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The Trilogy Albums


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I think the album will be popular but not in a 'OMG Green Day is all over radio, all over TV and all the kids are into it' kind of way. I think it will have all the power of American Idiot without a storyline or concept.

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i'm sensing another dookie, in a few ways.

I feel like Green Day will reinvent themselves in a way that kinda goes back to their roots. And i feel like this album will be about 745892375720 times more successful than 21st CB. Finally i think this will sound more "punk", or at least more stripped down to just vocals and their instruments (no piano, violin, random beeping ect).

but really, i don't care what they do because any band that can make me think broadway is cool deserves my faith :lol:

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Im so excited for a new tour, im just anxoius of what songs they are going to replace in the setlists....OR MAKE THE SHOW 4 HOURS LONG..nah im kidding. :)

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I have a feeling that this album won't become such a huge hype in the media with the fact that it's all over the radio and all over the TV too. I kinda think that it'll more be an album for all the Green Day fans, who are already fans. Just my feeling though :)

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I have a feeling that this album won't become such a huge hype in the media with the fact that it's all over the radio and all over the TV too. I kinda think that it'll more be an album for all the Green Day fans, who are already fans. Just my feeling though :)

I feel like if that happens, it won't be intentional .... I think they want to be bigger, better, and that means wider audience. Reaching new fans.

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Im so excited for a new tour, im just anxoius of what songs they are going to replace in the setlists....OR MAKE THE SHOW 4 HOURS LONG..nah im kidding. :)

This *1000.... I want REALLY LONG ASS SHOWS. :D

I have a feeling that this album won't become such a huge hype in the media with the fact that it's all over the radio and all over the TV too. I kinda think that it'll more be an album for all the Green Day fans, who are already fans. Just my feeling though :)

Are you sure this isn't just what you want it to be, rather than what it actually might be? I don't think they'd ever cut themselves off from certain groups of people intentionally. In fact I'd be worried if they did. If the band stopped wanting to reach new people or stopped trying to get to new places/ideas I'd be really concerned...

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I feel like if that happens, it won't be intentional .... I think they want to be bigger, better, and that means wider audience. Reaching new fans.

Are you sure this isn't just what you want it to be, rather than what it actually might be? I don't think they'd ever cut themselves off from certain groups of people intentionally. In fact I'd be worried if they did. If the band stopped wanting to reach new people or stopped trying to get to new places/ideas I'd be really concerned...

I didn't say that I think Green Day don't have the wish to reach new people. I believe they DO. But my feeling says that this album won't get such a huge hype. And it's just my feeling. I don't say that's what I want it to be or that's just what I'm sure it will be. I can't be sure and that's what something in my head tells me. I'm sure there will always be people who become new fans. I'm sure Green Day will always reach out to more and more people. But I just think that this time, the hype will not be THAT big. Sorry if I'm not able to express what I mean as good as I would be able to express it in German. But I tried and yes, hopefully you'll understand what I mean. You don't have to share my feeling ;)

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Yeah. If you're talking about promotion then I agree. Reprise were a bit shit at promoting 21st CB and maybe this one will be no different... but this all speculation. For all we know this next album could be the next Dookie or AI.... who knows?

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Imagine if, way back in 2003, the boys deliberately made the follow-up to Warning "more for the fans". Many of us wouldn't even be on the forum right now! They're always trying to reinvent themselves for a constantly changing audience. At this moment, there are tons of people around the world who don't know or really care about Green Day, but the new album is going to redefine their worlds. It's exciting to think about all the lives the boys have left to touch. :happy:

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Imagine if, way back in 2003, the boys deliberately made the follow-up to Warning "more for the fans". Many of us wouldn't even be on the forum right now! They're always trying to reinvent themselves for a constantly changing audience. At this moment, there are tons of people around the world who don't know or really care about Green Day, but the new album is going to redefine their worlds. It's exciting to think about all the lives the boys have left to touch. :happy:

I totally agree with you. I really hope they'll reach out to as many people as possible :thumbsup:

It's amazing to imagine something like that.. and yes.. I could NEVER know about what's going to happen!

I just have this feeling when it comes to the promotion and things like that..

But I don't care! As long as they change many lifes like they changed mine, it's not important :happy:

Yeah. If you're talking about promotion then I agree. Reprise were a bit shit at promoting 21st CB and maybe this one will be no different... but this all speculation. For all we know this next album could be the next Dookie or AI.... who knows?

Thank you, this word (I'm dumb) didn't really came to my mind :P

You're right with this. You never know ;)

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I know right, theJOS? I went to study in Europe last year and one of the girls on my program randomly mentioned that she loves Green Day, and I was like "You don't know how obsessed I am" and she was like "No. You definitely aren't as obsessed as me." and then she asked questions to see if I was a real fan (What's Billie's guitar's name? What was their name before Green Day?... which all seemed so obvious, but I guess only a true fan would really know)... it was a beautiful moment in my life to randomly find someone like that.

Anyway, back to the new album, I just don't understand the whole promotion thing. While I think the choices for 21CB SINGLES were certainly poorly done (and in the wrong order... I swear, if 21 Guns had been released first, it could've been a whole nother ball game), I'm not sure I have a grasp on how well AI was promoted compared to 21CB. Obviously AI had great promotion, but I think 21CB did too, it just wasn't as appealing of an album for whatever reasons.

