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"American Idiot" Musical Tour

plaid ducky

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Seeing it tonight!! :D Really looking forward to it, as well as meeting more GDC'ers. :happy:

ME TOO :woot:

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new blog from nicci

I'm shaking a little as I'm typing this. I have a phone interview for a radio station in Detroit (WWJ 950AM) in about ten minutes and I'm nervous! It's weird, I don't get nervous about shows or auditions much anymore. Just excited. But I've never done this before! I think what's freaking me out is that it's for a newsradio station. I'm afraid they're going to ask me how this show relates to the current political climate and I won't be able to come up with adequate answers. There's a pad of hotel stationary next to me on which I've scrawled a few notes about the show, the people involved, Green Day, but nothing about politics. Hopefully this will be more like the "All Things Considered" segment on what's-that-station in Los Angeles that has more to do with entertainment or fun stories as opposed to news items. It'll be taped, not live, so maybe they can just cut out the weird/uninformed things I say and make me seem like a bright shining representative of American Idiot. Or maybe I'll do so poorly that they'll decide not to air it at all, or interview someone else instead. I'd be totally ok with that... Yup, still shaking.

. . . . (20 mins later). . . .

What a silly girl I am. It went just fine. The anchor, Greg Bowman, was nothing but pleasant and much to my relief didn't mention anything about politics :) My hands are still a little clammy, but my heart rate is back to normal. Phew.

Now that that's over with.... Hey! We're in Canada!! Have been for a week now. You may be happy to know that my neck is feeling just fine and my back is nearly back to normal. My voice on the other hand... well, it's getting there. It's been one hell of a week... several great previews, opening night with a gala afterword (Adrienne, BJA's wife, was there and seemed very proud of what we did!), more shows, sound check and performance on new year's eve for the giant televised celebration downtown, and an open bar/free food party at a "British pub" to follow!

Saturday morning I woke up and noticed my voice felt a little hoarse. I'm not surprised after the week we had, I think all the excitement and adrenaline caused me to push a little to hard. The NYE party didn't help either, because how can you not loudly celebrate on new years eve?? I decided to put myself on vocal rest for the past two and a half days (we got Sunday AND Monday off!), speaking as little as I could manage. This interview was the second actual conversation I've had in those past 2.5 days, so that's a part of why I was nervous. Luckily all the words came out. Hallelujah.

We're back at it again tonight. So glad I had that time to rest and recuperate, because understudy and put-in rehearsals are already underway. It's gonna be another big week! Alright, another hour or two of Catching Fire before I'm off to fly call....

*Fun fact: even though my pants don't fit anymore, when I went to LA for xmas I found out I gained three pounds. That means I probably gained 5 pounds of solid muscle, baby.*

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I am offically going March 3rd!!!! :runaround:

I bought my tickets earlier today. Is anyone else going on that day?

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Last night was awesome. :runaround: Loved it. :D Considering going to San Fran to see it again in the summer.

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new blog from Krystina

A New Year's Eve of the Ages


Alright Torontonians...so far, this city has been nothing but awesome craziness and I love it! Let's talk about opening first...we could not have asked for a better city with a cooler audience to open the show in! The butterflies that were happening when we met at the bed on stage to do our own new version of "fuck time" was contagious and so exciting. The whole creative team came back there with us and Michael gave us a pep talk just before that was so touching. After lots of hugs and break-a-legs, we taught everyone our new "fuck time" inspired by a very funny warm-up our MD Jared taught us the first week (listen close just before the show starts...you may just be able to hear it). Then it was time. The girls ran off, and the curtain started to rise...and just what we love, screams and hoots and hollers!! It pumped us up and we were crazy energized through the entire show until the last note from that cello! I hope all of you that came out to opening had as much fun as we did up there. And, to get a tad sentimental, I cannot reiterate enough how amazing you Idiot fans are and how much your support means to me, and to all of us. It makes such a difference having you guys out there, because we feed off your energy and rage and love that you have connected to the show, just as we do. So thanks for really being the coolest fans out there. :)

