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The Trilogy Albums


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I don't really care what kind of album it is, I just want new Green Day songs ^___________________^ I have a feeling they're going to repeat their history where they went really big and slowly are dying down on trying to "outdo themselves".

think about it....:

Dookie shot off in popularity and put them on the map. Insomniac came along, but never made it as big amongst the majority (somehow :pinch: it's my favorite personally :wub:). Nimrod-Shenanigans nearly went unnoticed by everyone else. Along came American Idiot and they were back in the map and more popular than ever! 21st Century Breakdown was still a really major success (and brought me into the fan base :happy:), but still didn't get as much attention as American Idiot.

given that, if history really does begin to repeat itself in GreenDayland, then the next 2-3 albums are going to not be as popular in the majority of the world, but will still be just as awesome as any other album :)

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I agree, if they made another album like Dookie I would be dissapointed. And yes, the band has gained MANY new fans over the years but I think they're done trying to prove things to people and are just going to make a straight up rock album.

When has Green Day ever done the same thing twice? Besides 21st Century Breakdown, and even then they were pushing the boundries.

Nobody expects Green Day to follow up a 3 act 18 track epic with a straight up 13 track stripped down rock and roll record . . Which is why I think that's exactly what they'll do :)

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13 track stripped down rock and roll record

And I would welcome that. All I was disagreeing with you on was that I don't think they could strip down their live show to the bare minimum because people have come to expect so much of seeing "the Greatest show on earth" as several magazines claimed last time around....

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Are you serious?

I bet Green Day could put on the most mind blowing epic concert you've ever experienced . . without makeup, outfits or pyrotechnics! There's nothing wrong with it, it just bothers me to hear people actually say that it takes away from the music and\or entertainment value of the show. I know lots of bands who dress in plain clothes and rock everyone's asses into oblivion . . and Nickleback isn't one of them! :)

They put on a much more theatrical show these days. The clothes and pyro aren't essential, but they fit with that and are two of the many small details that make the show even better. It improves the show because it makes it more spectacular and entertaining along with all the rest of the great stuff they've always done. So yeah, they could do it with plain clothes, but why would someone want them to? Their snazzy outfits aren't making the show worse because they don't affect the rest of what the band does on stage, depending on your POV they either make it better or make no difference. So why people start complaining and giving them fashion tips I don't know.

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That's exactly what I wanted to say. I mean the songs weren't bad, but they weren't my favourite Green Day stuff either.

Yeah. The songs weren't bad. If the songs played at the surprise gigs end up on the album, I might appreciate them more by the time the album is released.

Also I hope that Green Day adds a little Foxboro Hot Tubs vibe to the songs. It'd be nice if the songs had a Foxboro Hot Tubs feel to it. Didn't they say once that the new album would be "Green Day with a little Foxboro Hot Tubs" or something?

It seems as if they're going in a more straight forward rock and roll style direction with the songs. Anyone else think so?

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Yeah, I'd really like to see some FBHT style rockers on the new album. With Rob producing I have no doubt in my mind that this album will be as great as possible.

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The Gibson article says

"The band have previously said that their forthcoming ninth studio album will move away from the concepts of their last two records,American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown,and be more straightforward."

But question: has the band EVER said that they're departing from the concept thing, or that's just a very educated assumption on all of our parts? I swear they haven't talked about it, if anything I do recall Billie saying the concept thing is something he finds he enjoys and is comfortable with.

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The Gibson article says

"The band have previously said that their forthcoming ninth studio album will move away from the concepts of their last two records,American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown,and be more straightforward."

But question: has the band EVER said that they're departing from the concept thing, or that's just a very educated assumption on all of our parts? I swear they haven't talked about it, if anything I do recall Billie saying the concept thing is something he finds he enjoys and is comfortable with.

I agree.

Neither can I remember them saying they would be departing from the concept thing.

But they did say, when they were in the early stages of writing new songs, that they started out from the very basics plugging in their old equipment just to see how that would go.

I think they wanted to go start off from ground zero and let the songs develop naturally from there. That way it was also a surprise for themselves how it all would end up.

But it might still be a more straightforward album, if that's the natural process of the band moving on from 21cb

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"The band have previously said that their forthcoming ninth studio album will move away from the concepts of their last two records,American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown,and be more straightforward."


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Based on the partial setlist we saw in the video (which is the only lead we have as to what songs will be on the album), I'd say it looks like they're just going to do a straightforward album, with no connecting thread, theme or story like the last two.

Thank God. I mean, I love AI, and I like 21CB, but I couldn't handle another concept album.

