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The Trilogy Albums


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(Wow, trying saying that really fast!).


I agree with that. Okay, the production of 21CB wasn't exactly the best but it's not as bad as everyone's making it out to be.

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Sort of bringing this back on topic, but I agree that the overproduction (particularly vocals) of 21CB is noticeable in the differences between the way those songs are sung live versus album. Obviously, every GD song is more powerful live, but with AI, for the most part, the hit songs (BOBD, Holiday, AI, etc.) sound equally amazing as studio mp3s as they do live. The vocals are, besides for the added bonus of live emotion, pretty much the same awesome quality. While the vocals on 21CB are obviously GOOD (as in, technically speaking, on key, clear, etc.), it's extremely obvious when you listen to 21 Guns or LNOE live, that the dimensions on the album are lacking. You can really hear the difference.

I also think St. Billie had something to do with this, because he learned to stretch his power notes more, hence why we heard him going falsetto in 2009 at the end of 21 Guns and by 2010, he was going big power vocals on it. Same with LNOE, which is ten times more powerful on broadway. I think watching and then being in the cast of American Idiot really upped the quality of his singing those songs in particular. I am really hopeful that they'll take that kind of development into consideration for the new album. Because I want to hear that live quality on the album.

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I think "Last Night on Earth" is a perfect example. That song didn't have to be what it was. There seemed to be this attempt to sound like a Beatles song. I don't understand why it couldn't have been a nice piano song only. Obviously, they chose to go a different direction, but with all the mixing and overdubs and vocal auto-tuning, it makes a lot less emotional to listen to than the live versions or the musical version.

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I think "Last Night on Earth" is a perfect example. That song didn't have to be what it was. There seemed to be this attempt to sound like a Beatles song. I don't understand why it couldn't have been a nice piano song only. Obviously, they chose to go a different direction, but with all the mixing and overdubs and vocal auto-tuning, it makes a lot less emotional to listen to than the live versions or the musical version.

I remember the first time I heard it I liked it a lot because it was so overtly Beatles-y. Then I quickly got bored of it. Then I rediscovered it live. If Green Day prides itself on being a live band first, as they do, then they should seek to translate that sonic BOOM to their next record :good:

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I remember the first time I heard it I liked it a lot because it was so overtly Beatles-y. Then I quickly got bored of it. Then I rediscovered it live. If Green Day prides itself on being a live band first, as they do, then they should seek to translate that sonic BOOM to their next record :good:

It sounds like Green Day has become Cheap Trick. Live versions have become better than the album versions. However, judging by the new material I heard from the shows, I think they'll probably go for more of a live feel.

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I think that really is the advantage (or strategy) of testing music out live before recording it. Things might come out of your voice in a way you didn't think they would or hadn't been when you were rehearsing or writing the song! I hope, at least... I'd like to think the presence of a small audience with a ton of energy made their songs come to life in more dynamic ways at the TIki bar and Oakland than maybe they had in the studio, and I would hope that Green Day practiced some good self reflection and took NOTE of what they could tweak for maximum mindblowing status.

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Well we seem to have entered a period of ridiculous quiet. As the podcast highlighted, there's literally nothing happening (that we know about) at the moment. Does this mean they're hard at work? What do they think they're doing to us, getting us all excited with secret shows and what not, and then complete silence?!

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I think that Green Day masturbates to getting us fans worked up and then denying us satisfaction. It's just....they're just sick like that.

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Well we seem to have entered a period of ridiculous quiet. As the podcast highlighted, there's literally nothing happening (that we know about) at the moment. Does this mean they're hard at work? What do they think they're doing to us, getting us all excited with secret shows and what not, and then complete silence?!

Last time a period like this happened we got a secret show. So who knows what could happen.

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I loved the over production on 21st Century.... i think i'm alone feeling that way though.

I think I know what you mean, and if so I agree. I remember when we first heard songs from it and it just sounded SO different to anything they'd done before. The beautiful vocals with the falsetto and the really polished and complex sound. Don't know how to describe it really but I think the production fits the songs. The songs were different from before so they gave them a different kind of production from before.

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I really like 21CB but i think it's biggest problem was always going to be that it follows up AI. (live albums and FBH aside)

with the next album, hopefully no news is good news and they are working hard to get something out early next year. as someone said above, they never release an album without being happy with it and i'm dead excited to listen to the next one.

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I think I know what you mean, and if so I agree. I remember when we first heard songs from it and it just sounded SO different to anything they'd done before. The beautiful vocals with the falsetto and the really polished and complex sound. Don't know how to describe it really but I think the production fits the songs. The songs were different from before so they gave them a different kind of production from before.

I think the production on 21CB shapes the songs to create a mood. To take Last Night On Earth as an example - live and acoustic and stripped down, it's a sweet, sentimental song, full of emotion. On the album, it's something else - it follows the inferno, and the inferno follows into it, creating this feeling of instability. LNOE reaches for the stars, but despite all its pledges, it doesn't quite believe itself, because there's always this other call.

The production on this song takes it to a kind of celestial ideal, and also insulates this little core of intense emotion, so that it conveys the sense of trying to break thru to someone, to make them feel what you feel for them. One of the fucking amazing, great elements of 21CB is how it explores the paths and expressions of love, from the pure to the utterly distorted and everything inbetween.

