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The Trilogy Albums


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I just don't want another rock opera.

I agree. Although I wouldn't mind another rock opera if they did one, I really prefer that Green Day returns to their roots. Maybe we could get the best of both worlds on the new album. Like a combination of American Idiot and Dookie. In addition they could add a little Foxboro Hot tubs sound to it. I don't know about you guys, but all that on a Green Day album would be simply kick ass! :wub:

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Green Day just needs a bad ass anger album like insomniac

It would rule if the new album had a some songs on it like that because Insomniac is my favourite album but I don't know if it work to have the whole album like that anymore... I think it would alienate a lot of fans...

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It would rule if the new album had a some songs on it like that because Insomniac is my favourite album but I don't know if it work to have the whole album like that anymore... I think it would alienate a lot of fans...

and if they keep up with this Rock Opera stuff... they will lose more older fans, it works both ways no matter what they do. Personally i think it would be really good for them to have a modern snotty-punk album.

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Who knows what they will put out next. They'll probably surprise us with whatever they do come out with.

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yup, just comfirmed... Green Day is releasing a Thrash Metal album.

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yup, just comfirmed... Green Day is releasing a Thrash Metal album.

:blink: Really? Source please. I don't think that Green Day is a "metal" band. They're like pop punk and just rock. I think they may just go back to their roots as that's what they said they wanted to do if I'm not mistaken.

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:blink: Really? Source please. I don't think that Green Day is a "metal" band. They're like pop punk and just rock. I think they may just go back to their roots as that's what they said they wanted to do if I'm not mistaken.

LMAO! dude i was sooooo joking!

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;) it would be weird to see them to do a metal album, i love green day... but i cant see Billie doing bad ass fast paced shreding.
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;) it would be weird to see them to do a metal album, i love green day... but i cant see Billie doing bad ass fast paced shreding.

There is actually a video of Billie on YouTube doing some shredding and at the end he says something like; "See I can do, I just choose not to do this shit" or something... I saw it a few times and then I tried to find it again and couldn't.. :/

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I had a crazy thought last night when I was thinking about how GD always wants to take a step forward, that they could do an album-movie one-shot :rolleyes: Because I do get the impression that Billie Joe is attached to continuing with the rock opera format, and will from now on include characters and some kind of storyline, so in order to take that a step further with the next album, they could accompany its release with a 45 minute album film (or however long the album is) that runs all the way through each song, instead of just a few music videos. Kind of like if Holiday and BOBD had been put out as one thing, and then just add 10 more clips to that.

I'm not saying I WANT Green Day to do that, I just thought it's something they could think about doing :blink: (And seeing as Billie would probably throw in a female character or two, they probably wouldn't even be in the film much)

/weird idea over.

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I had a crazy thought last night when I was thinking about how GD always wants to take a step forward, that they could do an album-movie one-shot :rolleyes: Because I do get the impression that Billie Joe is attached to continuing with the rock opera format, and will from now on include characters and some kind of storyline, so in order to take that a step further with the next album, they could accompany its release with a 45 minute album film (or however long the album is) that runs all the way through each song, instead of just a few music videos. Kind of like if Holiday and BOBD had been put out as one thing, and then just add 10 more clips to that.

I'm not saying I WANT Green Day to do that, I just thought it's something they could think about doing :blink: (And seeing as Billie would probably throw in a female character or two, they probably wouldn't even be in the film much)

/weird idea over.

interesting concept, but it would have to be at least 89min long.

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interesting concept, but it would have to be at least 89min long.

>implying CDs hold over 80 minutes

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I just don't want another rock opera.

Totally agree, I want to hear more stuff like "Light's Out" and other catchy songs more typical of their earlier days. 21st Century was good...but I always felt it was never up to the brilliance of AI

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I would love a new The Network album!

Not happening- Tubbies is more likely.

Well, keep it up GD....

I wish theyd just record their uncut songs like RIGHT NOW. That would be epic.

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I'm not in love with the idea of another rock opera either, just because it's not that original after you've done two of 'em, but I also don't see how organizing the content of songs into a storyline and acts at all should change or affect the style of the music? If y'all want catchy tunes similar to ye olden days, that will happen or it won't, regardless of if they format it like a play, no?

