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The Trilogy Albums


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Has anyone ever thought that GD may have songs that will be on the album but were previously not played at the surprise shows? I think it'd be cool if they surprised us with some songs we haven't already heard.

That's what I have been thinking.

My thought it that most songs they played live during the live shows were partly songs they seriously are willing to put on the new record and partly songs they maybe are deciding to release on a new Foxboro Hot Tubs album (probably not)

I am hoping that the new album will not just contain the songs they have been playing live.

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Thanks for posting that. I find it interesting that Butch Vig is quoted and knows about the "status" of the album....

do we know who's producing yet?

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According to Wiki, Green Day produced the song 'When Its Time' themselves. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but if they produced that as well as 'Too Much Too Soon' and 'Lights Out' then I'd say we have nothing to worry about if the band indeed decides to produce it themselves (with the assistance of Mr. Duggan of course).

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According to Wiki, Green Day produced the song 'When Its Time' themselves. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but if they produced that as well as 'Too Much Too Soon' and 'Lights Out' then I'd say we have nothing to worry about if the band indeed decides to produce it themselves (with the assistance of Mr. Duggan of course).

Wiki's wrong. Rob Cavallo either produced or co-produced When Its Time. I think you're right about the 21stCB B-sides and deluxe edition covers -- those were all self-produced, and also remember that Billie Joe not only produced the AIOB cast album but he won another fucking Grammy for it. :) Chris Dugan's an amazing studio tech (amongst other talents) and they're in great hands with him whether they have another set of eyeballs on the project or not. I do think it's to their benefit to have an outside person guide them, but if (unlike the lead-up to 21stCB) they feel like they really know what direction they want to go with this, what songs they want to pull together for it, etc., then just let 'em do the job themselves and get the hell outta their way!


That u did!! :thumbsup:

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also remember that Billie Joe not only produced the AIOB cast album but he won another fucking Grammy for it.

Bit OT for a sec but did Mike and Tre get Grammys for that one too, or was it just BJA who produced it?

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Bit OT for a sec but did Mike and Tre get Grammys for that one too, or was it just BJA who produced it?

99% sure it was just BJ.

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I'm praying to the rock gods that the first single does not introduce major characters in yet another god damned rock opera.

All I want is a green day album, play some fucking punk rock shit and let your hair down. No need to gussy it up with another forced parade of songs desperately trying to mingle a loose ill-defined plot.

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I'm praying to the rock gods that the first single does not introduce major characters in yet another god damned rock opera.

All I want is a green day album, play some fucking punk rock shit and let your hair down. No need to gussy it up with another forced parade of songs desperately trying to mingle a loose ill-defined plot.

100% agree :)

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I'm praying to the rock gods that the first single does not introduce major characters in yet another god damned rock opera.

All I want is a green day album, play some fucking punk rock shit and let your hair down. No need to gussy it up with another forced parade of songs desperately trying to mingle a loose ill-defined plot.

When I see posts like this it makes me wish for a rock opera :D

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When I see posts like this it makes me wish for a rock opera :D

Just out of sheer spite? Why would you want another rock opera?

I'd like my favorite band of all time to challenge themselves to be more than what people are expecting.

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Just out of sheer spite? Why would you want another rock opera?

I'd like my favorite band of all time to challenge themselves to be more than what people are expecting.

If they want to challenge themselves then just releasing another punk rock Green Day album is probably not the way they'll be wanting to go.

But I have a feeling that this album is going to be less of a rock opera and more or a themed album like any of their other records before AI and 21CB

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Just out of sheer spite? Why would you want another rock opera?

I'd like my favorite band of all time to challenge themselves to be more than what people are expecting.

Because they do what they want :P. They've made simpler punky albums and they've made concept albums. Just because you don't enjoy the concept albums as much doesn't mean they were made with any less integrity or that they were "forced". All their albums have been a natural progression and I'm sure the next one will be too, whether that happens to be a progression to a more complex sound or to a more simple sound.

I don't think you have too much to worry about anyway though, from the sound of the songs they played at those secret shows last year it seems like they're going in a straight up rock and roll direction. Which is awesome.

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Because they do what they want :P. They've made simpler punky albums and they've made concept albums. Just because you don't enjoy the concept albums as much doesn't mean they were made with any less integrity or that they were "forced". All their albums have been a natural progression and I'm sure the next one will be too, whether that happens to be a progression to a more complex sound or to a more simple sound.

