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The Trilogy Albums


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I think it's absolutely absurd that they are going to make "Dookie" or anything that sounds like "Dookie." Honestly, people, use your heads. They are writing rock n roll songs of the type that they've never truly delved into before. These sounds are more straight-up bust-you-in-the-front-teeth than ever before. More importantly, Green Day are having more fun than ever before. They're not single, immature, drug-addicted, teenagers anymore. They're all fathers. They've grown up. I think that the story of Green Day is to not let growing up turn you old. That is the meaning behind every Green Day album thus far. Every single new album has been a renovation of the past; a sonic renaissance of the new age. That's what American Idiot was to me. It was them reinventing themselves to become bigger, better, more worldwide. 21st Century Breakdown was them testing the theory that lightning can only strike once in the same place.

Green Day has experimented with the concept album thing. Now, I think, they've done away with that. If I had to guess, I would imagine that their next chapter is figuring out where to go from here. Or: Can Green Day excel having left the guise of rock operas and guy-liner in their purse?

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The new songs are definitely an indication of what's to come. I guess I'm anticipating a straight-up "normal" album. And if I can compare that to their past records just for perspective, I'd say it'd be the feel of Nimrod but more mature and advanced, ya know? There's a big part of me that is sick of the concept album thing, but I don't want them to abandon the ambition that drives that. But I also have *no* other ideas as to how to make an album new and exciting and risky without it being something like a concept album. How do we get the kind of independent chunk of good songs that was Nimrod on a new Green Day album that is also mature enough to grab people's attentions for its sophistication?

I think I've just convinced myself that I want the new album to be a hyper-sophisticated Nimrod, if that makes sense. It's like I want the rock n roll quality of the past superimposed over whatever it was they were trying to do with 21 CB, if that makes ANY sense whatsoever.

And I agree with Byrony Isabella, I would be very disappointed with 14 3-minute songs. Viva the 9 minute song! But a 9-minute song doesn't have to be 5 parts, like Homecoming and JOS, which is what made those songs so concept-story-like. I challenge Billie Joe to write a 9 minute song that is just one song, a la Hey Jude. But make it ROCK. Hehe.

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I'm sure the next album will be one of my favourites, if not my favourite album of theirs! (judging by the secret shows, how people describe the songs)

I just can't wait, everyday I turn on the computer and hope to see any kind of news evolving new music, on GDA/GDC :P

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...the concept album thing, but I don't want them to abandon the ambition that drives that. But I also have *no* other ideas as to how to make an album new and exciting and risky without it being something like a concept album. How do we get the kind of independent chunk of good songs that was Nimrod on a new Green Day album that is also mature enough to grab people's attentions for its sophistication?

I think that's the challenge with this album. If they're stepping back from the big, sophisticated concepts, how will this album be special without regressing? I'm sure they have some good ideas. I know I'll like it no matter what, especially as I love rock n' roll and the Tubbies but it'll be interesting to see how they sell it..y'know if Warner bothers with any promotion.

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I challenge Billie Joe to write a 9 minute song that is just one song, a la Hey Jude. But make it ROCK. Hehe.

Hey Jude is a great song but In reality it is only about 4 and a half min long the "naaaaa" bit goes on for so long that it makes up around half of the song. I loved how the songs changed as they went. Keeps things interesting....

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The main thing to avoid is just throwing a new instrument in for the sake of it. You know when bands just add keys or piano in to "add a new dimension sonically"?

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I'm sure they won't disappoint us with this next album simply because they never did before with everything they came up with. For me it's not that important if it sounds more like Dookie or if it's going to be a concept album or whatever. It will be some new Green Day and that is what counts in my opinion.

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The main thing to avoid is just throwing a new instrument in for the sake of it. You know when bands just add keys or piano in to "add a new dimension sonically"?

Yeah like MCR did with Danger Days =/

It's good to go forward but you must always remember who you are and what you can do best musically!

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I'm sure they won't disappoint us with this next album simply because they never did before with everything they came up with. For me it's not that important if it sounds more like Dookie or if it's going to be a concept album or whatever. It will be some new Green Day and that is what counts in my opinion.

As if you could read my mind. That's exactly what I'm thinking too. They never disappointed us before and I'm sure they won't now, no matter what kind of an album it is.

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I like the whole idea of a concept album. For some reason, I think their new album is going to be a bit like Cigarettes And Valentines.

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I challenge Billie Joe to write a 9 minute song that is just one song,

That'll be for the musical he writes.

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Yeah like MCR did with Danger Days =/

It's good to go forward but you must always remember who you are and what you can do best musically!

