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"American Idiot" Musical Tour

plaid ducky

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Heh. I remember when she was learning the Extraordinary Girl track on Broadway. Van was her Tunny since he had nothing else to do. LOL. Should be interesting, nonetheless. :)

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I'm considering getting tickets for one of the London dates :ninja: Only thing is I've a feeling it'll be around the same time as my exams =/

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Kinda late but I saw this with my friend on the closing night in Raleigh and it was AMAZING!!! And after the show we met Van's mother who asked us if we were gonna go and get autographs and of course we said yes so we went to the stage door and met a bunch of people and they are all so incredibly nice! So is his mother... she is officially the coolest mom ever

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For those who are curious, here's "Good Riddance" from the Sunday matinee. Tommy & Omar start it off. :) I'll miss Omar. It was funny to see him in Andrew 's yellow shirt during JOS/Holiday:


Also, Larkin's BOBD including his ab-libbed monologue which made me giggle. And he made a little mistake, but unless you're really familiar with the song, you might not notice:


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And he made a little mistake, but unless you're really familiar with the song, you might not notice:

No chance of that around here!

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new blog from kelvin

Day 80: A WEEKend in the Country

We have arrived in Chicago and I can't tell you how exciting it is to be able to open this show in a new city every couple of weeks. Let it be known that I have already had my taste of deep dish pizza and well, as life long New Yorker.....I must concede that it is delicious. (I didn't say better, just delicious)

More about Chicago later as we have two weeks that have only just begun.

Okay....what's in RALEIGH?! I have to be honest that I didn't think that Raleigh could hold a candle to the amazing week I had in Boston. I am a CITY BOY. I am a NORTHERN BOY. I am a pretentious NEW YORK BOY. ....... I was humbled by the beauty that is the South.

Everyone in North Carolina was more than nice. Hospitable. Warm.

I got to spend a great day driving out to Louisburg to visit Jen Bowles' family and we pretty much decimated every biscuit in sight. OMG....Backfat Biscuits were created by the devil. You need to google that shit.....

Our last day we happened to have two show on Superbowl Sunday. We were prepared by the company that we would most likely see a smaller audience for the evening performance. They were right. It wasn't our biggest audience but they were by far the most supportive. Those audience members wanted to BE THERE. And we were happy to share the American Idiot experience with them. For those to choose to not be part of national holiday that is football mania to come see our little play..... well, that's why I do it.

415104_3112515179510_1463319020_33004303_318849565_o.jpg I don't like horses typically. Except this one. He was soft.....

329845_882388793682_6108371_39980991_1697358891_o.jpg President of the Taco Club. Ironic huh?


IMG_1884.JPG The Memorial Auditorium. I felt like I was supposed to quote scripture when I first saw it.

IMG_1887.JPG Don't think I didn't notice the handpicked messages on the sauce packages! Thanks Cara and Amanda!!!

IMG_1886.JPG I thought they were actual grenades. So I threw one at Matt DeAngelis' head

IMG_1889.JPG Fresh New Haircut. Says "I'm going to cut you."

IMG_1890.JPG Chanelling Billie Joe for this awesome Raleigh street art.

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I don't feel like listening to the song right now, what was the mistake?

He just left out a line by accident in one of the verses.

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I loved Larkin's BOBD (despite the flub)... any chance you could post the mp3?

You can try and right-click & save this link: http://db.tt/tPbcfkTt

If that doesn't work, let me know.

I don't feel like listening to the song right now, what was the mistake?

He switched the third & fourth verse. So, instead of what was supposed to be sung, he sang:

Read between the lines

What's fucked up when everything's alright

Check my vital signs

To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

I'm walking down the line

That divides me somewhere in my mind

On the border line

Of the edge and where I walk alone

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omfg Larkin what a n00b.

I know they have a LOT to remember for the show...but really when it boils down, how do you mess up lyrics? Especially to such a universally well-known song...when people ask the cast how they remember the lyrics, all I can think is how can they NOT remember them? Performing and hearing them near-daily for 6 months...I don't get it.

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omfg Larkin what a n00b.

I know they have a LOT to remember for the show...but really when it boils down, how do you mess up lyrics? Especially to such a universally well-known song...when people ask the cast how they remember the lyrics, all I can think is how can they NOT remember them? Performing and hearing them near-daily for 6 months...I don't get it.

Mwahahahaha! :lol:

Sorry, but your comment just reminded me of David Larsen, who took over as Tunny after Stark left. I saw him four times & he only got through one show without messing up... and that was the final show.

The first time I saw him, he got on top of the scaffolding for "City of the Damned" and nothing was coming out of his mouth. About a couple of more moments in, he started to mumble something & finally got to what was close enough to the lyrics as possible. He then messed up the words during "Before the Lobotomy (Reprise)" to which he just started to yell really loudly.

The second time during "Are We The Waiting" he sang "The Jesus of Suburbia is a lie it seems." A few ensemble members behind him were dying.

The third time he messed up again during "City of the Damned"... he sung something to the effect of "I read the Holy Scriptures in the parking lot" which made Van just start laughing & screw up his own line.

So, naturally, I held my breath every time he had to sing something during the final show. Luckily, he made it through without any mistakes. 8)

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Mwahahahaha! :lol:

Sorry, but your comment just reminded me of David Larsen, who took over as Tunny after Stark left. I saw him four times & he only got through one show without messing up... and that was the final show.

The first time I saw him, he got on top of the scaffolding for "City of the Damned" and nothing was coming out of his mouth. About a couple of more moments in, he started to mumble something & finally got to what was close enough to the lyrics as possible. He then messed up the words during "Before the Lobotomy (Reprise)" to which he just started to yell really loudly.

The second time during "Are We The Waiting" he sang "The Jesus of Suburbia is a lie it seems." A few ensemble members behind him were dying.

