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St. Billie Returns To The St. James

plaid ducky

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This may sound crazy but every time I try to look at any of the photos and videos of Billie's final performance my eyes tear up. I think I'm going to have to wait a few days to look at them . . . maybe it will be easier then. I just can't believe 50 shows have passed by so quickly. Every day I couldn't wait to read all the posts regarding the prior night's performance. I'm really going to miss that.

I'm so thankful that I was able to see American Idiot twice and to meet Billie Joe. It all seems like a dream.

Well, I guess it's now time for Billie Joe and Mike to take a rest from their shows and hopefully return to the studio soon!! We have AAF to look forward to but I wonder what the future holds after that.

Oh and also I read somewhere that Tre was there for Billie's final performance. Can anyone confirm this?

Thanks for all the wonderful posts regarding American Idiot. I really enjoyed reading them!!

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I AM BEYOND HAPPY!! My heart goes out to those who couldnt experience it. Really. I almost didnt myself.

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Oh and also I read somewhere that Tre was there for Billie's final performance. Can anyone confirm this?

Tre was there.

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Tre was there.

I kinda figured Tre would be there . . . being Billie's final performance.

Were you there Plaid Ducky?

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from tumblr

some of the "last" picture :)







it's not certain that the "last", but all three boys are on it together .... :rolleyes:


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Impatiently waiting for your recap. Could you just be the nicest person in the world and post some of your pics with it? (I don't have facebook :( )

hey, my recap is now on facebook! I know you said you don't have one but here is the link anyways, sometimes it works without having to have one AI recap Feb. 15-17

[if it doesn't work, I will P.M it to you!]

I will also be doing a recap for Feb. 22-27 as well

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I was at the show on february 27th, and it was awesome. I saw it twice previously, but this last time was really the best one! Unfortunately I was not at the GDC party on 26th and I didn't meet Billie Joe, and I don't think it will happen since I am living in Paris. That the only regret I have (OK: the biggest one!). Moreover it seems like every Green Day fan in NYC was at this party, and talked to him!

Anyway it was a unforgettable moment, and I really enjoyed it.

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I'm trying my hardest to not think about the party... I was invited, and didn't think much of it, and showed up 30 minutes late... After BIllie had already left... Biggest regret of my life...

At least I got to see the show though, the whole thing has been running through my head non-stop! And I made a book for Billie as a big thank you that I gave to some lady that works backstage or something who said she would make sure Billie gets it... So I hope that ended up happening!

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Naww I'm getting slightly emotional from those videos, and I've never even seen the musical :cry::wub:

Triple last show... and wasn't the 26th Christina's last show? or was it today.... too many people leaving lately, I mix everything up.

Hahaha, that's just great :lol:

Yeah the night before was her last night.

My friend and I spoke to her at the end of the show. She was in the orchestra afterwards and said she came to watch it. Shes been crazy busy with the next show she will be in, Baby Its You, shes doing that starts March 26th, right across the street actually.

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On the bus back home from the airport... I'm so so sad this is over. Billie and the cast were more amazing than I could possibly have imagined. I lost count of how many times I was reduced to tears but I know I spent a lot of the flight home snivelling :lol: returning to my crappy empty life in England sucks but you guys all know that feeling :(

If anyone wants to read it I'll post a recap :)

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Billie is an amazing St.Jimmy :happy: ever since I had heard the song, I had some sort of "image" iin my head of how a guy like St.Jimmy would probably be like, and only now that we had St.Billie, I felt that that was was I sort of expected St.Jimmy to be like (now if u've managed to understand wut I mean, lucky u :lol: )

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On the bus back home from the airport... I'm so so sad this is over. Billie and the cast were more amazing than I could possibly have imagined. I lost count of how many times I was reduced to tears but I know I spent a lot of the flight home snivelling :lol: returning to my crappy empty life in England sucks but you guys all know that feeling :(

If anyone wants to read it I'll post a recap :)

Glad you enjoyed. And absolutely write up your recap here. I'm sure I'm not the only one that will enjoy reading it.

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I got a video from the last performance! I was in the front row so its a pretty good view!

