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The Trilogy Albums


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plus aren't the releasing a documentary too?

so i guess it would be 4 disks altogether...

sill freaking out!!!!

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Oh, hi everyone. I just woke up from a nap. Anything exciting going on?

Not really...

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Oh, hi everyone. I just woke up from a nap. Anything exciting going on?

nope. Just some dumbass's idea of a late April fools joke.

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Oh, hi everyone. I just woke up from a nap. Anything exciting going on?

Welcome to the mad house Andres! :D

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too much. i am crying. these emotions cannot be contained.


omg they're going to have like 17 billion singles on the radio at the same time.

and we're going to keep hearing more from them

and then. the tour.

and the american idiot movie

and oh my god i just.... can't even holy crap.

Breath Rymn! :P

Oh, hi everyone. I just woke up from a nap. Anything exciting going on?


You've got to record a fangirl squeal and then post it here like Matt did.

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Oh, hi everyone. I just woke up from a nap. Anything exciting going on?

Funny you should say that, I had actually just woken up from a two hour nap before seeing the official tweet from @GreenDay. Then I find Billie's tweet and realise I must have fallen asleep just before he tweeted. :dry:

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So freaking happy... I genuinely had tears running down my face when Billie tweeted that!

However, I kind of imagine that the three albums aren't gonna be full-length albums, cause that's a hell of a lot of material, but rather three sort of mini-albums (like LPs for example) with maybe 5-6 songs on each one rather than a full set of like 12 songs...

I don't know, just a theory?

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plus aren't the releasing a documentary too?

so i guess it would be 4 disks altogether...

sill freaking out!!!!

Maybe each record has its recording process... :whistle

That'd be too fucking much :mellow:

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i think i died a little when i found out. and went to Green Day heaven of course :dance:

my reaction exactly:


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So freaking happy... I genuinely had tears running down my face when Billie tweeted that!

However, I kind of imagine that the three albums aren't gonna be full-length albums, cause that's a hell of a lot of material, but rather three sort of mini-albums (like LPs for example) with maybe 5-6 songs on each one rather than a full set of like 12 songs...

I don't know, just a theory?

I actually thought about that too - if they did that, it would be reminiscent of the 21stCB material - that was split up into three acts with six songs in each act, wasn't it? But this time it's three albums. I dunno, I think they might actually be full albums. Maybe not 18 tracks, but possibly 10 or 12, like a normal album. But just three of them. Within six months.

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So, this is exciting. But also scary.

Here's the thing: in theory, I'd always rather have more Green Day. Their relative lack of B-Sides has always bugged me, especially in light of them always having 30 or 40 songs to pick from for the albums. That we mostly only get live cuts is beyond infuriating, so this is good from that perspective.

The bad is that these are not all going to be great albums. They're just not. You know why no one talks about The Beatles' White Album? Because half of it is completely forgettable. I've enjoyed everything Green Day has put out, but they're not immune to it: 21st Century Breakdown is at least 4 songs too long, and both the side-projects were only sporadically great. Three Green Day albums at once (probably) doesn't mean they've been three times as productive, just three times less selective about it.

This is, of course, assuming these records are released in the form we assume. They may essentially be long EPs of 6 or 7 songs each. Or perhaps only one is a true Green Day record, and the other two are more akin to a Foxboro/Network thing, despite sharing the group name. No one knows for sure.

I do want everything to get released in some form. All these songs, and anything else they've recorded/demoed but never released. Put it all out, and do it yesterday. But, do it as B-sides. Do it as an online only album. Make some of them free. Put them on compilations. Do something, but don't put them on all the 'proper' albums. To me, the joy of a great album is that it's a really focused piece of work, whittled down to the absolute best songs the group had.

American Idiot has that quality, as do some others, and my feelings towards those records are warmer precisely because of their brevity. Green Day are incapable of writing anything less than good songs (Christian's Inferno aside), but there's something to be said for being picky and thinking about your broader legacy. No one wants them to be that band, who got so big nobody would say no or rein in their indulgences. No one wants Green Day to be U2.

Make the albums perfect. There's plenty of room for the rest elsewhere.

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OMG!!!! :runaround:! what !! :wub:

There is a brand in japan called Uno...

if you dont like some songs, nevermind, there will be lots other songs for you... lol

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Seeing this thread title change made me oh so happy, but it would be even more exciting if the dates were correct :P

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This raises so many questions. I think it's awesome, because we know they've always had tons of material when making new albums. But this usually means they condense it to the best they think they have. Does this mean they're putting it all out there, or are they just consdencing less. Will the trilogy be tied together thematically, will there be a story arch, or are they just three standalone albums only tied together by the fact they're being releases so close together.

I feel like the songs we've heard so far make it feel the latter point. They aren't really tied together, they seem like they're more individualistic songs compared to stuff from AI and 21CB. What if it's one album per member? Like, each one wrote the majority of the music?

I don't know. There's so many possibilities here.

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I don't worry about the album being "good" because everyone has opinions on what they think make a "good" record. I just want the guys to be putting out their best effort in music, like they always do. If they weren't doing their best and just jerking off with it, they'd let us know. I am pretty fucking excited. ^_^

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See, I think if they were just fucking around with it, they would have released it under the Hot Tubs. The fact that they're going to release it under Green Day suggests to me that they feel confident enough with the material to do that.

I kinda like the idea of one album per member. :P

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