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So I sold my collection...


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I'm not the teen I was when I got into green day, from the age of 11-20 I was obsessed, although I listen to the music still I don't need the collection. Buying things as trey were released, when I started collecting insomniac had only been released so after 15 years I got a lot. Most came through eBay & old second hand record shops in London. I can't be bothered to add it up, but I bought a hell of a lot of stuff out of it, including a huge Florida holiday, 3 european holidays, lots of gadgets & the rest on drink & drugs. Someone else can enjoy it now.

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I didn't think that list would end! that it a ton of suff

Like everyone else is asking… why would you sell something that looked like it took all this time to put together?!

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Pity youre selling it after collecting it all but it certaintly is an impressive collection :thumbsup:

Would have loved to have bought some but wouldn't have had any money :pinch:

Well done :thumbsup:

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That was an inpressive collection. Some of the items are now safely placed in my collection :)

Being a huge collector myself (see the not-so-updated www.greendaycollector.com), I must say it's always sad when a collector parts with their collection. That being said, saf has been a great person in the "GD collectors community", and I wish him all the best.

What is said in the thread is very correct; the items are worth whatever people would like to pay for it. And some items are a lot rarer than others. Having a almost complete collection of releases brings the "willingnes to pay more" for missing items in the collection up quite a bit :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome. Pretty impressive, too.

I would've loved to have that Blood, Sex, and Booze promo, though.

I wonder what was on the cover....

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Nice! Tbh I'd rather have that money than the stuff any day. And they got enjoyment out of collecting and owning it for a while too, and now other people will get to enjoy it. A win win win!

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all that stuff would probably fill up my bedroom! I wish I had that much Green Day stuff

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One of those items alone will probably be worth that much one day!

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Holy shit.

I really really love Green Day, but if I had the choice between taking the money or the collection, I'd always take the money. :whistle

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