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When Mikey and I were talking to Billie on Saturday, I think someone came up and told him he was amazing as St. Jimmy, and he laughed and said "well...I'm kinda the man for the job" :lol: But I mean really, he was pitch perfect. Just the moment when he comes out all "onetwothreefouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur" gave me chills every time. I really wish there was a cast album with Billie on it.

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St. Billie's gone.

One thing I will forever regret missing. :(

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When Mikey and I were talking to Billie on Saturday, I think someone came up and told him he was amazing as St. Jimmy, and he laughed and said "well...I'm kinda the man for the job" :lol: But I mean really, he was pitch perfect. Just the moment when he comes out all "onetwothreefouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur" gave me chills every time. I really wish there was a cast album with Billie on it.

I really hate replies that just say this, but THIS would be AAF!

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A cast album with Billie as St. Jimmy would be beyond amazing :o

Anyway, here's my big long recap! I'm putting it in a spoiler so people who aren't interested can just skip it. There's probably a few bits about the trip in general that might seem irrelevant, but I've put them in because they add to the shows. It's massive and I feel a little bit silly posting something so long but I hope it isn't too boring. :lol:

22nd Feb - when we got to the airport and boarded the flight, the plane tried to take off, then broke down and had to go back to the gate. It was delayed for hours and we had to be in New York for the show that evening. When it was eventually fixed, we spent the flight wondering if we were going to die because there was steam coming out of the wing and it didn't seem safe at all. Border protection stopped us for the fourth time (we didn't die). It seemed pretty likely that we'd miss the show.

But we didn't. We got there just in time. I was expecting to hate the musical, I thought it'd be truly awful. But I knew from the moment it started that I was wrong.

Tre said something once about it being the closest thing to seeing Green Day - it really is. It fucking blew me away. The cast had so much energy, they were so talented, there was so much going on. They had the same stage presence that Green Day have. The music and set was bloody brilliant. I realised at once why people want to see it so many times.

Billie was amazing - I hadn't imagined St. Jimmy like that at all, but he was just perfect for the part. He was how St. Jimmy should be. Little things like the way he kept wiping his nose and the way he staggered round the stage all added up to one big picture. His voice was perfect for the part too, better than I'd ever heard it before. He was a natural. Two parts that really made an impression on me were the end of She's A Rebel when St. Jimmy's questioning Johnny, and when Johnny's finished singing When It's Time, then St. Jimmy leaps up and starts screaming Know Your Enemy. Awesome.

But the rest of the cast were just as perfect, it wasn't just Billie. Michael struck me as a favourite pretty early on. His voice just... I don't know. His character was one of my favourites too. He just really struck me as amazing. Not that John and Stark aren't! I say Michael's my favourite but they're all so amazing. I was so blown away by how fucking great the music and story were overall. I couldn't quite take it in that first night. It almost equalled seeing Green Day.

23rd Feb - we only meant to see the show on the 22nd and 27th. But fuck - we were in New York, a few streets away from this amazing thing that was so close to seeing Green Day. We entered the lottery but no luck, so we went into the box office and used some of our food money. We got the front row of the mezzanine. It was partial view so we couldn't really see much going on when Billie first appeared but it didn't matter. I wasn't there to just see Billie anymore, I was there to see this fucking awesome musical called American Idiot. We had a great view otherwise. We were so lucky to get those tickets. I'm really not a tears person but at this point I was already beginning to snivel. It brought back memories and created new memories.

24th Feb - we weren't so lucky with the tickets that day, we got the worst balcony seats possible. But it was okay. We saw the musical. I was so grateful for that. I'd never been able to relate to much from American Idiot before - I had, but not like I could relate to 21CB - but I was beginning to realise I could relate so much to the most unlikely part of all - St. Jimmy. I suddenly realised that the character of him told years of my life story. Then it all meant even more to me. Are We The Waiting really got me too, with the amazing visuals (they were brilliant throughout the whole show!) and then the lyrics "starry nights, city lights coming down over me" / "this dirty town is burning down in my dreams" with Stark's great voice, it really made me feel how I was far away in New York and in my dreams my shitty hometown was burning down. But anyway, yeah... we hung around afterwards because we didn't have anything better to do, and I met Rebecca and she signed my playbill :happy: Michael signed it too, but he didn't speak to me so I didn't really feel I'd met him. I was still really happy to have both of their autographs though. I think this was the night Billie sang Basket Case which obviously was fucking awesome - it was even more like seeing Green Day. The flight back to England has blurred everything so please just slap me if that wasn't that night at all.