I think promotion can only make or break an album so much. A band like Green Day is well-established enough that if the music is worthy, I really don't think you can use bad promotion as an excuse. Maybe that's just me believing in the power of art too much. But I think, despite all the crap that's out there, when a known good band puts out stuff that people want to hear, it will be embraced. That's not to oversimplify the promotion process, it's obviously critical. I just think, damn, if their next album is fucking awesome, it will be huge even if it gets the so-called 'lacking' promotion of 21CB. And once the ball starts rolling, the hype multiplies. If American Idiot the single hadn't taken off, we might not have seen the excellent publicity that followed with the rest of the singles.

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I know right, theJOS? I went to study in Europe last year and one of the girls on my program randomly mentioned that she loves Green Day, and I was like "You don't know how obsessed I am" and she was like "No. You definitely aren't as obsessed as me." and then she asked questions to see if I was a real fan (What's Billie's guitar's name? What was their name before Green Day?... which all seemed so obvious, but I guess only a true fan would really know)... it was a beautiful moment in my life to randomly find someone like that.

Me answering is a bit off topic again but wow.. I always wanted somebody like that too. :o

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The 21st CB singles were that memorable that I'm now struggling to remember which one actually did come first... *brain fart*

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The 21st CB singles were that memorable that I'm now struggling to remember which one actually did come first... *brain fart*

It was Know Your Enemy. They should've taken the world by storm with East Jesus Nowhere instead. Awful single choices and promotion of singles. As far as I can see as soon as the musical came out in September 2009 they pretty much abandoned the album. After that they rushed out 21st CB and EJN (with virtually no promotion, crammed together released at the same time, one only released in the US the other only released in the rest of the world, and no video for EJN), and from then onwards the only 21st CB songs they promoted or played on TV were ones that are in the musical.

I really think with better singles the album could've done a lot better. Hope the next album gets better treatment!

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It was Know Your Enemy. They should've taken the world by storm with East Jesus Nowhere instead. Awful single choices and promotion of singles. As far as I can see as soon as the musical came out in September 2009 they pretty much abandoned the album. After that they rushed out 21st CB and EJN (with virtually no promotion, crammed together released at the same time, one only released in the US the other only released in the rest of the world, and no video for EJN), and from then onwards the only 21st CB songs they promoted or played on TV were ones that are in the musical.

I really think with better singles the album could've done a lot better. Hope the next album gets better treatment!

Of course it was! Now I remember because I first heard it on the radio when I had just started to revise for my GCSE's.... such bad timing!! :) Yeah the singles choice was a bit wack... LOTAG?? Really??

Anyway, I hope the new album has some killer singles (which I'm sure it will. It's Green Day, there's bound to be killer singles) and that they get good promotion... :) (GOOD VIDEOS TOO!!)

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I REALLY want a new album!! Based on what I've heard from the Tiki Bar, it sounds like were gonna get a great album. To me, these guys just keep getting better and better!

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I know right, theJOS? I went to study in Europe last year and one of the girls on my program randomly mentioned that she loves Green Day, and I was like "You don't know how obsessed I am" and she was like "No. You definitely aren't as obsessed as me." and then she asked questions to see if I was a real fan (What's Billie's guitar's name? What was their name before Green Day?... which all seemed so obvious, but I guess only a true fan would really know)... it was a beautiful moment in my life to randomly find someone like that.

that sounds amazing :mellow:

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Know Your Enemy was a terrible choice as first single. Should have been 21st Century Breakdown or East Jesus Nowhere. 21 Guns was an obvious choice and was a great single. It seems like the label was satisfied with the massively successful tour and 21 Guns and felt no need to promote any further. LOTAG was also a poor choice as a single. 'The Static Age' would have been cool.

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I think the problem with 21CB was that the songs sounded really good but didn't have that energy live.Songs like Restless Heart Syndrome, Horseshoes and Handgrenades, the Viva La Glorias sound very good on th album but I think the live versions I've heard didn't have that much energy.And I think the band understood it and that's why they didn't play many 21CB songs live.

And I believe that's why they did the Tiki Bar show.To see how the songs go live and choose better than the other time...

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i really hope it reaches a shitload of people and makes them fans. Maybe ill finally have an IRL friend who is a fan then :happy:

I found someone like that in 6th grade. BEST YEAR EVER. and she was like big time real fan like all of us. She was in 8th grade though so she left me with my jonas bro friends. :( but we still talk online, she's a senior now in high school. It's just so amazing being able have deep green day convos in real life.

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I found someone like that in 6th grade. BEST YEAR EVER. and she was like big time real fan like all of us. She was in 8th grade though so she left me with my jonas bro friends. :( but we still talk online, she's a senior now in high school. It's just so amazing being able have deep green day convos in real life.

that's awesome! i have 1 friend who's 3rd favorite band is GD and knows a good portion of their discography, but it's not the same as a proper fan like you would find on here.

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that's awesome! i have 1 friend who's 3rd favorite band is GD and knows a good portion of their discography, but it's not the same as a proper fan like you would find on here.

Well sometimes you get lucky and find people in your area! Hehe :P

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I have always been of the opinion that the album would be out in early 2013. Which would be fantastic, because that's when I'm getting married, and I could see if there are any love ballads worth dancing to. :)

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