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The Trilogy Albums


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I think 21st Century Breakdown was a great album but it definatly had its faults. It seemed like they tried taking the American Idiot formula but making it bigger and better by incorporating elements of previous albums and mixing it with this new HUGE sound. If the album would have been released two years earlier than it would have been huge, but it just took too long to come out.

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Personally I think they did make it bigger and better :P. It's still my favourite Green Day album. And I think with better single choices that did it justice more people would have seen how good it is. When it came out magazines and reviewers were raving about it and some were even saying it was better than American Idiot, but then they way undersold it with that selection of singles and videos.

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That's true Hermione. I'm of the opinion that they did move forward from AI, and I recognize that 21CB was more ambitious and the music went a step further, but I didn't like it as much! I still appreciate what they did though (and still think it's an incredible album, obviously).

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That's true Hermione. I'm of the opinion that they did move forward from AI, and I recognize that 21CB was more ambitious and the music went a step further, but I didn't like it as much! I still appreciate what they did though (and still think it's an incredible album, obviously).

Oh yeah totally! Which one you like most purely comes down to personal taste.

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I have always been of the opinion that the album would be out in early 2013. Which would be fantastic, because that's when I'm getting married, and I could see if there are any love ballads worth dancing to. :)

So you'll be 19? No disrespect if you are, that's cool... it's just some people lliiiie about their ages on here... :)

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So after the second secret show in as many months last night, when do we realistically think there's gonna be a new album surfacing?

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So after the second secret show in as many months last night, when do we realistically think there's gonna be a new album surfacing?

Oh well, tough question. I've been thinking about this again since I heard about the second secret show and I'm kind of confused when it comes to this.

I'd might be sign for us, that the album will come out faster than we (or most of us) had thought.

Even though I can't wait for their new album just because.. yeah, because it's fuckin' GREEN DAY.. there's the point that I really want to be 16 until their next tour..

But what do you think? When will the album come out? :o

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Maybe you should rephrase your question to WHEN, not IF. IMHO, the "if" is out. Now it's just a matter of time.

Especially seeing as we have now heard a lot of the same song names come up again and again from pre-Tiki, at Tiki, post-Tiki (lmao). They've got a list, and that list is becoming stabilized. IMO, that is key. They're not just testing or playing random things they've had on their back burner for kicks. They've got new stuff, and they are practicing that stuff consistently. Don't know about the recording process, but this is it.

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I think they'll be announcing the new album at that event where they'll perform in October...

IDK, that'd be kind of a douchey move. It's for Will Ferrell, it's not about them. I would hope they wouldn't want to steal his thunder. (But I do hope they'll do it then, because I don't give two shits about WF.)

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Seems a little unlikely for me as well.

We'll see what's going to happen within the next months. But who knows, I already started saving. ;)

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Oh well, tough question. I've been thinking about this again since I heard about the second secret show and I'm kind of confused when it comes to this.

I'd might be sign for us, that the album will come out faster than we (or most of us) had thought.

Even though I can't wait for their new album just because.. yeah, because it's fuckin' GREEN DAY.. there's the point that I really want to be 16 until their next tour..

But what do you think? When will the album come out? :o

I think, realistically, it'll be at least six months. I mean, have they recorded it yet? Weren't Machine Head in their studio up until very recently? And then there's all the mixing/post-production/promotion to be done. I'm thinking Feb/March... could be totally wrong of course but...

Maybe you should rephrase your question to WHEN, not IF. IMHO, the "if" is out. Now it's just a matter of time.

Especially seeing as we have now heard a lot of the same song names come up again and again from pre-Tiki, at Tiki, post-Tiki (lmao). They've got a list, and that list is becoming stabilized. IMO, that is key. They're not just testing or playing random things they've had on their back burner for kicks. They've got new stuff, and they are practicing that stuff consistently. Don't know about the recording process, but this is it.

There's no if in my question?

But yeah, they seem to have a definitive list, depends how many of them actually end up on the album....

I think they'll be announcing the new album at that event where they'll perform in October...

:/ I hope it's not going to come out in like December or something though... :/

Seems a little unlikely for me as well.

We'll see what's going to happen within the next months. But who knows, I already started saving. ;)

Me too! It's what my overdraft is for! hehehehe.