25th Feb - it all started that day when I met Michael properly and got a photo. I told him he was my favourite and he was so grateful. I was so fucking happy. We probably weren't going to go to the show that day.

But then I won the lottery.

I still don't have any words for it. I haven't been that happy in so long, feelings that deep don't exist in my empty everyday life. I couldn't believe it. I was the first name they picked out. I'd met Michael properly and I'd won the lottery. I almost broke down. I was shaking and couldn't stop laughing and smiling.

The show was better than ever. They were so fucking close, less than a few inches away when they came right out to the front. I got slobbered on by Billie :lol: there was a blob of spit on my glasses and a bit in my hair... I wasn't sure whether to go "eurgh!" and wipe it off or not so I spent the rest of the trip with my vision slightly obscured by Billie's spit. Thankfully I saw the light and cleaned it off a few hours ago. But the show... I really don't know how to describe it. Too amazing for words. And I was so happy I'd met Michael. Stark gave Joy his guitar pick and signed her playbill! I probably don't even need to mention that I was in tears. I really do never cry but anything Green Day related can set me off in seconds. The cast and musical were making a major impression on me and I loved it all equally - but there was still a little hint of Billie being Billie and he just blew me away so much. I don't mean it in a fangirly way - I'm not attracted to him. He was just so St. Jimmy. That's my best explanation but my wording sucks. I don't think there are words in the English language that can describe it. That man saved my life and it meant more than the world to me to be there so close - and it also meant the world to me to see the musical and the rest of the cast so close. My friend had come up from down south, he managed to make the 25th and 26th evening but he couldn't make it to the evening of the 27th. He gave me his tickets.

26th Feb - the seats we got for the afternoon were alright-ish, in the right box. I really couldn't see anything that was happening on the right. But I was still so grateful to be there. Apparently John pulled a face at us which made my day! :lol: and of course like I've said a million times already the musical was amazing. BOBD is one of my least favourite GD songs but it was amazing at the musical. Anyway, it seemed like we had no chance of getting into the evening performance so even though we were really sad we were prepared to walk away - we had to be grateful for how many times we'd already seen it and the lottery. A guy was selling tickets on the street but we couldn't afford them, we were already running seriously low on food money. Joy said we'd just buy one for me. When she told the guy that, he reduced them and sold them both to us for a reasonable price. It was a pretty good view, partial view in the mezzanine again. All the nights are blurring into one, I wish so much that I could remember them properly :( I was pretty ill that night though which didn't help, I couldn't make it to the GDC meet up. We went to Walgreens to buy a few bits of cheap food then went straight back to the hotel.

27th Feb - John, Michael and Billie's last day... we managed to get two seperate tickets for the afternoon performance. It sucked that we weren't together but it didn't affect the awesomeness of the musical itself. My view was pretty good. Joy apparently had the "best seat on Broadway" :lol: at first she wasn't even going in, but then she came running down to find me in the orchestra with a front row mezzanine ticket that she'd bought off a guy on the street. Awesome show as usual. They were trying so hard even though it was only the second-to-last show. I was so glad to be able to see it. It was amazing.

The last show... it was the absolute best. We were in the mezzanine but it was even better than the night we were front row. I agree that Libby wasn't as good as Christina but by this show she'd got so much better, I really think she'll be good once she gets used to it. It was such an emotional show. Billie's hey-oh was awesome and it was so sweet when John, Micheal and Stark were crying. The applause for Michael lasted forever and John got a pretty massive round of applause at the end! I was so pleased because I was worried they'd go unnoticed with it being Billie's last day. I really wanted to thank them. I sort of met Michael again afterwards but he was in a rush (he'd been signing for so long! He's so nice) so we just exchanged nods and stuff. I cried several times throughout the show. I was desperately trying to take it in because I knew it was probably the last time I'd ever see Michael and John and probably the last time I'd see the musical for a long time - and maybe the last time I'd ever see St. Billie or see any of Green Day at all for a very very long time.

