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The Trilogy Albums


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Well there's nothing really new in there. Only the spewing out of those tweets again and someone has just infered from them that they're back in the studio. There's been no confirmation and as someone pointed out earlier, still or certainly very recently, Machine Head have been using Studio 880, so unless they've transferred then I doubt they're actually recording for an album...

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Plus 'working on new songs' and 'going into the studio' would probably mean the same thing to someone who didn't know any better.

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Yes, but that's because Mick Jagger is a robot and Keith Richards stays in a cryogenic tube when he's not performing.

That made me laugh way more than it should have. :lol:

How about The Who, then?

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Indeed, there's nothing new in the article besides "Green Day hit No. 14 in April with the live CD/DVD ‘Live as F—,’" :lol:

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I have no clue, probably in a couple of years. But what I'm actually more eager too know is which direction they are taking musically. What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new album will kick ass,that's for sure.

But I think that early 2012 is too close,and late 2012 is too far away,so we should expect mid-2012 for a release.

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I'd love just to wake up one morning and see the album just there, no promotion, no label bullshit. Just a surprise album, ready to penetrate our eardrums with its awesome.

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no promotion

But I want there to be a huge tour. So there needs to be some of that "label bullshit"...

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But I want there to be a huge tour. So there needs to be some of that "label bullshit"...

I was referring to just the album itself, tour can have as much of the promotion as it wants yano

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I was referring to just the album itself, tour can have as much of the promotion as it wants yano

Yeah that would be quite nice then.... it would be like "PRESENT!" woo...

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I'd love just to wake up one morning and see the album just there, no promotion, no label bullshit. Just a surprise album, ready to penetrate our eardrums with its awesome.

They could very well do that with an awesome surprise side-project album. They did it with those 6 Foxboro songs right out of the blue, best thing EVER! I really hope they're gonna surprise us with some side project wonderfulness again this time.

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I'd love just to wake up one morning and see the album just there, no promotion, no label bullshit. Just a surprise album, ready to penetrate our eardrums with its awesome.

After the 21CB horse shit, there needs to be some decent album promotion (at least here in the US)

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I just hope Green Day will come out of hiding BEFORE 2013. 2012 sounds promising because Mike said in an interview that they already had a ton of songs written before they went to finish off the 21st CB tour last October. GD's also been recently collaborating playing music together, according to Billie's twitter. I think last year or something Green Day said in an interview regarding the follow up to 21st CB saying that "A couple of years down the line, it's gonna get real serious" or something like that. That was last year in 2010 so that tells me that a couple years from that point would be 2012. They actually revealed they were starting stuff on the new album last year. They did demos in Europe and all that. All this tells me that sometime in 2012 we could possibly see a new album. At the same time, however, I'm wondering, was this exactly how it was going following the American Idiot tour 5-6 years ago? :unsure:

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It doesn't matter how long it will take until they'll release it in my opinion. If they need more time than expected to produce another wonderful record, then they need more time.

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I just hope Green Day will come out of hiding BEFORE 2013. 2012 sounds promising because Mike said in an interview that they already had a ton of songs written before they went to finish off the 21st CB tour last October. GD's also been recently collaborating playing music together, according to Billie's twitter. I think last year or something Green Day said in an interview regarding the follow up to 21st CB saying that "A couple of years down the line, it's gonna get real serious" or something like that. That was last year in 2010 so that tells me that a couple years from that point would be 2012. They actually revealed they were starting stuff on the new album last year. They did demos in Europe and all that. All this tells me that sometime in 2012 we could possibly see a new album. At the same time, however, I'm wondering, was this exactly how it was going following the American Idiot tour 5-6 years ago? :unsure:

Kind of. They said they were writing/demoing during the AI tour, and after the tour finished at the end of 2005 they were back in the studio in early 2006. I don't think you can really tell much from them writing, demoing or being in the studio because they do that stuff all the time. However, it does seem like this time they're telling us a lot more about what's going on. Last time they were very secretive and hardly told us anything. So although there's no guarantees about how long it'll be yet, I'm hoping they're gonna keep us filled in a bit more this time.

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One thing we know is that the guys do not want to disappoint. They want to give us the best possible album, they don't wanna half ass it. And if that means over analyzing every second of music they record and spending months perfecting it, so be it

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Kind of. They said they were writing/demoing during the AI tour, and after the tour finished at the end of 2005 they were back in the studio in early 2006. I don't think you can really tell much from them writing, demoing or being in the studio because they do that stuff all the time. However, it does seem like this time they're telling us a lot more about what's going on. Last time they were very secretive and hardly told us anything. So although there's no guarantees about how long it'll be yet, I'm hoping they're gonna keep us filled in a bit more this time.

Oh ok. Lets just keep our fingers crossed and hope that we get more news about the progress sometime. Now that I think about it, a Hot Tubs album would be great to pass the time but I somehow doubt they'd do a FBHT album any time soon.

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I dont think this will take 5 years. 21st Century Breakdown took so long because they were trying to write a big "ambitious" (word way too overused) album. I bet their next album is gonna be all about having really catchy songs. Not just normal Nimrod-ish songs though, I think the album will have a very unique sound to it, but it will sound really uniform. Almost surf sounding, sort of like 60's pop music from the future. The closest thing to that I can think of is this band Wavves -

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If any of these upcoming Green Day-related projects come up (AI movie, side project/bands, etc.) then the record will take much longer. I am one of those people who doesn't want to see Billie Joe in the movie simply based on the fact that I want Green Day to stick to their music. However, I can see a new Foxboro Hot Tubs or Network album in the new future. Remember when side A of Stop Drop and Roll!!! was released randomly out of nowhere? Yeah, wouldn't shock me to see it happen that randomly again.

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I kind of doubt we'll get anything more by The Network. Billie Joe seems to more or less hate the project. At least, that's the public face he puts on it. Regardless, the Tubbies get way more love from GD than The Network ever did.

He only does that because he knows that we know it's them and he thinks it's funny, which it is. It's fucking hilarious. I don't think he hates it at all.

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I just want a new album and a huge tour. I love their side projects but Green Day' music is the best.

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I kind of doubt we'll get anything more by The Network. Billie Joe seems to more or less hate the project. At least, that's the public face he puts on it. Regardless, the Tubbies get way more love from GD than The Network ever did.

I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not :lol:, but if not he's always "hated" them lol, from the moment The Network was thought up there's been a fake rivarly/hatred between them and Green Day. I agree though, The Network seems like a one off jokey thing, one comedy 80s punk/new wave/futuristic album is enough. With the Tubbies their album is so much more and they're really a proper band. Loads more potential.

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Green Day just needs a bad ass anger album like insomniac

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Green Day just needs a bad ass anger album like insomniac


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