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Based on the partial setlist we saw in the video (which is the only lead we have as to what songs will be on the album), I'd say it looks like they're just going to do a straightforward album, with no connecting thread, theme or story like the last two. Thank God. I mean, I love AI, and I like 21CB, but I couldn't handle another concept album.

I think for me, it got annoying hearing them explain the concept 100 times in interviews. Not that interviews for this album won't be repetitive also, but at least the questions won't revolve around what the album is *about*...

It'll probably be "So what made you NOT want to do a concept album this time?" :dry:

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Ohmygod! This is so cool! I almost cried when I saw that videoo! :D :D

Billie did have that guitar in the video that he used in the secret shows.

That sounded really good. But yeah. Butch Vig would be the better producer

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This record Is gonna be great. Rob's involved, it can't turn out terrible :)

And just take a look at the setlist we've seen in the video. Nuclear Family, Stay The Night, Let Yourself Go.... All the good stuff!

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Just looking at the video, I wonder how Billies use of Gretsch guitars will affect the sound af the new album, as he has used Gibsons for the last 2

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The Gibson article says

"The band have previously said that their forthcoming ninth studio album will move away from the concepts of their last two records,American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown,and be more straightforward."

But question: has the band EVER said that they're departing from the concept thing, or that's just a very educated assumption on all of our parts? I swear they haven't talked about it, if anything I do recall Billie saying the concept thing is something he finds he enjoys and is comfortable with.

I think that whole thing came from when they said they were just in the early on stages of writing a new album, doing the basic stuff at the beginning. One crappy article twisted that into them supposedly saying they were going "back to basics" and going back to their roots. And from then onwards the idea that the band said they're making an old school sounding album not a concept album has gone around. They've never said any such thing.

But that doesn't really matter now that we've heard the kind of songs they've been doing for ourselves. I think they're pretty Foxie influenced already! FBHT is 60s rock and roll with some raunchy lyrics, and the secret show songs sound rock and roll and raunchy to me. Just a bit less 60s.

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i'm sooo not ready for all this to start again :lol:

but I'm stoked Rob is back. and that it wont be another concept album or whatever.

does this mean more secrect shows before the album drops? cuz now they now what songs will actually be on it.

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I think that whole thing came from when they said they were just in the early on stages of writing a new album, doing the basic stuff at the beginning. One crappy article twisted that into them supposedly saying they were going "back to basics" and going back to their roots. And from then onwards the idea that the band said they're making an old school sounding album not a concept album has gone around. They've never said any such thing.

But that doesn't really matter now that we've heard the kind of songs they've been doing for ourselves. I think they're pretty Foxie influenced already! FBHT is 60s rock and roll with some raunchy lyrics, and the secret show songs sound rock and roll and raunchy to me. Just a bit less 60s.

I definitely agree, and it's pretty clear to me that this probably won't be similar to 21CB. But at the same time I really believe that if we had heard random songs from 21CB at secret shows, no one would inherently realize that they were part of a concept. Because we don't know the lyrics really (and let's face it, the only thing that really made the last album a concept was the repetition of a few names in a few songs, and the theme). Same goes for AI. It seems overwhelmingly obvious now, but in a randomized selection that doesn't include the 9-minute songs, you'd never realize it before the album came out.

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I'm stoked!

Hopefully it won't take too long for them to record this album!

And I'm almost sure it won't be another rock opera! The short 20sec clip made my day!

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To mostly everyone throwing a bitch fit up there ^ I just want a good album with the ass kicking songs Green Day always presents. From the early days to the new stuff I feel that they have ALWAYS delivered. I think if you were a true fan of the music, you wouldn't worry about if it was a rock opera, or just a regular album. Or what they wore on stage, their hair, or any of the outter physical appearance.

I know I'm fucking READY for the new album. Concept album or not.

I am a "real" fan of Green Day. I said before I didn't care of what they wore on stage. What mattered is that they played good music. The stage appearance would be icing on the cake, but I'm not really all up in arms about it, rather I am about the types of songs that will be played. They're outer physical appearance matters very little to me because in my opinion, it has no bearing on the quality of the music. Also, the last two albums were great (I loved American Idiot because that's how I came to know Green Day in the first place) but this time around I'm kinda hoping they go back to their roots a little. I hoping the next album is reminiscent of their earlier sound (Like from Kerplunk, Dookie, or even Nimrod).

Also I wonder if this album could possibly bring back the older fans (especially the ones who said they "Sold Out") who turned their backs on Green Day after American Idiot.

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Also I wonder if this album could possibly bring back the older fans (especially the ones who said they "Sold Out") who turned their backs on Green Day after American Idiot.

Yeah, this is what I've been thinking about too. I mean, listen to "Let Yourself Go" for example, it sounds a lot like their older stuff and I can see lots of other new songs sounding similiar...

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