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Billie Joe Armstrong


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My opinion may not make a difference to anyone, but I'm going to share it anyway in regards to loving Billie, Tre or Mike.

I think that you can love someone based on what has been shared by them, what you know as fact about them, and the experiences you've had that involve them. It may not be the same kind of love that say, Billie and Adrienne have together, but it is a form of love. I think there are different levels of love based on the level of the relationship you have with another person.

And, of course, the definition of what love is, is different for everyone...so my two cents, for what it's worth: I believe you can love someone even if you don't fully know them. And it doesn't always have to be in a "stalker" sort of way, it can be purely innocent and simply admiring.

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Wow, never knew there was still a conversation going on about me in here, until Ashley told me. It's alright. I'm not mad. I love you all who defended me. I just have a few things to say...

1. That statement i made about Billie is kinda old. Why would two people go back and actually reply to it? make's no sense.

2. I am not a stalker. I completely respect Billie and his family, and I wouldn't do anything to creep him out. For those of you who know me good would know that I would never do anything like that. If my.. "obsession?" was dangerous, I would have gone already to stalk him in his house or neighborhood (seeing that it's not difficult since we live in the same state).

And lastly,

there's different kinds of love. There's friendship love, there's romantic love, there's family love, and there's admiration love.

It's up to those who want to judge, to figure out what love i have for Billie.

OH, and for the subject of "Not knowing him at all", well sorry but yeah, we do know him. just by knowing his name and his favorite bands we know him. Just how I know all of you.

and since this is a photo thread for Mr. Armstrong, here's some photos. :)







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God, whats going on here ? :mellow:

He looks so fucking tiny!! :woot:

And on the whole thing about Josie.

I have to defend her as well. I mean everyone has his or her own opinion. And I think everyone is allowed to write that down or tell it to other people. of course nobody on here knows him 100% and personally or something but you can still feel for him in a way. I totally udnerstand that. And telling her, she was the reason for Billie being attacked or needing Bodyguards is just BULSHIT AND IMMATURE. He needs bodyguards because he is famous, god dammit. And if you're 14, 17 as me or 25 or whatsoever doesnt matter about what you feel or what you think. I'm turning 18 this year and I still sometimes wonder about Billie's wonderful self,how incredible he is and how you could actually not love him at least in an "idol" way. All nothing wrong with that. Jesus., lets live in peace on here!!

Tried the best to express my thoughts in English. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes.



I agree too. :thumbsup:

Yes, good explained! :thumbsup: We know him, but okee. This shit is over! And great photos :wub:

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You know what, can you shut up? We're allowed to be attracted to anyone we want to be attracted to, and you know what, we're not perverts, we're not stalkers, and are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?! We wouldn't hurt Billie! We know he has Adie, we know he has his kids! We know he has a life and we know that he'll never be in love with us like we would want him to be! Most of this stuff we post is just a joke anyway! If she really loves Billie, let her. You have no right to define what love is for anyone else. No one does.

No i wont because i'm entitled to my opinion. And I dont know whether you were reading what i said correctly. I never said that you werent allowed to be attracted to him, when did I say that?! I am saying that you can't BE IN LOVE with someone YOU DON'T KNOW. Yes its a harsh statement, but in reality it is a true one.

Well, I'm ignoring everything that just went on. It's fine, man. No need to be so anal about someone's opinion when it has nothing to do with you.

Well if you are ignoring everything thats going on, why comment about it?! I'm not being anal. I'm telling it how it is.

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Oh cant we just stop this fucking discussion about ''falling in love with Billie Joe A. YOU JUST CANT'' ... it sucks after a while.

Some of the guys here just have to keep their opinion for themselfes. [the anti-''ifellinlovewithhim'' ppl]

There are a lot of girls who ''fell in love'' with him...

It doesnt matter how and which way,they just did ... and you dont even know how it feels like...

And Im one of them,who are ... ''obsessed'' but not one of these little fangirls,who just think,they will marry Billie Joe one day.

This thread wasnt made for discussions like this...

So stop now. Really...

Its okay. Everyone has his own opinion and everyone knows,what he/she feels.


Not spamming.. ;P


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To everyone who thinks Becki and I are bitches:

suck it.

There's a difference between loving someone, and being IN love. Suck it up, get over it, we stated our opinions as you've all said yours. So just keep on doing as your doing, suck it up, quit whining about how we shared our opinions and how dare we this and how dare we that. We're all on the same level of voicing an opinion, as just like Becki and I don't agree with what you guys say you don't agree in ours. So once again, suck it, and get over it.

MY photo from MY tumblr. Don't steal please.


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Ok, alright, you guys PLEASE. Can we stop this? NOW? He shouldn't be a reason to fight. =/

Let's forget about the 'love' and post pics. I don't have any right now... :P

(go to find some) :ninja:

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And on the whole thing about Josie.

I have to defend her as well. I mean everyone has his or her own opinion. And I think everyone is allowed to write that down or tell it to other people. of course nobody on here knows him 100% and personally or something but you can still feel for him in a way. I totally udnerstand that. And telling her, she was the reason for Billie being attacked or needing Bodyguards is just BULSHIT AND IMMATURE. He needs bodyguards because he is famous, god dammit. And if you're 14, 17 as me or 25 or whatsoever doesnt matter about what you feel or what you think. I'm turning 18 this year and I still sometimes wonder about Billie's wonderful self,how incredible he is and how you could actually not love him at least in an "idol" way. All nothing wrong with that. Jesus., lets live in peace on here!!

Tried the best to express my thoughts in English. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes.


That's it!!

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Oh dear. :rolleyes:

Please let's just stop this shit already. I'd be a shamed if billie would ever read all of this shit.Let's just stop before a mod comes in. :)

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I thought this thread was for posting pictures of Billie Joe, not for slagging each other off. At the end of the day we are all fans, on here for the same reason. Post more pics PLEEEAAASSSEEE! & remember Rage and Love!

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I'm so glad girls (and boys), that those ,who are regularly posting their, so kind, and not such a terrible style, as we can see above! Thank you! :hug::D












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