The third time he messed up again during "City of the Damned"... he sung something to the effect of "I read the Holy Scriptures in the parking lot" which made Van just start laughing & screw up his own line.

So, naturally, I held my breath every time he had to sing something during the final show. Luckily, he made it through without any mistakes. 8)

:lol: I remember hearing about all that/was warned when I went to the closing weekend. I was worried that he was gonna mess up, but like you said he didn't. Though, he just wasn't very good all-around, in my opinion. I felt kinda bad...and was VERY much missing Stark. I think everyone was, poor guy.

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You wanna see bad... watch youtube videos of Tony Vincent singing any songs other than St. Jimmy's at random gigs. He absolutely butchered Holiday, and barely knew the chorus to 21 Guns.

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Here's a video review and a little write-up from a Chicago news show this morning:

American Idiot rocks Chicago Broadway

Plus, tomorrow around 12:25pm, some of the actors will be performing on the channel 9 (WGN) news.

I have one extra ticket for the Chicago show, Saturday, Feb 11 at 8:00pm. It's center orchestra, row M (I think). I was going to take the bf, but he would enjoy it less than a real Green Day fan. I'm not trying to make money on this, so will accept any payment up to, but NOT over, the face value. Haven't been very active on the GDC, so not sure best way to communicate. Let me know if you're interested.

Can't help you with the ticket, but I'm going to that show too! I'm somewhere in center orchestra, but I can't remember the row...

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new blog from Krystina

<a href=http://krystinaalabado.blogspot.com/2012/02/whatsername.html">Whatsername

Alright people, I'm back! Sorry for the few weeks off, but it has been an adjustment getting used to being on tour again. Since I last wrote, we spent a few more weeks in Toronto, had a funny ole time in Detroit, loved every moment of Boston, and were elegant ladies in Raleigh! This post is all about my time as Whatsername and a Boston post will follow shortly!


So it happened!!! I went on for the first time for Whatsername!!! I had been waiting since Broadway and it finally happened while we were in Detroit!! I got the call at like 11am from my stage manager Monica saying that Gabby wasn't feeling well and that I would be on for both shows!! This is quite a luxury, being put on for two in a row, because the first one is pretty much insanity so it is always a total help to get to do another one without that first show adrenaline pumping to actually understand what is going on. The adrenaline one feels going on for the first time is unexplainable and the most incredible feeling in the world. I couldn't stop smiling, I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't stop being thankful for everything in my life. It was such a humbling day for me in many ways. Anyway, I called my family and warmed up a lot while looking at notecards and going over blocking in my head and headed to the theatre.

IMG_3235.jpgWhen I got there we went through put-in notes which is where we go through the certain safety things on stage and run anything that needs to be run before we start. The minute I got to the theatre, the support was overwhelming from my fellow cast members. It made me so emotional and thankful for these unbelievable people I get to work with every day! The next few hours were a complete blur. We went through notes, warmed up, and I was rushed to hair where my pink dreadlocks were put in! I put on my new makeup, ran around to sound and wardrobe to talk through quick changes, had a chat with Van about some specifics, and before I new it..."This is American...!!!!!" and the show started and I was running on stage looking at Jillian being me as I followed her out as Whatsername!! The show was unbelievable; a moment in my career that I will never forget. It was one of the best experiences I have had as an understudy going on for the first time because I felt so ready. I had been studying and rehearsing the role since Broadway, so it was still somewhat in my body despite the very few rehearsals I've had being her so far on tour. I was able to fully let go and just be Whatsername. I wasn't in my head at all and I felt totally in the moment throughout the show. It was incredibly fun and again, very emotional for me. I remember climbing the ladder backstage and waiting for my entrance in "Boulevard" and I got a little teary! This whole journey with American Idiot has been so beautiful and humbling and I could not be more thankful that I got the chance to go on. The show went on, with only minor mishaps, my favorite being that I put my dress on in Last of the American Girls wrong. It is different from the one I had on Broadway and has a pretty opening in the back...so instead of putting my right arm in the sleeve hole, I put it through the back hole...it looked silly but I just had to go with it haha! Other than that and a few minor things that you only can ever learn about from actually going on, I had a pretty smooth show technically and then got to eat some food, work on a few things with Van between shows and do it all again!! My heart is pumping just remembering how it all felt.

Now I have to give a big thanks to you guys, the fans. It was so beautiful and moving to have the support that you all gave me that day on twitter, facebook, and in person. I have never felt more loved and supported than I did on that day by you all and my family and my cast. It makes the biggest difference when you are opening yourself to something new to have people cheering you on. So thank you so much you guys. I would shoutout to you all individually, but that would take forever! I love you all more than you know and am thankful for every single one of you.

I will however give one individual shout-out to Joanna F (@jkathleen5). I received the most heartwarming fan-mail in Detroit from Miss Joanna and I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to tell me your story and put so much love into that letter. It was very moving and made my day extra great. I wish you the best of luck Joanna and please keep me posted on your career in theatre! Keep focused and positive, and you will be able to achieve it all!

That is all for now as I have some catching up to do! I will be posting a very fun blog all about Boston next week! What a great time it was!

krystina :)


(remember to leave any and all recommendations for food, fun, sight seeing or just about anything in this city! Also, leave any questions if you have them about the rehearsal process, flying, life, or anything!)

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Thanks to Snark and Dry Ice for the responses re: the extra ticket for a real GD fan. Unfortunately, haven't posted enough to get into the AI Meet Up forum. Guess I'll take the bf even though he committed the sin of leaving the GD Lolla show mid-way through...

Enjoy the show!

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I read in my newspaper AI is coming to Baltimore in May 2013. Hope the world doesn't end so I can see it again! Knew it had to come to the Hippodrome sooner or later.

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