Hell, I'm sure with a little work we could re-package Dookie as a rock opera. Let's see: The main characters are a couple, Basketcase and She, and they live in Paradise, USA. Reorder the songs a bit and I'm sure you could come up with She's escape from home, her meeting Basketcase, their communal boredom and ultimate loneliness. They fight a lot as a couple and Basketcase questions his sexuality. A little more work, throw in some imagery and titles for Acts, and you've got yourself an old school GD rock opera.

I guess my ultimate point/question is: do you think structuring an album intentionally as a rock opera has an affect on the music itself? Does it really go beyond lyrics? Because I'm not sure it does...

And I think most of us overall appreciate Billie's progression as a lyricist, even if we're missing some of that old school humor, we're mostly concerned about the music, not the lyrics.

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I don't think 21st CB is a rock opera, and Green Day have never said it is either. It has characters and ambitous music but it's not a rock opera. American Idiot's an opera because it tells a story, it has a clear storyline with a beginning, middle and end that you can follow from start to finish. 21st CB just makes use of characters to express ideas and feelings, it's not the same thing.

I think 21st CB is a very personal album, the fact that it's expressed using characters names instead of saying "I" or "me" doesn't make much difference to me. I find it totally different from American Idiot. The next album could be totally different whether they go down the road of using characters or they don't, and whether they make big ambitous music or simpler music. There's so many other variables it could be a progression either way, and brilliant either way.

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I don't really think I'd mind what Green Day came out with next. In all seriousness the people saying that they don't want anothe rock opera, do you actually dislike American Idiot? I think it has a lot of stigma attached to it because it was so ambition but I think the album itself is amazing and it blows my mind every single time I listen to it, even though I've heard so many times.

But then again I do adore GD's earlier stuff too, as I've said before Insomniac is one of my fav Green Day albums, that or Kerplunk. But that fact that I can't choose one that is my favourite backs up my idea that I don't mind what they do. Although I do think that at where they are now, the 'arena rock' thing and big songs and ballads are more suited to a majority of people outside the group of hardcore fans...

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Billie Joe made a comment a while back about the new album being "part Green Day, part Foxboro Hot Tubs." That comment alone makes me think that he's seeing a disconnect there, with Green Day evolving into the arena rock band that cranks out huge guitar tracks and a "wall of sound," and the Tubbies being the punk rock roots band. I'm wondering if what he's hinting at there is that the next album will have the storyline aspect that he seems to have grown fond of, but will sound more like a Tubbies record.

I always thought the next record might not sound necessarily like a Tubbies record, but rather it might have a more laid-back attitude like a Tubbies record would have. I always got the impression that the whole reason why the guys started FBHT in the first place was because there was so much pressure and stress that came with writing 21CB. So they started the band and wrote that album as a way to let off some steam.

When I heard that quote from Billie Joe, I figured he meant that he didn't want to write another album that would stress Green Day out, but also not necessarily have that garage-rock feel that the Tubbies have.

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>implying CDs hold over 80 minutes

if it was a movie, you have to consider filler without the music ;) so on the DVD 89min or more, CD would just be the music.

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I'm just wondering how much Green Day enjoys the more 'arena rock' songs... because it seems that they DO, you know? I mean, besides 21 Guns, I'm not sure which songs would be classically categorized as arena songs (Probably KYE, Holiday... ) but I have to say I would like an album like that... but I would equally like one that wasn't. It's hard to say.

I wonder how much GD thinks that arena rock is who they are as a band now? I know they don't try to label themselves, they just want to write good songs and ultimately that's what they will try to do regardless of how it's characterized... but considering the way BJ has described his joy of playing 21 Guns, and how it was pretty much written with the intent of having it played for 20,000 people, not 20 people... you'd have to think that's something he'd be considering more and more when writing songs...?

I'm also guilty of liking Bon Jovi, the ultimate pandering arena rock band :whistle

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I think Christian's Inferno and maybe Horseshoes and Handgrenades are the punkest on 21CBD.

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