idiot by Green Day — Gabrielle McClinton in Los Angeles. American Idiot is playing there through April 22.


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At first I thought that was going to be the FBTH Fuck Time, but that was still brillant. :lol: Loved it.

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In just three years, Krystina Alabado has performed in a national tour of “Spring Awakening” and made her Broadway debut in Green Day’s “American Idiot.”

Alabado, a 22-year-old Chandler native, never expected to be a professional actress this fast but is grateful for all of the opportunities. She’ll perform later this month with the national tour of “American Idiot,” which stops April 24 at Arizona State University’s Gammage Auditorium.

“So many people spend their whole lives trying to achieve Broadway and these tours, so I’m thankful to be where I am today,” Alabado said.

“American Idiot” is a musical based on a concept album of the same name by Grammy Award-winning rock band Green Day. The story revolves around three teenage boys and their lives, as they are forced to choose between their dreams and the safety of suburbia.

Green Day’s catalog of hits in the musical include “Boulevard of Broken Dreams,” “21 Guns,” “Wake Me Up When September Ends,” “Holiday” and the title track.

The show opened on Broadway in April 2010 and ran almost a year for 422 performances. The show won two of its three Tony Award nominations.

“It’s truly a rock opera and an amazing piece of art,” Alabado said. “Not only that, but it’s a story that I know everyone can relate to because it’s about life, and young people are experiencing it now and the older generation has gone through it already.”

During the last half of the run in New York, Alabado made her Broadway debut in the ensemble alongside Green Day’s lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong, who portrayed one of the leads for a number of shows.

“Making my Broadway debut was unbelievable and everything that I could have asked for, then to do it with someone I’ve heard on the radio was nothing short of amazing,” Alabado said.

Then Alabado joined the national tour of “American Idiot.”

Before joining “American Idiot,” Alabado was in the ensemble and an understudy for the first national tour of “Spring Awakening.”

Shortly before that, Alabado had finished a year at ASU as a musical theater major before her career took off to the next level. She also worked at a number of community theaters in the Valley and made her professional debut at Phoenix Theatre.

At 19, she auditioned for the “Spring Awakening” tour, got the part and hasn’t looked back. Alabado has performed some work with Yale Repertory Theatre and also made her off-Broadway debut in a show as well.

But for now, she’s enjoying life on the road again in “American Idiot.”

“I love touring because there is never a dull moment, and I’ve met some of the coolest people,” she said. “I really do miss home though and try to get here at least one or two times a year and can’t wait to see my family once we stop in Tempe.”

Being on Broadway and in national tours has been hard work for Alabado, but she encourages aspiring actors and actresses to “keep at it.”

“It’s tough, but keep honing your craft and be ready for every audition,” she said. “I’m lucky how so many things worked out for me.”


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Actually, I'm pretty sure that those aren't real cast members. For the most part, non-equity productions aren't allowed to use promo pictures from the equity productions thus they use models/non-equity actors for photos.

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I didn't think they were the real cast members, but I don't know what the situation is in the UK is: if they use equity/non-equity productions. Regardless, they don't look the part in those photos.

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They've been using those photos for the non-equity tour (that hasn't been cast yet) which is why I was saying that they could just be models.

That said, I might be missing the connection you're making between the UK equity status & those pictures.

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Only a few more week until they get to AZ. My cousin told me they have commercials in Mesa for the show, but not where I live =(. My Tia and Tio are going they don’t really know Green Day either they just like musicals. It’s probably going to be one of the weirdest musicals because most of the people going are Green Day fans and stuff.

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One of these days they'll mention Chicago or Milwaukee and I will be really really happy. smile.gif

LOL our dream came true lizzie!

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new blog from kelvin

Day 146: Friday the 13th and a Stormy Day in LA

It has taken me 56 days since my last blog post. That in itself is scary to me. Not because my procrastination has reached new limits but, ask Josh Kobak, because I have told him several times I have an absurd obsession with the number 56 as it continues to show up in my life. One would call it a "favorite number". I call it ominous. And on a day like today, Friday the 13th. Numbers are playing a big factor.

I swear I didn't plan on sitting down and writing today. I diligently count the days on my calendar when I make the title for every blog post. Day 146. An incredibly boring number.

The truth is, I haven't found much to write about. I know many of you check in to see what it is like to be an actor on the road. I would like to post about all the glamorous parties and the wonderful celebrities we meet and all the fun lavish things I buy with my ginormous salary..... But then I would be selling you a great blog of fiction.

I stretched the time to think of new and inventive blogposts for you readers and each time I would shoot blanks and delay my writing by another day....then a week....and now apparently 56 days. When I remembered, "the only thing that is appealing about my blog is how real I try to keep it." So, indulge me in a tale that involves a little show anecdote and my personal life, will you?

Here is the truth: The show has become a job. A job that I always want to do well with but it's come with all the territories of being a job. The perks and the pitfalls. And this job is 24/7. As much as I thought that I would find comfort in living in a hotel and calling it home.... it's not possible.

We have developed an undeniable family here with the cast, crew and band of the show. We work, party, eat, DRINK together. Still it can be incredibly lonely on tour.

Most of our cast has significant others which I'm not convinced I envy or am relieved that that isn't my life. A part of me believes that, being alone in my hotel room with the next chapter of the Hunger Game isn't the worst fate but pretty pathetic. Another part questions, well, is it much better to be, constantly, miles and miles away from my love; I see it on the faces of my castmates who have visiting lovers. Upon their arrival, they are giddy with anticipation. The elation on their faces when to come to work that whole week, and then the inevitable decline into withdrawal when it's time to part. It seems merciless.