The day after was depressing. We went to the St. James to see it one last time. There were other fans there and it brought tears to my eyes just to see us all paying tribute to our band's amazing musical before we left. I burst into tears as we walked away. There isn't another band like Green Day and there aren't any other fans like Green Day fans.

Along with the week we spent in AZ and CA to see GD last year, this week was the best week of my life. I don't remember ever being so happy. And I really do appreciate how incredibly lucky we were to be able to do this. I don't quite know how badly we've fucked our normal lives by doing this but it doesn't matter. It was worth every sacrifice. I hope so much that other people can have the same amazing experience that we had in New York. If you actually read all of that, I salute you! :cool:

A few other things... I met someone in NY who said she'd seen the musical something like 30 times and they'd told her Billie's coming back in April. I don't know how true that is, it's probably crap but I thought I'd share it.

So finally, I've just got a few video/audio requests that I should probably post this in the video/audio requests forum, but I thought I'd try here first. I'm looking for videos/audio of Last Night on Earth from any of the shows from the 23rd-27th but particulary the 27th (it was just so fucking good), and a video of 21 Guns from the afternoon of the 26th. If anyone could share these with me I'd be incredibly grateful! :D

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Read every word. Thank you for your thoughts. It was fun to live through your experience and made me remember mine. The salute goes to you. :thumbsup:

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A few other things... I met someone in NY who said she'd seen the musical something like 30 times and they'd told her Billie's coming back in April. I don't know how true that is, it's probably crap but I thought I'd share it.

oh god.... the last time he did it in Sept.-Oct., like a few weeks later there were rumors floating around that he would be back in Jan.-Feb. I didn't believe it, then look what happened... LOL... Hopefully he will take a much needed break and relax!

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A cast album with Billie as St. Jimmy would be beyond amazing :o

Anyway, here's my big long recap! I'm putting it in a spoiler so people who aren't interested can just skip it. There's probably a few bits about the trip in general that might seem irrelevant, but I've put them in because they add to the shows. It's massive and I feel a little bit silly posting something so long but I hope it isn't too boring. :lol:

Read the whole thing, thank you so much for sharing! I am so, so happy you loved the show so much and had such an awesome time.

TBH I came at American Idiot from the theatre fan side, not the Green Day fan side. And the show made me fall head over heels for Billie and the music and everything. So it's always kind of awesome to see Green Day fans do the reverse and fall in love with the musical and enjoy it so much. /sap

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I was at the show on february 27th, and it was awesome. I saw it twice previously, but this last time was really the best one! Unfortunately I was not at the GDC party on 26th and I didn't meet Billie Joe, and I don't think it will happen since I am living in Paris. That the only regret I have (OK: the biggest one!). Moreover it seems like every Green Day fan in NYC was at this party, and talked to him!

Anyway it was a unforgettable moment, and I really enjoyed it.

Definitely not true, lol. Not every GD fan from NYC was there and barely anyone got to talk to him. I was the the whole time and I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I spoke with Adrienne though, who is a total sweetheart. But yeah, Billie was only there for maybe about 20 minutes and then left so he wasn't there long. Just long enough to make a quick appearance, say a few hellos to some lucky individuals and leave.

I do regret not being able to talk to him while I was there, but at the same time it was still really cool. I mean, when I first got there, he was just sitting at the bar, chilling out, drinking a Guinness, lol. I had never seen him like that. Every time I get the chance to see Billie, it's either at a concert, or he's being swarmed by fans asking him to sign things. It was really weird to see him like that, but also really cool. Of course, just a few minutes after that, the GD fans started coming in and he was crowded again and had to leave :ermm: Oh well, it was cool just seeing him there!

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A few other things... I met someone in NY who said she'd seen the musical something like 30 times and they'd told her Billie's coming back in April. I don't know how true that is, it's probably crap but I thought I'd share it.

Someone told me also that "they were going to do something in April" but didn't tell me exactly what it was. But if Billie is going to be in the show again in April, it would make sense since that would be one year on B'way. I really hope if they do come back that Pinhead Gunpowder plays a show. Jimmy asked Bill Schneider about it at the fan meetup and he said that they had tried to do it, but the schedule was crazy. With a little PLANNING, maybe they could actually make a show work, lol.

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Anyway, here's my big long recap!

Aw, I just loved reading that :happy: Thanks for sharing!

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