So yeah - live is a whole other animal, immediate and raw. I love the live stuff, but the studio recordings are where it's at for me - that's the moment of creation and intention. 21CB's intention is to create an experience - and fuckit, the wonderful thing is that these songs are 'talking to each other'. I fucking love that conversation. :)

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It's a tough one, following up a massive album. You're going to get crucified whatever you do, so it's better (or "less worse") to do an album that is an even bigger statement than the previous one (21CB), rather than go back to basics and have people say you sold out - which is confusing in itself as most purists want a band that has veered off in a different direction to go back to being how they used to be. As for the upcoming album, I hope they tone things down on the "concept" side.

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As for the upcoming album, I hope they tone things down on the "concept" side.

Yeah, I hope so, too. This whole "concept album" thing is getting quite boring. I hope they'll come up with something more creative, fresh and new. I've got high expectations for this upcoming new album.

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Yeah, I hope so, too. This whole "concept album" thing is getting quite boring. I hope they'll come up with something more creative, fresh and new. I've got high expectations for this upcoming new album.

I wish they would just do an album of songs like dookie, no order, no concept, just something fun.

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I wish they would just do an album of songs like dookie, no order, no concept, just something fun.

It'd be great.

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Yeah i'd like to seem them move away from the concept idea somewhat, and i think they will.

I think (and hope) they'll work with Rob Cavallo again.

I wonder how much pressure they feel on this album. There was a different kind of pressure following AI, they were kind of doomed to fail to live up to that. As any band would. I think they'll be disappointed though that 21CB wasn't more successful, and that brings a different kind of pressure.

Saying all of that, they seem pretty relaxed and happy right now from what we've seen in the surprise shows etc. and i think that bodes well for the next album.

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As many have said, and I whole heartedly agree: A happy band is a kick ass band. I don't have any doubt that they will make this next album their best yet. I mean, I've already decided that Stray Heart is one of the best things ever.

I'm not sure exactly what direction they are going to take, but I'm pretty sure that it's going back to that live feel. More stadium oriented music. I also, for whatever reason, suspect at least one of their songs on the new album to be a number one single. :P

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I really hope they don't just do something like Dookie. The whole reason that this band is such a great band is because they keep progressing and each time they come up with something new, or a new variation on a theme. I think if they just went back and rehashed something that was done nearly 18 years ago, then it would be nowhere what they could produce. I don't think it will sound like Dookie because they're style of performing has changed since then and technology has moved on so that slightly less polished sound is something that you would actually have to set out to achieve rather than it being present on an album from the off.

I also would be rather disappointed if come the new GD album, I got fourteen 3 minute songs.

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I really hope they don't just do something like Dookie. The whole reason that this band is such a great band is because they keep progressing and each time they come up with something new, or a new variation on a theme. I think if they just went back and rehashed something that was done nearly 18 years ago, then it would be nowhere what they could produce. I don't think it will sound like Dookie because they're style of performing has changed since then and technology has moved on so that slightly less polished sound is something that you would actually have to set out to achieve rather than it being present on an album from the off.

I also would be rather disappointed if come the new GD album, I got fourteen 3 minute songs.

I don't think it'll be something like Dookie. I think it'll be something completely different than anything they've done before.

It's Green Day, they like to surprise us.

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About the concept album thing, I think they will turn away from this kind of album, because in all these surprise shows, they weren't wearing any make-up and they didn't have those specific clothes. Those are things that are conjuncted with an eventual concept album. I'm actually happy about that. I'm one of the guys that think they should stick to a "normal" record. I don't mean they shouldn't try something new and stick to their old stuff like Dookie, but I think through all these years Green Day existed they kinda found their own sound and attitude of an album. These things should make up about 80% of a new album. 20% are room where you can try some new stuff. Look at blink's new record - it's a new sound but they found a way to keep the old attitudes. I hope that makes sense.

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Well I think we've got some pretty good hints as to what the next album will be like from the songs they've played at the secret shows. Seems like they're going for a simpler rock n roll sound (which they've really never done in quite the same way before). Unless they decide to scrap those songs and go in a whole new direction of course!

I am slightly paranoid about that. Like, with 21st CB they did something fun and spontaneous to let off steam (Foxboro Hot Tubs), but then put that aside and concentrated on making a more serious/heavier album. Really hope those shows weren't just the fun thing to let off steam before they say "right, we've done that now lets put those songs aside forever and get to work on the proper serious album" :lol:. Pretty certain that's not gonna be the case but the thought has entered my mind haha.

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I am slightly paranoid about that. Like, with 21st CB they did something fun and spontaneous to let off steam (Foxboro Hot Tubs), but then put that aside and concentrated on making a more serious/heavier album. Really hope those shows weren't just the fun thing to let off steam before they say "right, we've done that now lets put those songs aside forever and get to work on the proper serious album" :lol:. Pretty certain that's not gonna be the case but the thought has entered my mind haha.

Don't be worried. If they wouldn't be serious with these new songs, then they wouldn't have performed as Green Day, but as Foxies or another pseudonym. :)

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