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Maybe on the album it will say "It's Fuck Time (feat. Foxborro Hottubs)"

I would crack up if they did that. :lol:

I cracked up reading that.

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Yes, they've never done anything like It's Fuck Time. You cannot group DLS and BSB with It's Fuck Time

How do you mean? I agree you can't group them because It's Fuck Time sounds totally Foxboro-like and the others totally Green Day-like, but in terms of raunchiness I don't think there's much difference. They're all pretty raunchy but none of them really have very graphic/explicit descriptions. Fuck Time has the word fuck in it a lot but other than that they're about equal I reckon.

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It's Fuck Time must be in the next Tubbies album not the next Green Day album!

But I can see them playing it live on the next tour a few times.

I just can't wait for the tour! lol

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Yes, they've never done anything like It's Fuck Time. You cannot group DLS and BSB with It's Fuck Time

And why not?

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I see what Matt is saying there. First of all, "It's Fuck Time" is by its nature much more explicit. I know most of us here are kind of immune to the word Fuck, but most of society is not. That's not to say GD would ever pander to social norms (DUH), but they've never had a song with a title like that or so explicitly saying I'm gonna fuck you, etc. (They use the word fuck a lot, and sing about sex, but this is a much more direct, vulgar way of expressing it than they usually do)

And, this is just an interesting aside: for rating movies, depending on the use of the word "fuck" will give you PG13 vs. R. You can use it as an adjective "That fucking jerk!" twice, but never as a verb "We fucked." if you want the PG13. 8)

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I see what Matt is saying there. First of all, "It's Fuck Time" is by its nature much more explicit. I know most of us here are kind of immune to the word Fuck, but most of society is not. That's not to say GD would ever pander to social norms (DUH), but they've never had a song with a title like that or so explicitly saying I'm gonna fuck you, etc. (They use the word fuck a lot, and sing about sex, but this is a much more direct, vulgar way of expressing it than they usually do)

Thank you for that - that is basically exactly what I meant. I'm not too good and putting by thoughts into words..... they make sense in my head :lol:

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So, nobody's heard anymore news have they? Anything solid?

Nope, not me. I guess the fact that Billie is starring in that TV show will keep him from song writing for a few weeks though.

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Nope, not me. I guess the fact that Billie is starring in that TV show will keep him from song writing for a few weeks though.

Nah I doubt it'll have much effect, he's only in one episode. He said he was writing loads when he was SUPER busy acting on Broadway, and when they were busy on tour. He writes all the time. I reckon if anything pushing himself and experiencing a new thing like this will probably help motivate and inspire him to write.

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Yeah, it shouldn't really take more than a week to film his episode of the show. And it's not like he has to sit at home all day and meditate to write music.

But, I do believe, based on these secret shows, that he's out of the writing stage and into the tweaking and fixing stage. Not that he's not always writing new ones, but maybe he doesn't have to at this point...

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Rolling Stone magazine mentioned in its article about REM breaking up that Billie had been chatting on the phone with Rob Cavallo about it, how REM was his first band he saw live. Any chance, maybe, if he's in talks with Rob, that Rob might be the next producer? They could just have been on the phone as friends, of course, but it's a possibility.

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I'm thinking that Rob and Billie are good friends and the fact that they talked on the phone after REM's breakup is to be expected. In the music industry, when an important band breaks up, it has a similar effect that a death might have. Friends call each other and talk about their memories with that group/person and it just happens like that. That is not to say that I wouldn't be thrilled if Rob produced Green Day's new album. I think Butch made a horrible over-produced mess out of 21CB, and if Rob were to do their new one, I think that would make a lot of fans happy.

EDIT: In anticipation of a bunch of Green Day fans telling me off for daring to criticize 21st Century Breakdown, I would like to say that I love the album. All the songs on it are quite brilliant. (Except for Inferno.) I am merely criticizing the production, not the song-writing.

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Rolling Stone magazine mentioned in its article about REM breaking up that Billie had been chatting on the phone with Rob Cavallo about it, how REM was his first band he saw live. Any chance, maybe, if he's in talks with Rob, that Rob might be the next producer? They could just have been on the phone as friends, of course, but it's a possibility.

It is, but nothing more than a possibility. ;)

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Has Inferno been Song of the Week? The challenge could be to find some people to say something nice about it!

And on-topic, how I long to hear the full version of "Stray Heart".

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Nah I doubt it'll have much effect, he's only in one episode. He said he was writing loads when he was SUPER busy acting on Broadway, and when they were busy on tour. He writes all the time. I reckon if anything pushing himself and experiencing a new thing like this will probably help motivate and inspire him to write.

Is it confirmed that he will only be in one episode? I was worrying about this affecting the new album, so if that's the case, I guess I can stop worrying.

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Am I the only one who thinks that bitching at Butch should back off? (Wow, trying saying that really fast!). I mean come on, if he's good enough for Green Day, he should be good enough for us too.

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I think the person responsible for the sound a lot of us don't like on Breakdown isn't so much Butch, but rather whoever mixed and mastered it (whoever that is, idk). I feel like producers are often just a guide to the artist on what sounds good and what doesn't.

That being said though, I'd love if Cavallo came back to produce the next album.

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Nah I doubt it'll have much effect, he's only in one episode. He said he was writing loads when he was SUPER busy acting on Broadway, and when they were busy on tour. He writes all the time. I reckon if anything pushing himself and experiencing a new thing like this will probably help motivate and inspire him to write.

True, true. :)

Am I the only one who thinks that bitching at Butch should back off? (Wow, trying saying that really fast!). I mean come on, if he's good enough for Green Day, he should be good enough for us too.

No, I agree with you.

People need to remember that Green Day only releases albums that they are pleased with, so if they weren't happy with 21st Century Breakdown, they would've modified it. Butch was just there for tips and suggestions, Green Day didn't have to take anything he said in mind if they didn't want to.

I do have to admit Billie's voice was alittle overproduced, but that's as much Green Day's fault as it is Butch. They could've stepped in at any time.

I actually think 21st Century Breakdown was a good album, I don't get how people see it as a fail.

That's just my opinion though. :)

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I think it's great and I don't have a problem with the production (mostly because I know nothing about it and don't notice these things :lol:). But I don't think there's anything wrong with people saying so if they do, I'd always rather hear people's honest opinions.

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Has Inferno been Song of the Week? The challenge could be to find some people to say something nice about it!

I think that's a great idea - I'll nominate it in the thread. :)

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I loved 21st Century Breakdown in terms of the lyrical content and the music, but I have liked the production quality of all the Rob Cavallo-produced albums much better than 21CB. I know next to nothing about a producer's influence on the album's sound, but I guess I just naturally went after Butch Vig because he was the "different" factor in 21CB as opposed to American Idiot and the rest of the albums. So, naturally, I would be very happy if Green Day decided to go back to Rob Cavallo for the ninth album. :)

/unnecessarily long post

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Cavallo's albums have all been fantastic. His production has always made the most out of all of Green Day's albums. 21st Century Breakdown was the first Green Day album where I was honestly disappointed with how the album sounded. The songs were fantastic, but I don't feel like they were all they could have been. I feel like Butch Vig over thought the mixing and turned it into a mess.

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