I immediately thought of Danger Days too. I mean, it's not a horrible album (I still love it), but it's not their best.

I really hope Green Day doesn't go in that direction though. (Referring to the synthesizers.)

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all i want is a good freaking amazing album. Personally, a few 3 minute punk songs wont cut it, because it's been done before, y'know. I don't really want them to relive any of their eras but re-invent themselves again. i dunno, that's just my opinion.

I immediately thought of Danger Days too. I mean, it's not a horrible album (I still love it), but it's not their best.

I really hope Green Day doesn't go in that direction though. (Referring to the synthesizers.)

danger days is mcr's best album IMO, so was 21st century breakdown.

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I love Danger Days as well - like anything, I think it's just a matter of opinion or how things affect people differently. It always baffles me how it (and MCR) gets such a bad rap.

As for Green Day, I love each of their albums in different ways, so I'm sure I'll love the next one however it comes out. I do love the simplicity, urgency and spontaneity of the new music. It's gonna be interesting what they come out with this time. We've had enough of a break between albums now-I'm ready!!

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I really liked Danger Days at first.No actually I loved it more than anything they've ever done.But after some time I realized that Bullets, Revenge and Black Parade were special but Danger Days wasn't.I don't see that emotion they had on the other records...

That made me thought of Green Day changing that much.I don't want them to lose they're unique sound like I think MCR did =/

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I think by now Green Day'll just do what they damn well please tbh. They know that they have fans who are going to stick with them (mostly) no matter what and then fans that will come and go with each album.

I do wonder if they're going riding the wave of decline though, with 21stCB and onward. As Cometbus talked about in issue #54.

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Ya know, if they end up having a so-called 'decline' with awkward 'middle years' and their career winds up with every ten years producing a masterpiece, I'd be OK with that, because the middle stuff is damn fine music and the masterpieces are only valuable because they're so rare and precious. So gimme 1994, 2004, and I'll wait till 2014. In the mean time, give me "Green Day quality" and I'll love it.

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It's funny how with some bands, no matter how badly their latest album does (commercially, more so than critically), the tours just get bigger and bigger. Look at U2 with their last album and tour. Alot of big bands pass that point where the albums support the tours (as opposed to touring to support an album), and that could be the case with GD - the next tour could be even bigger, meaning there won't be so much pressure on the album to do well. It's win-win for GD this time around I think.

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It's funny how with some bands, no matter how badly their latest album does (commercially, more so than critically), the tours just get bigger and bigger. Look at U2 with their last album and tour. Alot of big bands pass that point where the albums support the tours (as opposed to touring to support an album), and that could be the case with GD - the next tour could be even bigger, meaning there won't be so much pressure on the album to do well. It's win-win for GD this time around I think.

I think that's definitely the case with GD, specially with 21CB, and I don't think it's a bad thing, either, in the long run :) the 21CB tour was a massive success, at least, I would say so. And with music sales down, it make sense to put the energy and money into bigger, better tours.

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That's a very good point Beat Poet. At a certain point, a band is so established that the new music only matters to the hardcore fans, while the public at large is still interested in the huge back catalog of hits and will attend those concerts. U2 is a good example. Or just think of the Rolling Stones. They're still on tour, but can the average person name a song of theirs written in the last 30 years? Haha.

The only thing is that Green Day writes music with the intention of performing it live and they love to play new songs. So it would be interesting to see if/when the day comes that they put out an album as an excuse to go tour mostly old songs. I definitely do not foresee that happening with the 9th album or any time soon, but ya never know.

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I'd say they're far away from making an album just to have an excuse to tour.

That just wouldn't fit with them doing music from the bottom of their hearts. I mean, they can tour whenever they want to, but they wouldn't be Green Day if they don't give everything they can into their music.

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danger days is mcr's best album IMO, so was 21st century breakdown.

Danger Days is probably my second favorite of theirs.

:runaround: Oh gosh, people think I'm bashing Danger Days! I didn't mean that the album sucked, I just said it wasn't their best. (In my opinion) In no way I ment to bash that album. I think it's brilliant. :)

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I wouldn't care if Green Day made albums to tour. I fucking love their tours. :P

Edit: 3,300 post!

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The songs they debuted at the secret shows seemed to have got the attendees pretty hyped. what about atour concentrated solely on their back catalogue. so manh great songs they never play live( haha you're dead, having a blast, armatage shanks) which i would love to hear!

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I wouldn't care if Green Day made albums to tour. I fucking love their tours. :P

Edit: 3,300 post!

I just wouldn't care because I've never seen them live, and I really want/need to see them. :P

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