Still, perhaps I prefer to be the later. I've been told I could have a trick in any city, in every city. But it doesn't appeal to me. Who needs the clubs when I can find the company of the lonely right here in my hotel suite? A party of one is still a party of one even in a crowd of hundreds. I prefer actual silence and not that produced by thumping techno beats.

Wait....if you think this is a depressing story.... we've only just gone down the rabbit hole. I can hear my roommate Enrico now, saying in his most lovingly concerned voice with a tinge of humorous judgement, "what are you going through?"

Because more and more I think about that Sunday, nearly three years ago; I only remember it was a Sunday not because I obsess over our breakup, but because I had to miss the Tony Awards that year. The only year I've missed the live broadcast since my gay self discovered the darn ceremony, my superbowl. I things I do for love.... The things I did for HIM.

I was flying home to NYC from SLC International. This is the first time I left my heart out on the road and I vowed it would be my last. I will spare the readership of anymore gory details than this. But the upcoming weeks as I searched through why I was meant to find love and then to have to leave it behind in pursuit of a job, I didn't think I'd ever understand.

I raged against a lot after that break up with HIM. I remember the first day back in the city I started a random fight with a pushy woman on the subway of whom I would have never given two looks. I remember getting hammered at a friend's BBQ and finding the nearest couch to lay flat faced down on instead of being remotely social with the multitudes of attractive people. I remember one day ordering a bag of pot (medicinal?) then a lunch special from one of every cuisine that would deliver to my apartment and consuming them all before dinner.

From HIM, I had learned the power of external love, and therefore by product of relativity, learned the power of internal loathing.

A mere six months later, after a few interventions and few hundred "what are you going through?"'s.... I set out on a mission. I set out on a mission to prove HIM wrong. I set out to show HIM that I was worth something much more than even the man I allowed him to love.

I get my ass back in the gym. I get myself to a vocal coach. I audition for everything. Everything I do, I do to better myself in order to say "Fuck You, HIM!" I got the goods. Suddenly my successes outweigh the failures.

Slowly the image of HIM blurs. Or at least it dims in comparison to this newly vibrant ME.

Here's the tie in my, Twidiots: Like Jesus who turned water to wine, the Jesus of Suburbia learned to turn Love into Rage and back to Love again.

End of Anecdote. Or is it the beginning?

Because, still I am lonely as ever on this tour. Typing this blog post in my hotel room as I alternate between making lunch for Tommy McDowell and him washing dishes out of the bathtub. But, I've grown to know that loneliness is not for me to dwell on but another time to reflect and crack the nut that is this lesson in life.

Time has been my adversary. Patience has been my friend. Solitude has been my test. Clarity has been my goal.

In retrospect, it's ironic. It's because of HIM, I am on the road again. As our tour trucks drive en route farther and farther west; closer and closer to SLC International. I wonder, if the pushpins on the map of our tour are trying to point me back.

'Til then "I text a postcard sent to you, did it go through?"

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“American Idiot” Actress

You read that right: Leslie McDonel is an “American Idiot” actress, certainly not to be confused with the far more prevalent American “Idiot Actress.”

McDonel, who enjoyed early theatre success in the musical Hairspray, is a long-running cast member in another hit show - American Idiot – based on the Green Day album of the same name. Leslie also was in the original Broadway cast of Idiot, sings on the original Broadway cast soundtrack album, and performed with Green Day at the Tony Awards.

In this entertaining conversation with Rock Cellar Magazine McDonel discusses Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong, acting, singing and dancing on Broadway, Hairspray’s John Waters, and, even the current debate over contraception.

RCM: When you were in the Broadway cast, you met Green Day’s frontman – singer/songwriter Billie Joe Armstrong. What was that like?

LM: He’s amazing! He’s a genius, a punk and a kid, and a passionate musician. I was always a fan of his music, but I didn’t realize until I did this show what a poet he is. His lyrics are just as strong as his music. To interpret them every night was such a gift for me. But then you meet him: he’s so passionate, and works on his music all day. He practices and perfects his craft more than anyone I really ever worked with. He also has that sense of youth and fun to him still – mischievousness, fire and all that.


RCM: And he played one of the characters with you…

LM: He played St. Jimmy. Johnny, the lead male who does go to New York… when he starts wanting more, he finds this alter ego within himself called St. Jimmy – who introduces him to sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. All the stuff that feels good right away, but then ultimately destroys him.

RCM: So what was it like performing with Billie Joe Armstrong on the “Great White Way?”

LM: Just like a jolt – a jolt of natural energy and electricity. I felt like as soon as he joined – between his energy and also the audience’s reaction to him – the level of noise that created – together those two things just gave you natural energy. You didn’t even have to try and get to it; it was just there.

Read more here:


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That was a really strange Q&A. That opening paragraph was kinda ridiculous. Also, in the first half of the interview, it just seemed like the interviewer didn't really care what Leslie had to say unless it had to do something with Billie. "Did Billie Joe help you learn how to strum?" Really? :ermm:

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Lighting American Idiot On Tour

The award-winning Broadway musical, Green Day's American Idiot, is out on the road, and Live Design has caught up with triple Tony-winner, lighting designer Kevin Adams, for a Q&A about his lighting for the tour:


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I think the only understudies who haven't gone on yet are:





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^ Oh god the lunges :lol:

Opening night for AZ is finally here!

you better be nice to the cast Arizona


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