I don't think you have too much to worry about anyway though, from the sound of the songs they played at those secret shows last year it seems like they're going in a straight up rock and roll direction. Which is awesome.

Well right I understand Green Day is going to do whatever the fuck they want, and that's why they're awesome. I just think that 2 concept albums in a row was uninventive enough, why push for a 3rd? They certainly were experimental and pushing boundaries with 21CB, but it didn't (to me) answer the bell.

What I've seen from the secret shows is that they are aching to recall that Gilman St. vibe of punk rock intimacy and old-fashioned 80's punk rock jump-anthems. I love how they took the stage in plain clothes just being themselves, not dressed up in their little uniforms and choreographed giant screens and shit. I want them to harness that raw punk rock dynamic, remind us that Green Day isn't some radio-friendly pop factory - make us remember that Billie Joe will fucking drop-kick your dumb ass from the stage.

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What I've seen from the secret shows is that they are aching to recall that Gilman St. vibe of punk rock intimacy and old-fashioned 80's punk rock jump-anthems. I love how they took the stage in plain clothes just being themselves, not dressed up in their little uniforms and choreographed giant screens and shit. I want them to harness that raw punk rock dynamic, remind us that Green Day isn't some radio-friendly pop factory - make us remember that Billie Joe will fucking drop-kick your dumb ass from the stage.

But unfortunately - with them being a multi-million album selling band - they're not going to be able to just "[take] the stage in plain clothes just being themselves" when they play arenas. Yeah sure, hardcore fans would buy it but 85% of the audience that isn't down the front would feel ripped off....

And as some videos show, Billie Joe can still drop kick your ass from the stage, regardless of whether he's wearing a red tie and a black shirt whilst doing it...

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But unfortunately - with them being a multi-million album selling band - they're not going to be able to just "[take] the stage in plain clothes just being themselves" when they play arenas. Yeah sure, hardcore fans would buy it but 85% of the audience that isn't down the front would feel ripped off....

I'm pretty sure they played shows in semi-plain clothes to sold out arenas for over a decade before going to the AI/21CB uniform style.

And if you feel 'ripped off' when your favorite band doesn't dress up in what you expect, then that's pretty shallow.

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I'm pretty sure they played shows in semi-plain clothes to sold out arenas for over a decade before going to the AI/21CB uniform style.

And if you feel 'ripped off' when your favorite band doesn't dress up in what you expect, then that's pretty shallow.

I might be wrong, but I thought they started playing arenas from AI, but never achieved that before that

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Does it really matter what they're wearing on stage? Really?

Would you like it if they started wearing 60's clothes and look like wannabee The Beatles like the band The young veins does?

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Does it really matter what they're wearing on stage? Really?

How about they do this coming tour completely naked :P

Just out of protest because people discuss a lot about what they wear

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To me it really doesn't matter what they wear on stage. What does matter is that I get to see Billie, Mike, and Tre in the flesh and hear them play some kick ass music

A side thought: one thing I Think that would be icing on the cake is an interesting stage set up. I loved those back screens on the last tour that showed the NYC skyline and the fire during "Know Your Enemy". I hope they bring the back screens again on the next tour.

I hope they wouldn't have a stage set up as simple as the one they haf at NSSN in December. Although that was a last minute gig so I don't think they would've had time to haul in an elaborate stage. :lol:

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I'm praying to the rock gods that the first single does not introduce major characters in yet another god damned rock opera.

...because the singles from the last album, (Know Your Enemy, 21 Guns, EJN, 21CB) did that?

Anyway I still would really love for their next tour to do the U2 360 thing, but that's asking a whole lot :D

Late summer/fall can't come fast enough! Although, I'm starting my student teaching then. I just feel bad for the kids who expect me to focus on their education when Green Day has a new album out. I hope they're prepared to write a lot of essays on It's Fuck Time.

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...because the singles from the last album, (Know Your Enemy, 21 Guns, EJN, 21CB) did that?

Anyway I still would really love for their next tour to do the U2 360 thing, but that's asking a whole lot :D

Late summer/fall can't come fast enough! Although, I'm starting my student teaching then. I just feel bad for the kids who expect me to focus on their education when Green Day has a new album out. I hope they're prepared to write a lot of essays on It's Fuck Time.

Haha you're one cool teacher :D

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