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"American Idiot" Musical Tour

plaid ducky

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Don't know wether it's already been asked or answered, and really don't have the time to read the whole thread:

Is a little tour through Europe scheduled/planned?

I really hope, they'll come to Germany at least once!

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Don't know wether it's already been asked or answered, and really don't have the time to read the whole thread:

Is a little tour through Europe scheduled/planned?

I really hope, they'll come to Germany at least once!

No, nothing official has been announced. Only speculation and hopes that they'll tour more than North America.

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Dear Canada,

Why do you get to have AI during American winter break?



Canada is pretty lucky to get anything Green Day related most of the time :P

Love, Canada

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  • 5 weeks later...

My parents and I are going to see the show when it comes to Arizona :yay: I think we got some pretty decent seats. We're in the row right behind the orchestra. Unfortunately we can't afford to do anything else for entertainment purposes for maybe a year or two lol :P I also have to keep my grades up in school or the tickets are getting sold. So much pressure...

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Whenever they go on sale now, I'll be ready and it would be a good time because we're going to book our vacation during the next weeks.

But I fear that the tickets will be way to expensive for us.. =/ That would be damn sick..

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^ Yeah... Didn't I post that like about seven posts above yours? :P

BTW, if you're an Idiot Club member, they have seats for Raleigh as well. Some are better than what you will get for pre-sale, judging by the seating chart.

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Whenever they go on sale now, I'll be ready and it would be a good time because we're going to book our vacation during the next weeks.

But I fear that the tickets will be way to expensive for us.. =/ That would be damn sick..

I hope you can make it!!

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I hope you can make it!!

Thank you, I hope so too =/

And I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, so that you can save enough money! You have to be there too!

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American Idiot The MusicalWe're ridiculously excited that we can officially announce our CHICAGO engagement, February 7 - 19 at the Oriental Theatre... Windy City here we come!

:( But the ticket site is showing them on sale yet. Come on Chicago, get your act together!

Thanks for confirmation, btw!

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I'm still debating going to the San Francisco shows. I hope tickets are still available by the time I know whether I'll be able to go to San Fran in June.

I really don't want to miss the musical, but the shows and subsequently the new videos having stopped, I'm not as desperate anymore.

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