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The Trilogy Albums


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I trust Green Day to know what they're doing. I don't think they would be doing this if they didn't have the material to support it. A project this ambitious doesn't come from Green Day simply for the publicity or what have you. They've always been about good music first and foremost.

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System of a Down released a double album back in 2005. First 'Mezmerize' with 11 songs, then 'Hypnotize' a few months later, with 12 songs. They are both very strong records and I can't choose a favourite between them. My point being, double albums don't always mean 'lots of mediocre songs', have a little faith in Green Day people! :D I anticipate lots of great music to come.

I forgot all about this! I think you're right, with that point. These albums likely are filled with good songs, as the band feels confident enough to put out 3 albums. Besides, a band can't aim to please everybody. We love Green Day because they've always put out the music that they wanted to. If they put all their effort into it, like all their other albums, then I don't see why we wouldn't like it. :)

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Im just afraid that each album will not get the proper attention that it will deserve them they are all being released so close to each other.

ya..for the non-(hardcore)green day fans this could be annoying :D ... this will be for the real GD-fans, not for the bright mass

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has anyone ever done a trilogy album like this? if no one has, Green Day will probably be getting a lot of press just for how incredibly difficult and amazing that is

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I forgot all about this! I think you're right, with that point. These albums likely are filled with good songs, as the band feels confident enough to put out 3 albums. Besides, a band can't aim to please everybody. We love Green Day because they've always put out the music that they wanted to. If they put all their effort into it, like all their other albums, then I don't see why we wouldn't like it. :)

"Hardest working band in rock... Everrr" :thumbsup:

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Me: Hey mom, Green Day are releasing THREE new albums!

My mom: But...why would they do that?

Me: They're Green Day. They can do whatever the hell they want.

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I saw this earlier and started dancing.

Excited gifs to come tomorrow.

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Fuck....if they are gonna have 3+ hour live shows I'm gonna have to get in shape. With just 2-2 1/2 hour shows I felt like I ran back to back marathons. But being a 'typical' obese American aside,

I think it's pretty awesome. I just hope it's just Green Day and no Network or FBHT(a studio version of It's Fuck Time would kick ass).

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I don't get how some of you can only focus on the negatives of this. They've announced to us they're releasing not one, not two, but THREE albums. That's amazing all on it's own. Sure, they might not all be full length albums, but any new stuff is good stuff, am I correct? :P I don't think they'd be taking this gigantic leap of faith if they weren't 100% confident in what they were doing. Yes it's different, but it's Green Day, we can never really expect anything with them. I just think it's stupid to speculate what "could go wrong" when we know so little information.

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Exactly. I'm so sick of people asking me why they're doing it. Shut the fuck up. Don't question the sun, or it just might burn out.

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I'm just going to enjoy the fact that we're going to get a ton of new material, and there's got to be a lot of amazing songs in there.

When the albums are out, we'll have topic to discuss if they should've taken the best songs and put them on one record or not. Until then, I'm just going to be excited. :D

.. Except for the album names. Still not a fan of those. :lol:

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I'm an admin of the Venezuelan (South American) Green Day fan site, and when I got home like half an hour ago and logged on facebook first and saw an update from the site claming that there would be three new albums, instead of just one, I thought: "oh dear, whatever admin posted this is on some serious drugs, what was he thinking? this'll be a mess!" lol. Then I went to the website and found the link to the press release and I'm still puking rainbows.

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Something tells me that 10-12 songs could be on each of the albums. Like, if they were only gonna do 5-7 or something on each record, why bother making it into a trilogy? A double-album would have sufficed.

LAWL, I just tried to predict what Green Day are gonna do :lol:

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wait so they are shooting out three whole new albums, and all of them are called uno dos tre!

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such a big present for us fans...if we take ~3 years for a new album..these next three albums would be all released by 2018..

but still this is a tough decision of GD, even from a popular band like them..if they would focus on album sells, this is a bad decision i think..one album would make more profit (but still nothing to complain about 3 new albums :D )

cant wait to listen to all these new songs, play them on guitar/drums ^^

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The only way I'm looking at this is that, in the next year I will hear over 30 new green day songs (probably closer to 40). That can only be a good thing. I don't see how this can be a bad thing at all

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I had to giggle at the third one "Tre". Are we getting an entire record with lyrics by Tre. My god I don't know if that would be great... or frightening lol ;)

Or perhaps they will be given to us out of order as Tre, in Spanish, means between lol :) Ohhhh the possibilities, and the massive greatness of not one, not two, but three albums!

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wait so they are shooting out three whole new albums, and all of them are called uno dos tre!

No, the first of the three albums is called "Uno", second "Dos" and third "Tre" :)

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Found out about this over an hour ago, been reading news sites, GDC gd.com gda.com etc… Still don't know if I should believe this, still don't know how to react to this.

Super scared in their place, seems like a huge risk.

Also, I'm scared to say it but, this seems like a kind of endgame move. Like BOOM we're done, that's it. :S

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such a big present for us fans...if we take ~3 years for a new album..these next three albums would be all released by 2018..

but still this is a tough decision of GD, even from a popular band like them..if they would focus on album sells, this is a bad decision i think..one album would make more profit (but still nothing to complain about 3 new albums :D )

cant wait to listen to all these new songs, play them on guitar/drums ^^

this just shows that it's not about commerce, they simply love what they're doing!

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I actually really like the album names. I think they are great, in a really cheesy way :lol:

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Also, I'm scared to say it but, this seems like a kind of endgame move. Like BOOM we're done, that's it. :S

Not gonna happen.

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So the third one is Tre solo songs I hope. :D

I'm going to be so overwhelmed if these albums have any more than 10 songs each.

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