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"American Idiot" Musical Tour

plaid ducky

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AMERICAN IDIOT Opens 2/12 at Shadowbox Live

Shadowbox Live presents American Idiot, opening on Thursday, February 12 at 7:30 PM, and running Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 PM and Sundays at 2:00 & 7:00 PM through April 26, 2015. Tickets are $25, $20 for students, seniors, and military. For more information and reservations, call the Shadowbox Live Box Office at 614-416-7625 or go online at www.shadowboxlive.org.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Sudbury's Yes Theatre to stage 'American Idiot'

YES Theatre has announced another production for its sixth season, which will bring the electric-rock musical "American Idiot" to Sudbury's historic Grand Nightclub in June.

The show will run June 5-20.


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Theater review | ‘American Idiot’: Shadowbox brings out best in Green Day musical


So excited that new productions of AMERICAN IDIOT are beginning to pop up all over!

See a new production and then see how it all begin at www.broadwayidiot.com




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Cleveland theatrer auditions for Feb. 27 and beyond: Green Day's "American Idiot" at Beck Center for the Arts

Beck Center for the Arts. 17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood. Seeking 17 to 20 actor/singer/dancers ages 18-30 for Green Day's "American Idiot." The role of Johnny will be played by Dan Folino. 6:30 p.m. Sunday and Monday, March 1 and 2 by appointment. Call 216-521-2540, ext. 10. Come prepared with one or two musical selections from either the rock and/or musical theatre canon totaling no more than two minutes. Director: Scott Spence; with musical director Larry Goodpaster, and choreographer Martin Cespedes. Performances: July 10-Aug. 16. For details on the show and basic role breakdown, go to http://www.mtishows.com/show_detail.asp?showid=000436 .


University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music to Present AMERICAN IDIOT, 3/3-13


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  • 2 weeks later...

Frankie Ramirez as the Favorite Son in the Collegiate Premiere of Green Day's American Idiot the Musical at Shenandoah Conservatory. Fall 2014.

The cast of American Idiot, a rock musical based on the music of Green Day, arrived in Denver late Thursday after being diverted by weather to Colorado Springs. That didn't stop the show's stars, Jared Nepute, Dan Tracy and Casey O'Farrell, from visiting the Colfax Guitar Shop on Friday morning to browse, check out East Colfax (the shop is just across the street from the Bluebird Theatre) and chat with CBS-4's Lauren

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Warner Theater seeks actors, sets audition dates for “American Idiot”

TORRINGTON >> Actors are invited to audition for the Warner Stage Company’s production of Green Day’s “American Idiot” to be performed in June in the Nancy Marine Studio theatre. Auditions will be held March 23-24 at 7 p.m. by appointment. Callbacks are March 26 at 7 p.m.


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American Idiot The Musical - comes home in 2015 - the rights have been released for regional and community use - this means Colleges and Regional theatre company's can now buy the rights and produce local versions of Green Day s musical from 2011 - I don't know if this is good or bad news - but you are sure to see many productions of this show 2015 - 16 around the Bay Area - Contra Costa Civic Theatre

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4 days ago

Can't wait to officially announce our AMERICAN IDIOT cast. But until then... #americanidiotla #greenday #favoriteson #americanidiot #dayone



A sneak glimpse inside our #americanidiotLA warehouse. Next stop: Jingletown #greenday #americanidiot

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I just bought tickets for the show in Connecticut for this June. I'm so excited! They were very cheap.

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To our loyal Idiots!

We are thrilled to launch the AMERICAN IDIOT Kickstarter campaign for our DTLA immersive, warehouse production.

For those interested in getting involved, we’re offering some exciting rewards as a THANK YOU, including a special pre-sale ticketing link to be made available two weeks prior to the general public on April 14th.

IDIOT is a show, and album, about community and we are reaching out to ours to help underwrite our lighting costs and needs to transform our warehouse space into our own personal Jingletown!

BECOME A BACKER: http://bit.ly/idiotLA

Rage and love,

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Thank you to all of our fans who've contributed to our Kickstarter campaign! In just a week you've helped us raise over 30% of our goal. Tomorrow, for our backers, a pre-sale link will become available for ‪#‎americanidiotLA‬!

If you're interested in being among the first to purchase tickets, and want to help us meet our goal for lighting costs, head over to http://bit.ly/idiotLA and become a backer!

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