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The Trilogy Albums


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I wonder if they're producing the new album themselves. If they really are this far along with the recording process, I feel like we would've heard who the producer is, unless they really are doing it on their own. Just a hunch.

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I agree.

I'm a fan of your covers and this is quite nice.

You should post the tabs . . . . please?

Tuned down half a step chords are:

Intro/Chorus: D5 (X5) A5 (X1) G5 (x1) D5 (x1) (repeated)

Verse: D5 (palm muted) then A5 and D5 once open real quick.

Post Chorus: G5 (x4) and D5 (x4)

Thats the whole song. Can post a video lesson tomorrow if you want

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Tuned down half a step chords are:

Intro/Chorus: D5 (X5) A5 (X1) G5 (x1) D5 (x1) (repeated)

Verse: D5 (palm muted) then A5 and D5 once open real quick.

Post Chorus: G5 (x4) and D5 (x4)

Thats the whole song. Can post a video lesson tomorrow if you want


That might be nice for the noobie guitarists :P

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They could make some kind of crazy long psychedelic name to go with the 60s influenced sound. Combine bits of the song titles into one long name or something :P

99 Stray Nuclear Revolutions. 8)

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For those who didn't see, I heard at the club in Austin last week that they're just finishing the album up now, so a release next year looks very likely. I think that's almost quite obvious now.

Bear in mind that wasn't from a direct source though.

Can you give us any precisions?

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Oh my gosh Tony. If what you heard is true, that just put me in an incredibly good mood. Gosh, I really hope it's true. :D An album/tour next year would be amazing. My 2012 is already set to be good, with the release of a new album it would be just plain epic.

I like the idea of the next album being called "Carpet Diet." Although, only members of the GDC would get where it came from. Ha ha :lol:

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I like the idea of the next album being called "Carpet Diet." Although, only members of the GDC would get where it came from. Ha ha :lol:

Just like Awesome As Fuck then :lol:, perfect :D

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I sure hope this is true! Wasn't it mentioned recently that they were recording in Texas not too long ago?

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I wonder if they're producing the new album themselves. If they really are this far along with the recording process, I feel like we would've heard who the producer is, unless they really are doing it on their own. Just a hunch.

That's what I thought too.

...Maybe have Rob cast an ear/eye over it before it goes out!

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I fully support the new album being called Carpet Diet. I can only imagine the cover art...

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God, I can't wait for it to be announced. The last weeks were so exciting and now this urge to finally hold it in my hands and listen to it became even stronger. Hopefully it's not that far away anymore.

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Mike also said in an interview back in October 2010 that the writing process for the new album was complete and that they were just waiting for the time to be right to record and release them. That was over a year ago, so with all these surprise gigs and new songs it would make sense. If it is true, I would imagine we'd hear something as early as February on what's going on.

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Mike also said in an interview back in October 2010 that the writing process for the new album was complete and that they were just waiting for the time to be right to record and release them. That was over a year ago, so with all these surprise gigs and new songs it would make sense. If it is true, I would imagine we'd hear something as early as February on what's going on.

Do you know what interview that was or have the quote from it? I could be wrong but I doubt he said the writing process was complete, they're never usually that specific especially not that early on.

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It was a Radio W interview, look on Green Day's Wiki page under 'Untitled Ninth Studio Album' or whatever.

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Sorry, if I missed something, but Have the guys said they're producing the album themselves? Or is just logical guesses. (I don't mean for this to sound rude, just asking)

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Sorry, if I missed something, but Have the guys said they're producing the album themselves? Or is just logical guesses. (I don't mean for this to sound rude, just asking)

It's just a guess. We're not 100% sure whether they are doing it by themselves or with help at the moment. If what Tony said was true, we think that the producer should've been announed by now. It's all guesses though, we won't know until someone releases the information.

And that didn't sound rude at all! :)

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It was a Radio W interview, look on Green Day's Wiki page under 'Untitled Ninth Studio Album' or whatever.

Right thanks, well here's the quote from there:

"We are always working on songs, when it's time and when the music is right we will put it out. I like to think that we have enough material right now to put out a great record, but we want to go back home and make sure that it's perfect for everybody before we put it out."

Saying he likes to think they have enough material to put out a record isn't the same as saying the writing process on an album is complete. It could mean as little as they've written loads of songs. In 2007 they were saying they'd written 50 songs, that would've been enough material to put out 4 albums but it didn't mean they'd actually finished writing or working out exactly what songs/album they were gonna release. His comment is definitely promising but I wouldn't take anything concrete from it.

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