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The Trilogy Albums


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Yeah as long as it doesn't take till like 2014 or something... because that would be 5 years after 21st CB and thats how long it took after AI #twistedlogic... although having said that, Green Day have been taking a year longer with each album; so by their standards, this one shouldn't be out till 2015. PLEASE NO!

It's my worst fear!

LOL at everyone freaking out thinking this is actual news when there is a question mark in the topic descrption, though. :lol:

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Cant waitttttttttttt I cant beleive no ones mentioned the world ending haha which isnt happeneing :P

Hahaha! I was thinking of that while people were saying 2013.

I was like "uh. Hopefully not!" But yeah. That's just a bunch of crap.

No its not happening! And that was a terrible movie.

The belief of 2012 was around looonnnng before the movie was even thought of.

I hope it doesn't take longer than a year or two for another album. I couldn't handle that.

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2012 seems a little optimistic to me. All of the boys have quite a few projects going on, plus I'm sure some actual down time is in order. And besides, masterpieces take time. Either way, I will anxiously wait for any news that comes our way!

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WOW i really hope early 2012! Defenitly gonna save tons of money :thumbsup: in my opinion its a good time, but u know . We never know

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Yeah, I'm hoping for early 2012 it's about the right time I think. Although, I do think it's a little optimistic, the guys have so much going on at the moment, and they also deserve a well-earned rest. Then again, we know they're workaholics so maybe they will churn out an album sooner than we think. Either way, I'm sure it'll be amazing! And I cant wait!

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1.i know about this before this thread but i think that we need one like this so please keep it :P

2. it's so cool new and 30 songs are too much for one record and this will be so cool and new for the band

3.i'm not sure when the band will start recording the album but i think it will be released in the last few months of 2011 and the first two months of 2012 cause as you know that the band are busy now with other stuff and when they finish them they will need to take a break from the music witch they didn't have after the tour .don't forget about awesome as fuck it will be released in two months

so they are so so so busy at the moment :D

thanks anyway :)

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The earth doesn't know it's 2012.

2012 is a Christian date and forgive me for saying but I don't think the earth has a religion. It's not going to reach 2012 and think it must self-destruct. On other calenders (correct me if I'm wrong) such as the Islam and Jewish calendars 2012 was a while ago.... like 3,000 years ago. Don't you ever think the Mayan calender ended in 2012 because they simply got bored of counting?


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Didnt Wiki also say in 2007 or something that they've written 45 songs for "the 8th album" and that was, at that time, never true?

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Didnt Wiki also say in 2007 or something that they've written 45 songs for "the 8th album" and that was, at that time, never true?

Yeah but this a direct quote from Mike that says they've got the songs. Not just some wikigeek making stuff up...

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Yeah but this a direct quote from Mike that says they've got the songs. Not just some wikigeek making stuff up...

yeah but back then it also said: "as billie joe said

" and all so idk I wish its true though :)
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They probably have a whole bunch of songs written but not recorded at all time. They seem to be always busy writing songs. So that quote, or any quote saying "we have *a number* of songs written" does not say a whole lot in regards to whether or when the album's finished.

2012 sounds good, and it is plausible :happy: Though I would think it'll be late 2012, then. Billie has the musical and Mike the Frustrators (and a new baby) going on, and they probably also want some downtime (even though it seems as if Billie does not know how to rest, haha). And who knows about maybe a little Tubbies adventure in between as well. I'm putting my hopes on late 2012.

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Didnt Wiki also say in 2007 or something that they've written 45 songs for "the 8th album" and that was, at that time, never true?

in 21stCB there was 18 songs and with every single there was more few songs one or two so let's say that from the 45 left 19 or less maybe those songs will be in the next album or green day thought that those songs won't be good enough for green day and that they can do better songs so they just forgot about them :S

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I'm torn between wanting the new album ASAP and wanting it to take a bit longer so I can save up the money for following the live tour :lol:

but at least it isn't going to take as long as 21CB... although I could go and get a degree in that time, which would be useful (and would make me feel less like I'm wasting my life away)

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if the album came out in 2012 it would be VERY unfortunate for my chances of seeing more than one show on the tour...

well unless it would come out in like the first month of 2012 or something, but that's not gonna happen.

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I'm hoping on 2012, but I'm afraid it won't happen. It took them more than four years for 21st CB and it was (my opinion) their worst album ever. I hope we get a better album sooner.

Money will always be a problem for me I guess, but I'll get some part-time job and get money.

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I'm torn between wanting the new album ASAP and wanting it to take a bit longer so I can save up the money for following the live tour :lol:

but at least it isn't going to take as long as 21CB... although I could go and get a degree in that time, which would be useful (and would make me feel less like I'm wasting my life away)

I think personally I want the new album to take a bit longer so I can save up, but for the band I think it would be good for them to bring it out sooner rather than later. Not a rush job like Insomniac, but to cash in on their popularity, because I don't think its arguable that they are one of the biggest bands around right now.

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I don't think they really need to "cash in" on their popularity because these days whenever Green Day produces a new record; everyone shuts up and listens to it. I think a quick album would make them ride the wave for longer but if it took longer then they would just create a damn new one to ride on....

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I'm thinking about stuff Billie Joe said about blending Foxtubs with Green Day - and that makes a new place, away from seeing Green Day as 'the main project', smashing thru those parameters. When I wrote my editorial on 21CB, I asked 'where are the stars?' on this album, and even as I wrote it, I realized that they were all on Stop Drop and Roll - it was a freer place, where all the demands to be epic were dropped and all of the stuff that was squidged sideways in the search to send a strong message came out, and it was fucking great. There's the quality control, and there's 'you take control and you lose your touch' - to just go with your vibe and trust to it. The next record should just be the next record - the song I wanna hear is the song you're singing now, whatever it is. :)

Well reading this makes me extra excited to hear whatever's next (that's the effect your posts tend to have!). It does sound like they're in a freer/less pressured position this time around and that's exciting. Can't wait to hear what this current postion of freeness produces - whatever band name it's released under.

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They better use Stay The Night on their new album. That song is amazing.

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They better use Stay The Night on their new album. That song is amazing.

I wanna hear a studio version of C&V.

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