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New Jesse Malin/Green Day song (12/5/2010)


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The preview is nice :)

I don't get why we can't have a mp3 of the full song or a website where we can hear it if its been aired on the radio...

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The preview is nice :)

I don't get why we can't have a mp3 of the full song or a website where we can hear it if its been aired on the radio...

It's copyrighted material, we can't share this just like we can't share any other studio GD tracks.

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It's copyrighted material, we can't share this just like we can't share any other studio GD tracks.

I understand that, but since we can't buy it [yet] and it's been aired on the radio, I think a link to somewhere where you can hear it (like GDA posted the preview, but with the full song) would be OK.

I can understand that GDA/GDC don't want to post it just in case they get into trouble, though. I'm sure it will be in lots of websites soon.

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I understand that, but since we can't buy it [yet] and it's been aired on the radio, I think a link to somewhere where you can hear it (like GDA posted the preview, but with the full song) would be OK.

I can understand that GDA/GDC don't want to post it just in case they get into trouble, though. I'm sure it will be in lots of websites soon.

Andres said above he's been asked to hold back on putting up the song, obviously they don't want it out at the moment. It was aired on one radio station, the rest as far as I know don't have the rights to play it because the song hasn't been officially released yet. Not many people have heard it yet and Warner/Adeline whoever obviously wants the song to sell, so they aren't going to be happy if a fairly big site puts up their song for free.

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andres if your the only website to have this song you know how many more hits you would get ?

your losing a great opportunity

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It's stupid

green day has a new song

wp it on the radio


anyway it's on youtube

so really giant fail gdc (no offense)

Look, in all fairness what can the mods do? They were asked to keep it off the site so they're keeping it off the site. I don't see what the big deal is.

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in the song's lyrics Jesse sings 'I'm a kid from Queens, man'

so it's from each singers' home.

yay! my home has been represented! :P

i actually like it, though not too big of a fan of Malin's vocals

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It's stupid

green day has a new song

wp it on the radio


anyway it's on youtube

so really giant fail gdc (no offense)

Oh fuck off. We know it's on Youtube but Andres was asked to keep it off here.

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I really like the new song :) and Rodeo Queens is a cool name for a band in my opnionnnnnnn

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******************************I FUCKING DIG THIS SONG****************************************

FINALLY an ANTHEM for our shitty economic times!

I gotta tell y'all I was worried it was gonna be a song about xanax popping sorry for themselves rock stars and I was gonna hate it, BUT IT FUCKING RULES!

rodeo queens = bja from rodeo, jesse from queens. but the double/triple meanings are funny as fuck.

party with you DEPRESSION TIME fucks on the bread line!

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andres if your the only website to have this song you know how many more hits you would get ?

your losing a great opportunity

Let's see, do I care more about hits - or the fact that we have a pretty good relationship with the band and their management?

Yeah ...

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I hate that I'm at work and can't listen to it (via youtube of course!) until I get home. Darn it - why the heck do I need to work anyway when I'd rather just listen to anything Green Day related all the time??!!

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i wanna listen to it again u.u ok i won't ask anyone to pm me...

*downloading it from youtube*

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Let's see, do I care more about hits - or the fact that we have a pretty good relationship with the band and their management?

Yeah ...

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