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The Trilogy Albums


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Although who knows, they might be sneaky about it and get a producer without us knowing and record the album sooner than we think. Or it might be a while yet. Or something in between. Just have to wait and see!

Someone from CA needs to let us know when KCUF Pirate Radio takes to the airwaves again. Maybe they won't take down the neighborhood power grid this time. :whistle

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I reckon it's fuck time is gonna be on it :D!


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^ Good parenting! :thumbsup:

I don't know if he'd want to be around for the ENTIRE creative process, probably not since he didn't feel he needed to be when the musical was in workshops.

As far as I know Billie has been very involved with the entire process of the musical, including the workshops. I may be mis-remembering things, though.

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I really hope they release the album soon as i'm dying to see them live - don't care where it is in the world i'll go see them (tho i'd need more notice than the Tiki gig!)

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I really hope they release the album soon as i'm dying to see them live - don't care where it is in the world i'll go see them (tho i'd need more notice than the Tiki gig!)

The good news is living in the UK you'll probably get more chances to see them live than anywhere else in the world when they do tour. They play like 10 shows when they come over here, most countries (and US states) get one or two if they're lucky.

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The good news is living in the UK you'll probably get more chances to see them live than anywhere else in the world when they do tour. They play like 10 shows when they come over here, most countries (and US states) get one or two if they're lucky.

Most countries except Germany!

For some reason Germany gets a buttload of shows as well. Not as much as the UK, but still a lot.


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Most countries except Germany!

For some reason Germany gets a buttload of shows as well. Not as much as the UK, but still a lot.


Yeah, a bit off topic but still.. good for us Germans :lol:

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We don't ever get chances of small shows, though XD Just before 21CB the band did a promo tour which included New York, London, Paris and Germany; every place got some small shows apart from London. Oh and Japan too if I can remember rightly

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thank you both

what i'd love to do next time they tour is see them in California and then see them in the UK!

have you seen them live ?

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^ Yeah I saw them on the last tour. Whenever and wherever you see them you are definitely going to love it! They're the best.

We don't ever get chances of small shows, though XD Just before 21CB the band did a promo tour which included New York, London, Paris and Germany; every place got some small shows apart from London. Oh and Japan too if I can remember rightly

True! I suppose the number of normal shows is based purely on how many tickets they think they can sell in that country. Seems like the small shows are usually either in places they have some kind of special affection for, or places where they make lots of TV appearances and stuff. Maybe they're just slightly more popular in Germany and France and/or the media is more interested in them there so it's more worthwhile them playing promo shows and going on TV there. We did get one small show last time though which is more than most countries get. Hope there'll be other times that happens in the future!

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^ And you got a Tubbie show, which remains the only non-US Tubbie show to this day.

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^ And you got a Tubbie show, which remains the only non-US Tubbie show to this day.

Oh yeah that's the small show I meant :D. I don't think it was because they particularly favour the UK though, it was just luck that they happened to get the chance to do it while they were already here. I don't reckon we're any more likely to get future small Green Day shows than anywhere else, whereas Germany and France probably are since they've gone there just to play small shows in the past.

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Oh yeah that's the small show I meant :D. I don't think it was because they particularly favour the UK though, it was just luck that they happened to get the chance to do it while they were already here. I don't reckon we're any more likely to get future small Green Day shows than anywhere else, whereas Germany and France probably are since they've gone there just to play small shows in the past.

Yeah, I guess that's true. You never know, though, they do know they have a loyal fanbase in the UK (else they wouldn't play so many "normal" shows there. Although that might not be the band controlling that).

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I think that (Green Day doing more shows here than other countries) has more to do with the UK on a whole, though. I've known bands who can barely half fill halls in America who can come over and do a whole string of sold out dates in the UK. I don't get how it works, but it does. So with a band like Green Day, they're going to do as many as possible. Plus that and people in the UK don't like to road trip XD like, the shows are on each other's doorsteps half the time, like London and Birmingham. But they'll do it, because it's sure to be an almost if not a total sell out, and maybe the fact the shows are all so close to one another helps too.

/off topic but something i've noticed

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Someone from CA needs to let us know when KCUF Pirate Radio takes to the airwaves again. Maybe they won't take down the neighborhood power grid this time. :whistle

KCUF is already on....

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I've read from an unreliable source who supposedly knows Joey (Billie's son) that the next album is going to be titled "Nuclear Family" and will be a double album released early 2012.

the comment where I got this information is within the uploader comments below the video and info. Not to get anyone's hopes up and I'm not saying I totally trust that person, but if it we're true.....:D
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I think that's a very easy call to make considering we know one of their new songs is Nuclear Family, so it would be plausible. I'd call bullshit on that one. The guy who posted it doesn't have his location on his profile so we can't check that. He has both Green Day and Emily's Army in his list of bands he likes, but that could mean anything, or nothing.

I also doubt a friend of Joey's would go to Youtube and make comments saying things like that. Surely if it were true, he'd know that that's secret information you don't just go telling on the internet.

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I think that's a very easy call to make considering we know one of their new songs is Nuclear Family, so it would be plausible. I'd call bullshit on that one. The guy who posted it doesn't have his location on his profile so we can't check that. He has both Green Day and Emily's Army in his list of bands he likes, but that could mean anything, or nothing.

I also doubt a friend of Joey's would go to Youtube and make comments saying things like that. Surely if it were true, he'd know that that's secret information you don't just go telling on the internet.

This. :)

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"Nuclear Family" would be a cool Album title!

By the way: I can totally see them doing festivals next summer in Europe. Weren't there rumours about Sonishpere and Heineken Jammin Festival?

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Nuclear Family WOULD be a cool album title, but that is just the least reliable source ever and hell, EVEN I thought of it being called Nuclear Family. Double album would be cool though haha.

If it were called Nuclear Family, I'd really be assuming it's socio-political again, and not Nimrod mish-mash. Because, not having heard the song itself, I assumed that song at least would be pretty "Born into Nixon I was raised in hell" themed.

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I hope Green Day keep progressing. They're 1 of the few bands that have never returned to roots and its good that way. They fear nothing. Much respect for that.

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Nuclear Family = the new Hillside Dance :D

Wasn't there one to do with coffee as well ? I seem to recall someone saying they knew someone that knew someone else that had overheard them telling someone else. At a funeral.

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