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Mike Dirnt


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haha wtf ninja mike?! :blink::lol:


tumblr_ljph7uPyxH1qcsde2o1_500.jpg< rawr and stuff!

tumblr_ljo2uzyPF21qj1v2xo1_400.jpg< acoustic bass + md = THE ULTIMATE BADASS!

tumblr_ljq8bn7uQ11qh1hqao1_500.jpg< decorated plunger f*ck yes! :lol:

tumblr_ljp6juHs3x1qj06yzo1_500.jpg:wub: x 24932057017432718432847829472847!!!

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Fucking sexy :wub:

that is the official "f*cking sexy" stud walk! :D

AND 100TH POST!!! *throws party*


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