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The Trilogy Albums


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Doubt it. According to Billie Joe at one of the suprise shows, the album "does not exsist" yet,

but does mean that they haven't started recording it ?

I don't think any of us can know when the album will be released cause they can start recording it next year or next month you can never know what they are up to

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Not that I think it'll be out by February, but I think Billie Joe's saying "the album doesn't exist yet" can be taken two ways--- they haven't started actually making it, or just that, hello, there is no album at the moment that the public has listened to.

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Yeah, I think that from the time of recording, mixing, mastering, masturbating to it, naming, manufacturing, and the time it hits the shelf at stores, it'd probably take 6-8 months. Just my guess though.

Fixed it!

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but does mean that they haven't started recording it ?

They could have started recording, but my guess is that they are doing the suprise shows to see how they can impove musically. Maybe one song didn't feel right when they played it infront of a crowd so Billie might modify the lyrics, or Tre change a certian drum solo, ect. They probably have recorded songs, but there's no doubt in my mind that they will go back and change them if they feel like they should.

And plus, even if they have recorded stuff, I think we would know if an album was coming out in early 2012 by now. I mean, they need to promote.

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I agree with Tre's Busted Drumkit, except to say that I would make no assumptions about the AI movie's impact on album production. Many people seem to cling to the 2013 movie release date as law---I follow the movie business very well and I want it to be clear that just because someone aspired to have it come out in 2013, or because IMDb says it's supposed to be released in 2013, does NOT mean it necessarily will be. It could, but there are so many conditional factors involved and the producers are under no pressure to expedite that process or guarantee it comes out in 2013.

So, I would be very surprised if the album is in any way affected by the movie. Even with Billie being interested and testing his waters in Nurse Jackie. I'm sure there are other things that they've got going on in their lives and want to pursue, but I don't think the AI movie is going to change their progress.

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If an album was coming out in early 2012, it would have been announced by now. Maybe not the release date, but at least that they were working on it. This is Green Day, not Roger Waters. They like their fans to know about new material before it randomly appears on shelves.

My guess remains early to mid-2013. There's a lot of stuff going on in the band members' lives other than recording a new album, and I doubt we'll see one even started until AI production is well underway--and that's assuming Billie Joe isn't cast as St. Jimmy.

Doesn't seem like there's any more stuff going on in their lives than usual, they always have other things on the go and they were regularly releasing albums and touring in the 90s when they all had new marriages and babies. And they've sprung new music on us before with their side projects. Not saying it won't take until 2013 or later because it easily could, but I wouldn't rule out it being sooner either. They've never done anything like these shows before, seem really eager, and also don't seem to be going for an epic concept album that takes years to agonize over. I think anything's possible this time.

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12/13th of Feb seems a little too specific for the amount of news we have at the moment... bit random?!

my two cents

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Whenever it comes out it will be sure to please. The secret "test" shows have been pretty successful as far as I can tell. I remember back when they were testing the 21CB set before its release. I also remember how anxious it made me! Do you have the time...

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This thing about the album 'doesn't exist' yet - well, of course it does, they just have to find it. My feeling is that they're not seeking to impose anything on this one ; it feels like they're working each song for its own sake, without defining its destination. That's something very freeing, because it's making music for the pleasure and the craft of it, and what I hear of these new songs is the energy of that freedom. These songs are unburdened. :)

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I'm thinking it'll end up being a late Summer/Fall release next year. We shall see!

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A side project surprise album I could see happening sooner. Maybe a Tubbies record? (crosses fingers)

Another Foxboro Hot Tubs record would be amazing! However if they did another Tubbies record it would HAVE to include It's Fuck Time! ;)

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A side project surprise album I could see happening sooner. Maybe a Tubbies record? (crosses fingers)

Oh yes my fingers are crossed for that too :D. I dunno, the spontaneity of these shows makes me think it's possible they could release a Green Day album more spontaneously. More possible than in the past anyway. But I'd be equally happy with a side project album so either would be great.

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It may be because I don't really go in this thread, but I can't believe how there's almost 30 pages of ongoing conversation about something that's mostly based on speculation with (virtually) no concrete information or facts :lol:

(nothing wrong with that)

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i think that's pratty impossible the new album coming out already in 13/14 february. just think. when a band have a new album, the band send some demos to radio station or music magazine to have some good review. 3 mounth?? really?? no . impossible. maybe at the end of 2012. maybe. but not in february.

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I think the band are just getting everything set in motion before they get to work. I really doubt they'd be playing new songs now if they didn't plan on releasing them for a few years. I think they're just doing what The Living End have done for years with The Longnecks\Safety Matches by testing out new material on a die hard audience. My guess is that they'll take some time off for the holidays and be back to work by the start of 2012.

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It may be because I don't really go in this thread, but I can't believe how there's almost 30 pages of ongoing conversation about something that's mostly based on speculation with (virtually) no concrete information or facts :lol:

(nothing wrong with that)

It's mostly fueled by random people posting about the album being released in early 2012 and everyone telling them no. :lol:

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It seems to me that this thread is renowned for being very difficult to properly follow. I will say this though.

The new album, I suspect, will be called Nuclear Family. They played it 6 times at the Tiki Show. That seems like a promising album title. Who knows though? Maybe they will go back to not having the album be named after any particular song.

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The new album, I suspect, will be called Nuclear Family. They played it 6 times at the Tiki Show. That seems like a promising album title. Who knows though? Maybe they will go back to not having the album be named after any particular song.

I've been wishing for that for AGES! The earlier albums had some pretty creative titles, but they've gotten a bit lazy in that department the last decade haha.

As for when it's coming out, I'm sticking by the thought of it coming out in the second half of next year.

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My 2 cents, with songs so well rehearsed and pretty polished sounding, whats to stop the band from shooting into a studio and recording the album in 2 weeks and secretly releasing it (by secretly I mean without warning). In the old days, and new bands these days, bands would record in 2 or 3 days due to budget constraints.

The thing about Green Day is we cannot predict their next move, so anything is possible

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So long as nothing is called "Wow that's loud" I don't mind if they call the next album just Green Day :P

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The thing about Green Day is we cannot predict their next move, so anything is possible

I know! It's really exciting because Green Day has never done anything like this before, with all the secret shows and no new album on the horizon. If that's any indication, they're probably going to be full of surprises with this album :D

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My 2 cents, with songs so well rehearsed and pretty polished sounding, whats to stop the band from shooting into a studio and recording the album in 2 weeks and secretly releasing it (by secretly I mean without warning). In the old days, and new bands these days, bands would record in 2 or 3 days due to budget constraints.

The thing about Green Day is we cannot predict their next move, so anything is possible

Totally agree. They sprang Foxboro Hot Tubs on us, nothing to stop them doing something similar with Green Day. With these shows they've been playing I think we can expect the unexpected.

i hope they don't name it nuclear family.

family is bleh and Americans pronounce nuclear retardedly

LOL yes. I wonder how Billie pronounces it.

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Totally agree. They sprang Foxboro Hot Tubs on us, nothing to stop them doing something similar with Green Day. With these shows they've been playing I think we can expect the unexpected.

LOL yes. I wonder how Billie pronounces it.

totally agree on your first point.

and I pray that he pronounces is properly. 'cause you know, he doesn't want to be an american idiot and all....

/lame joke.

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