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I think, realistically, it'll be at least six months. I mean, have they recorded it yet? Weren't Machine Head in their studio up until very recently? And then there's all the mixing/post-production/promotion to be done. I'm thinking Feb/March... could be totally wrong of course but...

Yeah, could be. I don't think it'll be much earlier. If it'd be, they must have recorded nearly everything and I don't think they have? But still we don't know..

And I've been saving for about one and half a year too! :lol:

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I expect it about a year from now. They certainly seem to have the songs worked out, so all that's left is recording. They can release it next fall, tour through the fall, winter and into spring and then take a break near the beginning of summer. With one of his kid's graduating high school, I really doubt Billie will want to be in the thick of promoting a new album.

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IDK, that'd be kind of a douchey move. It's for Will Ferrell, it's not about them. I would hope they wouldn't want to steal his thunder. (But I do hope they'll do it then, because I don't give two shits about WF.)

But they could do it without making much buzz around it... Like having the presenter to say "And next, a band who will be releasing a new album next year, Green Day! with their new single _________!" and then they show up and perform a new song :P

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You're right, there was no 'if' in your question. I got very little sleep last night for many reasons not limited to Green Day and I'm not reading things properly. :whaa:

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I think, realistically, it'll be at least six months. I mean, have they recorded it yet? Weren't Machine Head in their studio up until very recently? And then there's all the mixing/post-production/promotion to be done. I'm thinking Feb/March... could be totally wrong of course but...

Well, that's what I thought too. It's not too much, I just hope they'll release the album before the next summer so they'll tour on summer and maybe they'll be here in Italy :D

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Yeah, could be. I don't think it'll be much earlier. If it'd be, they must have recorded nearly everything and I don't think they have? But still we don't know..

And I've been saving for about one and half a year too! :lol:

I expect it about a year from now. They certainly seem to have the songs worked out, so all that's left is recording. They can release it next fall, tour through the fall, winter and into spring and then take a break near the beginning of summer. With one of his kid's graduating high school, I really doubt Billie will want to be in the thick of promoting a new album.

I think they'll have recorded some stuff by now though, the new songs will be somewhere. Whether those'll be the actual recordings they'll work with or not...

But they could do it without making much buzz around it... Like having the presenter to say "And next, a band who will be releasing a new album next year, Green Day! with their new single _________!" and then they show up and perform a new song :P

That would be beyond fantabulously awesome.

You're right, there was no 'if' in your question. I got very little sleep last night for many reasons not limited to Green Day and I'm not reading things properly. :whaa:

S'okay. :)

Well, that's what I thought too. It's not too much, I just hope they'll release the album before the next summer so they'll tour on summer and maybe they'll be here in Italy :D

My big thing is is that I don't want them to tour the UK before mid-april. Because I'm not here. So they're not allowed under any circumstances. :P

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It's highly unlikely that they've recorded anything beyond demos at this point. When they actually head into the studio to record the album, we'll hear about it, because it's almost always announced where they're recording and who's producing it.

And since I'm mentioning producing, I really hope Cavallo comes back to do it.

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My big thing is is that I don't want them to tour the UK before mid-april. Because I'm not here. So they're not allowed under any circumstances. :P

I see that we get along :P

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I'd like them to start their tour in September 2012 :lol: That would be best for me.

But anyway, I'd really like to know how far they've gotten in recording process or if they have already started at all..

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Personally I don't want another Green Day album untill the end of next year I don't know why, I just feel they're too close together if it's released now. But if it was released tomorrow I wouldn't complain.

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Personally I don't want another Green Day album untill the end of next year I don't know why, I just feel they're too close together if it's released now. But if it was released tomorrow I wouldn't complain.

I don't know... if it was released next May that would be 3 years. The same length time as was between Nimrod and Warning... :/ Average?

Now we just need a title of this album so we can changed this thread title...

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I don't know... if it was released next May that would be 3 years. The same length time as was between Nimrod and Warning... :/ Average?

Yeaah that would do me then tour for the end of next year, because they tour for so long though I don't think it seems as long between albums.

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Yeaah that would do me then tour for the end of next year, because they tour for so long though I don't think it seems as long between albums.

Yeah. I think it seems strange because even though they finished touring last Nov (I think). There was the whole St Billie thing, so they never really disappeared for a long period of time...

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