tn-500_rpmai-20-5.jpgSo, curtain comes down and now, it's party time! Us girls run off and primp and get dressed in our cute opening night dresses and head to the party! Everyone looked so amazing at the party and I'll just say it, collectively, I think we are a pretty attractive cast ;) There were so many pictures being taken, lots of loved ones, and so much support and excitement for what this tour is going to bring these next six months! It was a great night. Oh oh, can't forget the best part though. For some reason, Me, Jen, Nicci, and Jillian thought we'd be tough chicks and walk back to the hotel in our short dresses, no tights, and four inch heels, Jen being the main instigator after I realized it was a horrible idea. We get outside, and it is a hot. mess. Scratch that, FRIGID MESS. We scurry quickly to the doors that would have let us walk back pretty much inside the rest of way, and it was LOCKED. Jillian then broke her heel, and at this point none of us have any feeling in our thighs or toes and we cannot stop laughing/wishing we would have taken Talia's offer to get driven back to the hotel. We see some of our boys walking over and finally have an escort which is great. Me and Jillian continue hoofing it through the snow and then see Jen sprinting past us in her boots!! HER BOOTS! She brought her boots as a back up. Thanks for the tip Jen Bowles. We finally made it back to the hotel and let our bodies defrost. I literally have never been that cold in my life or laughed that hard. Anyway, the whole evening was amazing, but it couldn't last too long because we had to do a matinee the next day, but you better believe that the minute Richard Ouzounian posted that review around 1am, we were all hooting and hollering in the lobby of our hotel. In case you missed it, here is the he wrote.

Now, onto New Years. I will say in all of my years celebrating New Years with friends and loved one's, this one was definitely one of the BEST New Years Eve's ever!! We started the day with a soundcheck for this performance we were going to have that night at the big New Years Eve Live celebration in downtown Toronto. After we sound-checked and blocked everything out, we headed back to the theatre for our evening show and once that was over we all got all sparkled up for the evening and headed on the bus! Once we got back to the performance venue, we sat around for a bit, took silly pictures, met the Mayor, and finally went on!! There were SO many people there! Probably the most I've ever performed for, and it was awesome!! The crowd was so excited, and we had a total blast performing for everyone, not to mention that it got broadcast on National Canadian Television! In case you missed it...

The rest of the evening was a whirlwind and such a blast. Our producers threw us a party with great drinks and so much food! We all partied and danced and just enjoyed each others company. I know I say it all the time, but I really do love these people. Every single one. And it really was a perfect night and New Years Eve, with the exception of not having my boyfriend with me :( My friends took care of me though, and I did talk to him at midnight :) Hope you all had a happy and safe New Year and that we all stick to our resolutions!! Cheers to everyone!!

krystina :)

PS: Watch and enjoy this video of our adventures on the Toronto subway!

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Is anyone going to see it in Chicago on 2/18 at 8:00??

I am going to the 2/18 2PM show... and probably also the 2/19 final show, or 2/7 first show.

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Is anyone going to see it in Chicago on 2/18 at 8:00??

Maybe...if plans for the 17th. fall through. I'm also going to the 8:00 show on the 11th.

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Just got back from the evening show on the 4th! Oh my God, it was even more amazeballs than the first night!

A couple bits that stood out the most, though, was Scott ((Tunny)) Totally going in for a kiss on the wires with Nicci. ((The Extraordinary Girl.)) He also went in for an actual boob grab as opposed to an implied one, which was both risqué and cute! :lol:

Also, I enjoyed when Van ((Jonny)) Thanked a member of the audience when they were basically the only person who giggled after his, 'SHINE THE LIGHT ON MY FACE, MOTHERFUCKER' line. :D

Everyone was also much more in sync and comfortable in their roles than the first night, as well, which was lovely to see! :wub: Ahhh. This show has been so great, you guys. It's gonna really fucking suck when it's all over. ((Which, for me, is pretty much right now, as I don't think I'll be attending again, mostly due to lack of funds --- Unless Billie shows up, haha! I can use my tattoo savings for that. :P))

OH AND ONE MORE THING LARKIN LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE BILLIE IT'S FUCKING FREAKY, OH MY GOD. O_O; Seriously, he was doing this one 'arms folded, shaking head no' pose when Will/Tunny/Jonny are going back and forth from the 7/11 group and the bus stop that was just so extremely Billie Joe I was like, 'WHAT EVEN'. :D :D :D

Oh, and one more thing! I totally walked past Van on his way into the theatre when I was looking around to find a place to eat, and I did a quadruple look at him, but since he was using his acting skills to pretend I had only given him a single glance and that he was totally just a random dude, I decided to let him go with just a couple glances and not bother him with a huge 'OHMIGOD VANNIE POO!!!!!1' ordeal, haha. :lol:

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Ohhhh, two shows were not enough... literally - Jaymee and I bought tickets for the 15th after the matinee today. heh.

