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The Trilogy Albums


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I actually thought about that too - if they did that, it would be reminiscent of the 21stCB material - that was split up into three acts with six songs in each act, wasn't it? But this time it's three albums. I dunno, I think they might actually be full albums. Maybe not 18 tracks, but possibly 10 or 12, like a normal album. But just three of them. Within six months.

I guess, it's just that I was thinking about what they would do for their live shows, like which songs are they going to pick to play live? And if they want to play several songs off of each album, then the shows are gonna be REAAAAAALLY LONG lol :P

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:huh: Those are the official date realeases? Where do this came out?

Jep, see official press release on greenday.com, idiotclub etc ...

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If they did a story like American Idiot and had 3 parts to it, that'd be amazing. It'd be like the Harry Potter part 1 and 2 movies, you've seen the part 1 but now you're so anxious and can't wait to finish the story with part 2.

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The (supposed) date for the first album is my birthday! Guess I know what I'll be doing for my 16th.

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I'm very doubtful about this right now. It just sounds really weird and i dunno....I'm just not gonna get excited or anything until it actually happens or we hear more from them, but right now it just sounds weird.

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Someone should change the thread title. Two of the dates are wrong! It's September 25, November 13 & January 15.

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Green Day releasing 3 new albums = Chocolate covered orgasms with rainbows and sprinkles.

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I'm very doubtful about this right now. It just sounds really weird and i dunno....I'm just not gonna get excited or anything until it actually happens or we hear more from them, but right now it just sounds weird.

it's been confirmed, it's happening :) go to greenday.com

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andres is speaking out of my heart..wanted to post same questions :D

didnt thought that GD is able to do sth like this..it just beats everything before

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I'm so tired of story and concept albums, so I really hope they're not doing that again.

I'm glad they announced the release date. It was eating me up inside not being able to tell anyone.

You suck.

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it's been confirmed, it's happening :) go to greenday.com

I know that, but I guess because I'm thinking anything can happen between now and then i'm just being skeptical so I don't get my hopes up or anything.

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By the way, can someone upload that video Billie posted onto Youtube? I can't see it with my iPod.

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I'm glad they announced the release date. It was eating me up inside not being able to tell anyone.

Did you know it was going to be three too? I feel so bad for you, I could never hold that in.

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I guess, it's just that I was thinking about what they would do for their live shows, like which songs are they going to pick to play live? And if they want to play several songs off of each album, then the shows are gonna be REAAAAAALLY LONG lol :P

Yeah, there is that! But maybe they have something up their sleeve for that, I have no idea - they don't appear to mind doing super long concerts in any case :D

Perhaps they'll do a few medleys for each album...

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I'm glad they announced the release date. It was eating me up inside not being able to tell anyone.


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I'm glad they announced the release date. It was eating me up inside not being able to tell anyone.

>_> cheeky bastard.

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This raises so many questions. I think it's awesome, because we know they've always had tons of material when making new albums. But this usually means they condense it to the best they think they have. Does this mean they're putting it all out there, or are they just consdencing less. Will the trilogy be tied together thematically, will there be a story arch, or are they just three standalone albums only tied together by the fact they're being releases so close together.

I feel like the songs we've heard so far make it feel the latter point. They aren't really tied together, they seem like they're more individualistic songs compared to stuff from AI and 21CB. What if it's one album per member? Like, each one wrote the majority of the music?

I don't know. There's so many possibilities here.

I like the "one album per member", I thought about it too. As everything that they've been doing lately, this is completely unusual. I think they just want to be creative and original, and even more ambitious than the last 2 records. No one can make conclusions until we know more about it or at least when the 1st album come out, for sure they'll explain it later.

They're doing this for a reason, we all know that each member of Green Day loves music and is music, they just have more to share :happy:

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If they did a story like American Idiot and had 3 parts to it, that'd be amazing. It'd be like the Harry Potter part 1 and 2 movies, you've seen the part 1 but now you're so anxious and can't wait to finish the story with part 2.

My two favourite things in life, Harry Potter and Green Day! Nice comparison! :)

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I'm so tired of story and concept albums, so I really hope they're not doing that again.

I agree. The idea of a trilogy worries me though. I hope they don't see making something "epic" as needing to be a concept album again.

Honestly, I guess I wouldn't care if it was a concept album. If the music kicked ass, I'd be fine with it. But there were points in 21CB where I felt the music wasn't as strong, maybe too much attention to the storyline and not about the music itself.

Did you know it was going to be three too? I feel so bad for you, I could never hold that in.

No I didn't. Just as surprised as everyone else about that.

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Jep, see official press release on greenday.com, idiotclub etc ...

I am so excited I can't even read correctly :shy:

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