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The Trilogy Albums


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Late 2012-Early 2013 would be the best time. The guys need rest, some time to spend with their families and time to write new and beautiful music. I'm looking forward to the new album, but I understand that they need to spend some time away from the whole "music thing"...

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I really hope your predictions are true. :bunny: 2012 doesn't seem that far away.

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This doesn't make me feel any better. I remember in 2006, a little after the ai tour ended, they cane out and said they had like 30 or 40 songs written and it was still three years before the album came out. So in still skeptical. This news seems like it's going the exact same way at it did 5 years ago. Wow I can't believe it's been that long already!! Time flies!!

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People on Tumblr are saying that Green Day's going to start recording for the next album in March...I don't know the credibility of this, though. Apparently someone with "connections" to the band told someone this, but I don't know about it.

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Well, I have a serious need of hear new songs, but they're right, when it's time, they'll put it out. Something great about Green Day is that is very strong and patience.

But I remember once in an interview, Mike said that they wanted to keep the tradition of put out new records in a short period... :ermm: But I guess that now that they were improving with the years, they want to make sure everything is 'perfect'. Sure they have so much more music than just 30 songs for a new album.

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haha I got all excited for a second! But as long as it's reinforcing the idea, I don't mind at all... But yeah like most people I'm thinking early to mid 2012 as well... :D

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But sooner rather than later would definitely be better. I'm pretty impatient for new music!

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I really doubt it will be early 2012, late 2012 maybe. They'll want to just spend time with their families before doing this all over again. I actually hope it's later rather than sooner if that means a better product. I don't want a record with 13 alright songs thrown together. And consider this: it was 8 months from the time they started recording 21stCB until it was released.

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Well considering in the nineties they were churning out albums (roughly) 2 years apart, and they started writing for american idiot in 2003. So we know they can put out a good record in a year or two. Surely they wouldn't have us wait 3+ years

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Cant waitttttttttttt I cant beleive no ones mentioned the world ending haha which isnt happeneing :P

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this album better be out before the world ends tho... :lol:

but i have really high hopes for this album and i personally think that this will be their best album yet

they are in their prime right now.

They all seem to be having a great time being in this band. They have a new found appreciation for their old stuff and if they combine their old music with their newer mature lyrics and stuff

super excited :dance:

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Cant waitttttttttttt I cant beleive no ones mentioned the world ending haha which isnt happeneing :P

No its not happening! And that was a terrible movie.

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I don't want a record with 13 alright songs thrown together.

You're right. We want a record with 13 awesome songs thrown together. :)

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LOL they were saying stuff like this just after the American Idiot tour ended. They always have/are working on material, just seems like the standard kind of thing to say.

It's good news of course but I wouldn't get your hopes up.......they went into the studio to start work on the follow up to American Idiot in early 2006......

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LOL they were saying stuff like this just after the American Idiot tour ended. They always have/are working on material, just seems like the standard kind of thing to say.

It's good news of course but I wouldn't get your hopes up.......they went into the studio to start work on the follow up to American Idiot in early 2006......


I give it 6 months before Kerrang has an article "Follow up to 21st Century Breakdown", as they did with AI in 2006.

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LOL they were saying stuff like this just after the American Idiot tour ended. They always have/are working on material, just seems like the standard kind of thing to say.

It's good news of course but I wouldn't get your hopes up.......they went into the studio to start work on the follow up to American Idiot in early 2006......

Yeah, but then they had the weight of coming up with The Follow-Up To American Idiot hanging over them, and I feel like they sure as fuck won't wanna spend a long time crucifying themselves like they did with 21CB. They've got other elements now - the musical broadens the landscape, and there's the Hot Tubs vibe. Hot Tubs demonstrated that with the pressure off, they could make something fast and fun - they love it, the fans love it, and Stop Drop and Roll is a fucking cool record. I think the next album will come sooner rather than later.

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I hope this comes out soon :runaround: but if they are taking their time, there could be a slight chance of a new side-project? New Foxboro album?

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I think people are right with the predictions of it being released early/mid 2012. It's really not that far away. :woot:

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Yeah, but then they had the weight of coming up with The Follow-Up To American Idiot hanging over them, and I feel like they sure as fuck won't wanna spend a long time crucifying themselves like they did with 21CB. They've got other elements now - the musical broadens the landscape, and there's the Hot Tubs vibe. Hot Tubs demonstrated that with the pressure off, they could make something fast and fun - they love it, the fans love it, and Stop Drop and Roll is a fucking cool record. I think the next album will come sooner rather than later.

Oh of course it could come sooner, I hope it does! Or it could come later. But at this point I don't think we can judge it either way, or at least Mike's quote doesn't tell us either way. Can't make predictions about when it'll be out based on that quote.

I like your reasoning though, it does make sense. A Green Day album like that would be fantastic, and failing that if they do wanna take their time on it another fast and fun Foxboro album in between would do nicely :D. I'm really intrigued to hear what they come out with next, there's so many possibilities for them now more than ever.

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The moment I saw the title to this thread I thought we had some news about the new album. :lol:

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Oh of course it could come sooner, I hope it does! Or it could come later. But at this point I don't think we can judge it either way, or at least Mike's quote doesn't tell us either way. Too early to mke predictions about when it'll be out.

I like your reasoning though, it does make sense. A Green Day album like that would be fantastic, and failing that if they do wanna take their time another fast and fun Foxboro album in between would do nicely :D

I'm thinking about stuff Billie Joe said about blending Foxtubs with Green Day - and that makes a new place, away from seeing Green Day as 'the main project', smashing thru those parameters. When I wrote my editorial on 21CB, I asked 'where are the stars?' on this album, and even as I wrote it, I realized that they were all on Stop Drop and Roll - it was a freer place, where all the demands to be epic were dropped and all of the stuff that was squidged sideways in the search to send a strong message came out, and it was fucking great. There's the quality control, and there's 'you take control and you lose your touch' - to just go with your vibe and trust to it. The next record should just be the next record - the song I wanna hear is the song you're singing now, whatever it is. :)

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When i read the title of this thread, I thought they finished the recording, and editing and all other stuff.

Well, i guess we have to wait another long year.

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