I'll write a proper recap later seeing as it's late and I'm tired, but just a couple of things -

One of the cast members (Matt) is the spitting image of Alex (as in captainperoxide). We spent most of the show googling at him in awe. They could be twins, it's that close.


Another of the cast members (Larkin) looks so much like Billie Joe it's insane. His casting photo not so much, because he has reddish-brown curly hair, but they've straightened it and dyed it black and made it super fluffy and spiky, as well as given him eyeliner, and oh my god, it's like a younger Billie with current Billie's style.

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^ He really does look like Alex! Freaky :o

Any pics of this Larkin guy (with his new hairstyle)?

I've looked but I've only found one and he hasn't got the eyeliner so it's not the full Billie effect. I'll keep searching.
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^ He really does look like Alex! Freaky :o

Any pics of this Larkin guy (with his new hairstyle)?

He's way down in the bottom left, there:


And here's a GIF of him from CTV's 2012 New Year's bash:


And a random fan photo that I feel kinda creepy for posting but whatever it's Larkin:


And here's one where you can't even see his face but Goddamn it's SO ADORABLE so dealwithit.gif:


And even his arms looks like Billie's, minus the tatts:


And last one, an actual clear shot of his face. He basically stole Billie's nose:


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I opened an AI meet up thread for Chicago. Let's figure things out over there. :)

Where?? LINK ME.

*goes searching for thread*

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Actually, she's a friend of mine. She mostly saw it via lotto but she had free tickets sometimes. I don't think it's too strange/expensive.


Speaking as someone who has seen the play numerous times, I actually agree that it is a bit absurd. If you take yourself out of "Green Day Super Fan" World, it is STRANGE to the average person. It just is. Not one person in my life (besides a handful of Green Day fans, of course) thought it was normal to see the play more than one time and it was a bit embarrassing to admit how many times I've seen it. Many people have their reasons, as you said, but for a lot of people it seemed like it was mostly for attention and to be noticed by the cast members or even some sort of competition. But who knows? Maybe people just simply like seeing the same thing over and over and over... The reasoning really is not important anyway.

Say that Green Day had a gig very week in Oakland but they played a different set each time. You can't say that you wouldn't try & go to each time.


Green Day as a band performing different sets every week can't even be compared to seeing a bunch of mainly unknown theater people perform Green Day songs on Broadway. And the Broadway show was the same every night; Same script, same songs, same order, pretty much same everything. Let's be honest, nothing really changes if there's a swing that you've barely even heard of filling in for one of the characters one night.

But with that said, even for concerts, the average person will see one date per tour for a band.

Anyway, of course there's nothing wrong with seeing a play, concert or what have you more than once if you have the money and time and it makes you happy, but Superfans have to see where the average person (or even just a general Green Day fan) is coming from.

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Has anyone seen the musical on tour and also the Broadway play? What are some big things they changed, if any?

The only major differences, aside from the mostly new cast, are that the set is not as tall, meaning that there's no violins - only a cello player, and that the cast is smaller, so in Know Your Enemy for instance there's a few girls in the hoodies (Jimmy's disciples), not just guys.

Oh, and they also changed how the closing lines are done - it's not just Johnny that does the 'this is my rage, this is my love...' speech - all the lead characters say a line.

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new blog from Jarren(fav son) sounds like hes out for awhile

Is it the end, or the beginning?

Yeah it happened. I tore my calf muscle and I'm now out of the show. Initially the adrenaline gets you through the rest, but you know. You know almost as soon as it happens that your gonna be out. Could be a day...could be a week...could be a month. But you know it's bad.

I wanted to call out immediately mid show, but I realized one swing was already onstage, and the other in the audience, and us being out of the country no one is really using their phone, so contacting him would be tricky. Also the other two guys that covered the track I was about to perform, were already onstage and couldn't be pulled off in time. Then I remembered...I HAD PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE! So I tried climbing the ladder leading to my TV to flip out of, and I couldn't even climb the ladder without screaming in agony. I thought I was going to die.

The stage manager gave me a quick fix to enter through the bathroom right behind the girls, and I was able to hobble through the number. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs (but the part was coming up anyway, so I waited).

The swing finally swung in after that number, but I wanted to finish the show, because the worst part was over. I finished, and was able to take my bow, but I knew I wouldn't be bowing for a while.

Why? Why me? Why now? The start of 2012? There is a truth to be revealed

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Oh no! poor Jarren!

in brighter news, Jaymee and I have front row centre seats for the last Toronto show :D

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