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"American Idiot" Musical Tour

plaid ducky

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The AMERICAN IDIOT - Los Angeles pre-sale link is now active for our Kickstarter backers! Can't wait to see you all at the show.

Tickets will become available to the general public on Tuesday, April 28th at http://plays411.com/idiot

BECOME A BACKER // http://bit.ly/idiotLA

BWW Blog: Briana Cuoco of L.A.'s AMERICAN IDIOT - Let the Chaos Begin!


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Just bought tickets to a community production of American idiot. It's like a bit expensive $30 with a 60% off code (Greenday60) but I know I'll have a good time and it's like a 10 minute bus ride so yay! http://lowerossingtontheatre.com

In toronto btw!

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Green Day's American Idiot at CTC


Boulevard of Broken Dreams

So how do you shoot hip-hop choreography? By drinking two litres of water the moment you get home, as it happens.

Shots from the London School of Musical Theatre’s phenomenal and utterly anarchic take on Green Day’s American Idiot at the Bridewell Theatre.

Note that if you’re intending to see it there’s only tonight and tomorrow night left of the run.


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Briana Cuoco pens another spectacular AMERICAN IDIOT - Los Angeles blog for BroadwayWorld.com. Take a look inside the rehearsal process and behind the scenes of our IDIOT takeover at The Viper Room!

BWW Blog: Briana Cuoco of L.A.'s AMERICAN IDIOT - Forget Me Nots and Second Thoughts


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American idiot the musical de Green Day (TFE)

It's a dramatic art School Project .
Theater parts are not presents .

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I think this ^ deserves its own topic. But for some damn reason GDC is broken for me today and I can't copy and paste anything. Or seemingly quote for that matter.

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Girlfriend bought me tickets for a show in London in August. So so excited :))))

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Are any Clevelanders going to see American Idiot at The Beck Center in Lakewood?

Backstory - I was an ASM on Beauty and the Beast for two years at Beck (8 years ago?) and the minute the guy who played the Beast walked in the rehearsal room, I pretty much died. I am shameless in my fan-girling of him. His name is Dan Folino. He is aware that I am obsessed because when my love for Green Day collided with my love for Dan Folino (purely platonic/talent related, for the record), I basically lost my mind. He is playing Johnny in AI. The poor man gets random Facebook chat messages from me asking things like "Will St. Jimmy be more like Billie Joe or more like Tony Vincent because I really hope he is more like Billie Joe because I really like his version better and I love Tony Vincent because he was in RENT and he has a pretty voice but he is just way too dramatic for me and so that is why I like Billie Joe's version better and of course I like Billie Joe's version better because Billie Joe and do you know which route St. Jimmy will be taking?" to which I get the following answer…."the show hasn't even been cast yet except for me". I am a little pushy, maybe. I get these anxiety attacks in which I need to know things about the fate of American Idiot at the Beck Center and given that the show is now cast, but rehearsals haven't begun, there are no answers for me. Here are some of my frantically sent FB messages to Dan Folino: "Is there a token chubby guy and chubby girl in the cast?" "Did you watch Broadway Idiot because you should if you haven't" "Do you even like Green Day? You don't, do you? Maybe you do. Do you?" "Are you going to get nekkid what Whatshername because I don't want to see that" "Even though you have more songs as Johnny I really want you to be St. Jimmy because Johnny is a pansy"

It's hard being me.

Anyway, Dan Folino + Green Day means I bought tickets to most Friday and Saturday performances, allowing room for more purchases as necessary. Will I see anyone there?

Edited by DarcyJ76
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I saw American Idiot at The Clemens Center in February of 2014. I got autographs from Alex, Olivia, Mariah, and Taylor. Probably one of the best nights of my life.

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still waiting for it over here....


I'm going in 23 days. I'm not excited, or rubbing it in. :dance:

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I'm going in 23 days. I'm not excited, or rubbing it in. :dance:


why would you even do that?

heart. breaking.

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