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The Trilogy Albums


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I want the new album to be special and come out in june.

It's a Green Day album so I think there's no need to worry about it not being special.

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It's a Green Day album so I think there's no need to worry about it not being special.

That's so true ;)

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Green Day has always satisfied my musical needs, although 21st Century Breakdown was kinda weak it was hardly a bad album. I remember walking 5 miles to the store the day it came out and they refused to sell it to me til the following tuesday, so I had to go out of town to get it. I got a free copy of the Know Your Enemy single for being the first to but it. Its always a celebration when a new Green Day album is released :)

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I've been listening to the some of the new songs for the last couple of weeks. Nuclear Family, Stay The Night, Stray Heart, Carpe Diem, Last Gang in Town, Sweet 16. Love them all, I haven't listened to every new song cause i don't want to have heard everything before a new album comes out. But those 6 songs sound great and I really hope they all make it on to the new album.

It would be great if they could get Rob back as producer for this album too. I just think with rob involved, the album will be promoted better.

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For some reason Stay the Night gives off a Minority type live feel. I can imagine it being an epic live song like Minority. Just how its buiilt and especialy like how it was in texas with billie giving that little speech and the hey-ohs. I just hope it makes it on the album and on there setlist so i can see it live :)

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What I think it would be awesome as fuck is if they release something like cd/dvd, the new record AND a dvd of the making of (which they mentioned after a show)... & massive campaign everywhere. That would be a great return! :cool:

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I'm trying not to listen to too many of the new songs in case they are from the new album, I'd rather hear the finished song. I've had Carpe Diem on repeat for ages though, if the album follows that kind of vibe I'll be happy. But pretty much anything they do will make me happy.


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a few things i thought of what would be cool/funny if they did with the new record:

-if it came out on 12/12/2012 or 12/20/2012 :lol:

-if the name actually was Carpet Diet

-if they really just announce it one day before they release it...maybe a tweet by Billie: " We're working on sth. Hint: It'll come out tomorrow and you'll like it !"

-if they'd really just release on cassette (in that case the tweet would maybe look like this: "We're working on sth. Hint: It'll come out tomorrow, but it's NOT a CD !!...but you'll like it !"

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Does anyone remember that one t-shirt design that came out a year or two before 21st Century Breakdown? It was a white shirt with an orange-colored design on it with a family in a car and a city in the background - and it looked as if the city was burning or something like that? (I can't find the damn design)

I could see that design being used as the album cover and "Nuclear Family" being the title. I think it fits perfectly (if I remember the shirt design correctly)

-if they'd really just release on cassette (in that case the tweet would maybe look like this: "We're working on sth. Hint: It'll come out tomorrow, but it's NOT a CD !!...but you'll like it !"

Does anyone still sell cassette players? :lol: We'd all hop on Amazon and order one with overnight shipping so we can listen to it :lol:

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Does anyone remember that one t-shirt design that came out a year or two before 21st Century Breakdown? It was a white shirt with an orange-colored design on it with a family in a car and a city in the background - and it looked as if the city was burning or something like that? (I can't find the damn design)

I could see that design being used as the album cover and "Nuclear Family" being the title. I think it fits perfectly (if I remember the shirt design correctly)

Does anyone still sell cassette players? :lol: We'd all hop on Amazon and order one with overnight shipping so we can listen to it :lol:

uhm...i don't know :lol: but i think there are ways of getting one :lol: haha yeah...if they'd really just announce it one day before they release it and just release it on cassette we must hope on Amazon and order it with overnight shipping :lol:

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Yeah, I could see Nuclear Family as the album title... But I'm hoping for something really different, unpredictable, so that none of us suspects about it!


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Does anyone remember that one t-shirt design that came out a year or two before 21st Century Breakdown? It was a white shirt with an orange-colored design on it with a family in a car and a city in the background - and it looked as if the city was burning or something like that? (I can't find the damn design)

I could see that design being used as the album cover and "Nuclear Family" being the title. I think it fits perfectly (if I remember the shirt design correctly)

Does anyone still sell cassette players? :lol: We'd all hop on Amazon and order one with overnight shipping so we can listen to it :lol:

Lol yeah. Their price would be boosted to hundreds of dollars :P

Yeah, I could see Nuclear Family as the album title... But I'm hoping for something really different, unpredictable, so that none of us suspects about it!


Yeah, that's an oooookay name, and it's been publisized a lot....

So hopefully something different.

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Yeah, that's an oooookay name, and it's been publisized a lot....

Only by us...

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Having listened to the new version of Stay the Night, I am in love. The harmonies are wonderful, and as for the end part with all that loveliness, I never thought I would say a "hey-oh" was beautiful.

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Yeah, I don't know. Nuclear Family, is too...hm...kumbaya-ish. (That's not exactly the right word I'm looking for. :P )

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Yeah, I don't know. Nuclear Family, is too...hm...kumbaya-ish. (That's not exactly the right word I'm looking for. :P )

Not sure if kumbaya would be the word I'd go for :happy: To me it would just be kind of 'typical' 00's Green Day.... you'll hear it and think "Ah, social commentary... nuclear bombs and nuclear families and all that"... and based on the vibe of most of the new songs, which are far less political, it just wouldn't seem to be the right thing to name the album...

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They should call the album Soda Pop Curtis because it's got an old rock n roll vibe to it and it doesn't sound political

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Not sure if kumbaya would be the word I'd go for :happy: To me it would just be kind of 'typical' 00's Green Day.... you'll hear it and think "Ah, social commentary... nuclear bombs and nuclear families and all that"... and based on the vibe of most of the new songs, which are far less political, it just wouldn't seem to be the right thing to name the album...

Yeah, the right word wouldn't come to me, so I settled for kumbaya. And your right about the political part. I also think that Nuclear Family would probably give the wrong vibe about the album. It'd be kind of misleading..

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I've heard some talk about 'Cigarettes and Valentines' being the next album title outside this forum but it would seem odd since that song has already been released to the masses in AAF.

I think, if the theme to the new album is back to their roots, less political, etc.. they should call it something simple and effective like the names Kerplunk and Dookie are.

Whatever the name is, i hope it's released early 2012 as i can't wait - esp for the tour that follows!

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It should just be called "Green Day"

I would be pissed. It shouldn't take anybody 22 years to release a self titled album.

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I think Nuclear Family would be an ok title. Remember that AP article that came out in 2008 about 21st Century Breakdown? It was listed as a song but it was not the name of the album yet, and East Jesus Nowhere was still known as March of the Dogs. However, I think they'll come up with something more original. I would be fine with the album being called Cigarettes and Valentines, I love that name. It would be awkward for all of us hardcore GD nerds but its just such a beautiful name for an album.

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