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The Trilogy Albums


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I'm sure we've heard Billie say nuclear before, and even if we haven't, there's no way in hell he would pronounce it like George Bush did. In fact, I don't know anyone who pronounces it like that, but maybe it's a Texas thing?

Anyway, Nuclear Family sounds like a cool idea, but give me a Dookie or Nimrod any day. Although I think American Idiot was an awesome title, and is basically the same meaning of "being a Nimrod" haha.

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I'm sure we've heard Billie say nuclear before, and even if we haven't, there's no way in hell he would pronounce it like George Bush did. In fact, I don't know anyone who pronounces it like that, but maybe it's a Texas thing?

Anyway, Nuclear Family sounds like a cool idea, but give me a Dookie or Nimrod any day. Although I think American Idiot was an awesome title, and is basically the same meaning of "being a Nimrod" haha.

It's not a Texas thing, but it damn well may be a Western thing.

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm hoping for a Foxboro record just as much as a Green Day record. In fact, id be totally cool if Green Day just made Foxboro music from now on, just so I wouldn't have to pick between the two.

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Am I the only one not hoping for a fht record? I mean, don't get me wrong, if it happened that'd be great. But it's not green day, and foxboro hot tubs would be an indication that they're not that far along in the process of a green day album than we'd hoped. And while fht is fun, green day is better.

Instead they should just bring the spontaneous foxboro hot tubs aspect to green day, and we'd be all set XD

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^ yea i agree. i want my green day.

although, if we're talking about green day record vs a network record.... well that's a different story.

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all I'm wondering is how many more secret shows are they going to play before the come out with the album, because if they keep the shows coming at the same pace that they have, it could be almost like a mini tour

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Last time they had much more shows.. I don't really know..

It could also mean that they will(maybe)release their new album in second half of next year...

or.. Remember the last year?

First came out Stop Drop And Roll in 2008 and in May 2009 21st Century Breakdown..

Could this happen again?

what do you think guys?

I'm sorry if this question is already here...

But you know what...

Because of this stuff I just adore Green Day. The are so unpredictable!

I know... Waiting without any sings of new album can be frustrating but.. Wait till you see a new surprise from our favorite band.. And I know... It will be so worth of waiting!


:bunny: :bunny: :bunny::thumbsup:

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Am I the only one not hoping for a fht record? I mean, don't get me wrong, if it happened that'd be great. But it's not green day, and foxboro hot tubs would be an indication that they're not that far along in the process of a green day album than we'd hoped. And while fht is fun, green day is better.

Instead they should just bring the spontaneous foxboro hot tubs aspect to green day, and we'd be all set XD

The way I see it they make FBHT/side project records as part of the process of making a new Green Day record. To try things out and have fun etc while they're making it, like as a by-product of it. This time around we'll either get a bonus side project album and a Green Day album, or just a Green Day album. I'd rather have two albums :D

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so those new songs are most likely to be in the new album, and they've been playing them to know the fans' reaction not only of those who had attended the shows but also of those who discuss them in the internet. and where to look but GDC.

that is if they are really into knowing the response, or maybe they just wanted to play.

anyway, if they do lurk in here, they can also get ideas for the name of the new album.. :P

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and I pray that he pronounces is properly. 'cause you know, he doesn't want to be an american idiot and all....

/lame joke.


That made me giggle. :lol:

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I may be wrong but I doubt we're going to see a new FHT album any time soon. The new material sounds a lot like FHT, so awesome riffs that would have been classified as FHT before may now as well become Green Day songs..

In fact, I'm still hoping that It's Fuck Time makes it to the new Green Day record. Maybe noted as a cover.

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I don't think we'll see a side project this time around honestly . . It seems Green Day are going through kind of a 'mid life crisis' with all these small gigs and abundance of old material and I totally dig it. Its nice to see the guys be more laid back and spontaneous after being so serious the last 7 years or so. The new songs sound killer and this new album is going to reinvent Green Day yet again. I'm pumped! So glad there's no rock opera thing going on. I think this album will be like a balls to the wall 'Cigarettes and Valentines'. Not balls to the wall in a 'Platypus' or 'Jaded' kind of way but in a 'fully realized Green Day' way if that makes any sense . .

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I agree with the two that posted before me. Probably no side projects this time. I also hope this is not going to be a a concept album like the last two (well 21st CBD might not have been exactly a concept album but you know what I mean). I want straight forward rock and roll for this next one and it seems as if that's what we'll get judging by the sound of the new songs.

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I've been wishing for that for AGES! The earlier albums had some pretty creative titles, but they've gotten a bit lazy in that department the last decade haha.

How so? For two of them it was about taking a dump...


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How so? For two of them it was about taking a dump...


True, but at least it's somewhat outside the box... :lol:

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How so? For two of them it was about taking a dump...



:lol: That made me laugh so hard!

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Sooo rumours of "proper" shows next year.... think someone knows something we don't vis album?

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Sooo rumours of "proper" shows next year.... think someone knows something we don't vis album?

Yeah I guess if there'll be "proper shows" next year they might announce something soon :happy:

I should stop getting my hopes up


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But then again, some of these could just be rumours of rumours of distilled rumours... who knows?

I wouldn't get your hopes up il we hear something official.

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wouldn't it be cool if they released their next album on 21/12/2012?...maybe they're wating for that day :ninja:

...but yeah i doubt it :D

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wouldn't it be cool if they released their next album on 21/12/2012?...maybe they're wating for that day :ninja:

...but yeah i doubt it :D

You mean 20/12/2012 or?

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ALL the new songs should be in whatever comes next, but I wonder if 35 songs can make it in a cassette :lol:

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