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The Trilogy Albums


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- THIS is exactly what Green Day makes such an awesome band with its own way of making music

- hope we will be able to hear new songs at the concerts in germany this august

- i really like how they use "tré" instead of "tres" for the third album name xD

- this will be a new era of Green Day..new way of releasing an album (trilogy), new way of touring!

i just have so many thoughts about this now, cant sort them out :D ...time will explain us more and wont leave us confused ;d

its like ..just...OMFG,WOW..

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Oh my god! I just saw the news! It's so exciting! :dance: Uno, Dos and Tré... The number 3 in spanish is tres...but it's a good idea to transform it in Tré. I can't think about something else at the moment...

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To everyone talking about the album titles. They won't be the titles. He's just saying when the first second and third album will be out. I hope so anyway.

This is all so overwhelming!

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Still can't believe this. Were going to get so much new material, and I know there gonna put out fucking jams.

They should probably change the album titles though..

It's still April, maybe they might have second thoughts about the title. Like when March of the Dogs was changed to East Jesus Nowhere.

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OH GOD! i cant even, rgabrghbrghs GAH!

COME TO ENGLAND! i want to spend money i dont have on tickets

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In a parallel universe green day are currently doing something we expected.

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Now this line makes more sense than ever, "I'm SO FUCKING HAPPY I could cry!" :bunny:

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To everyone talking about the album titles. They won't be the titles. He's just saying when the first second and third album will be out. I hope so anyway.

This is all so overwhelming!

I hope so too, but I doubt it. The press release is the first step of promoting the new album. The explicitly use these names as the names for the albums.

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WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE TITLES. We're getting three albums, that's all that matters. :lol:

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Between this, The Dark Knight Rises, The Amazing Spider-Man, the comic books I collect, and all that, I'm gonna be one broke mother fucker this year. No doubt about it.

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And this morning I was like ''What is going on in Green Day Land? ...Nothing.. hmm... maybe it is just the silence before they drop the bomb...''

and yay THERE we have our bomb.

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Why's everyone hating on the album titles? I think they're great!

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this will just redefine the meaning of "music"...i mean:

imagine...the actual announced tour dates will probably to test some new songs and promote the trilogy..i bet we will get a big big world tour with epic and long songlists in 2013..we've just heard ~10 new songs at the secret shows...a trilogy could bring us more than 40 and 2012/2013 will be two years ruled by Green Day:

All Awards will go to the 3 new albums...Radio will be full of GD songs.."here is the new single of GD..*song*...and here is another new single of GD..*song..* and another...." :D

and the chart rankings:

Album Top 3: 1st-Uno..2nd-Dos..3rd-Tre

and top 10 singles-->only green day songs

other musicians of the world..better prepare for this new punk rock wave and go hide!!

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Mom: *walks in room* Are you okay?

Me: Do I look o-fucking-kay?!

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I was saving up for like one concert thinking they'd take their time... Now concerts AND three albums??! No one will be stuck for presents for me this year... Money and Green Day singles all the way :happy:

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I wonder if the !Tré! album is going to be full of songs like Dominated Love Slave, All By Myself, DUI, ...

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They will surely be asked about this at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame award show. So more info may not be far away :D

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I wonder if the !Tré! album is going to be full of songs like Dominated Love Slave, All By Myself, DUI, ...

That would be amazing. :lol: We need more Tre songs.

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OH MY GOD! Wasn't expecting this today! 2 albums this year... 3 alltogether!!!!!!!!!!! :bunny::dance:

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WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE TITLES. We're getting three albums, that's all that matters. :lol:

The titles are important, they're the best titles ever! :lol:

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