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Thank You Guys,

Thank You Dawn and Tony

I really loved everything! Thank you so much!

I'll be here supporting you guys if there's something on next year!

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has anyone heard back from Dawn?

when you look on Amazon at the stuff she was trying to sell is says "your search did not match any products" which worries me because i ordered something from there 2 months ago and it still never came.

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Yeah I'd quite like to know what the story was with some of the Amazon items being described as being handmade by Dawn while the same items were listed by a seller from another country on ebay. Did you get any answers from her about that?

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Wow, really cool stuff! Though its hard to tell what everything is haha

I wonder when mine will get here and what it will be :sherlock:

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Thank You Guys,

Thank You Dawn and Tony

I really loved everything! Thank you so much!

I'll be here supporting you guys if there's something on next year!

That's :wub: you amazing guys!

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Yeah I'd quite like to know what the story was with some of the Amazon items being described as being handmade by Dawn while the same items were listed by a seller from another country on ebay. Did you get any answers from her about that?

Unfortunately not. I asked, but haven't had an answer :/

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Unfortunately not. I asked, but haven't had an answer :/

Ahh, thanks for asking. I haven't ordered stuff or anything so it doesn't actually affect me but I'm just curious.

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Yeah there seems to be something dodgy going on. Is this being investigated? If Dawn's been untruthful about any of the items she's sold or about where the money raised has been going then people need to know before anyone else is misled.

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Yeah there seems to be something dodgy going on. Is this being investigated? If Dawn's been untruthful about any of the items she's sold or about where the money raised has been going then people need to know before anyone else is misled.

I think everyone is pretending if they don't say anything it will go away. Quite sad really. Especially the places that promoted her alleged cause. I think they should step up and clarify things to all the people that were duped. Including themselves.

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I think everyone is pretending if they don't say anything it will go away. Quite sad really. Especially the places that promoted her alleged cause. I think they should step up and clarify things to all the people that were duped. Including themselves.

If that's the case (and it's not just that they're investigating and making sure they get all the info they can before they say anything), I don't think they have any reason to not say anything. If one person was dishonest then that person is the only one at fault, no one else needs to feel embarrassed that they trusted her. I agree, if people were deceived then they deserve to know what's happened and it's important that the word is out so she can't deceive anyone else.

If what I wrote in brackets is the case at the moment then fair enough, but I'd like to hear some kind of comment about it in this thread at least.

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I know there is valid concern here, and that's why I decided to close the other thread (the one suggesting donations for legal fees). Basically, I didn't want to keep promoting something that we couldn't verify the authenticity for.

There was definitely something weird going on with the amazon stuff, and I know tony reached out to try and figure it out. I don't want anyone to feel like we're brushing anything under the rug, but at the same time, I dont know how much we can do to investigate further. We have no idea if people ordered stuff off the amazon page that they didn't receive. It's possible they got their items and we don't know about it (or didn't and haven't come forward). A lot of this other stuff (pretty much anything post-May 28th) we (GDA) haven't had any involvement in.

Of course I'm worried if any one of our visitors were ripped off by any of this stuff. As far as I know, that hasn't happened or I'm unaware of it. If that turns out to be the case, then the best we could do is make sure it's clear that we don't support this as its currently setup. If we can help any of those people recover any loss and make sure it doesn't happen again, then we'd do that. But at this point we just dont have any details to suggest that, because we are not directly affiliated with it.

If there's something I can do to get answers for people , I'll do whatever I can. But I'm also not ready to break out any pitchforks.

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Thanks Andres. There is clearly something very dodgy going on with her. I'm glad GDA stopped being involved as soon as things seemed fishy. But just the sheer amount of things I'm hearing about her makes me worry that the money she's previously raised by selling stuff might not have gone where she's said it's gone. Was money sent to GDA so you know it's been donated because you did it, or was she collecting the money and donating it herself? If it was down to her is there any way to verify that that money's gone to the NRDC?

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Thanks Andres. There is clearly something very dodgy going on with her. I'm glad GDA stopped being involved as soon as things seemed fishy. But just the sheer amount of things I'm hearing about her makes me worry that the money she's previously raised by selling stuff might not have gone where she's said it's gone. Was money sent to GDA so you know it's been donated because you did it, or was she collecting the money and donating it herself? If it was down to her is there any way to verify that that money's gone to the NRDC?

GDA was never involved with the money side, we just promoted the May 28th event. Off the top of my head, I can't remember if she ever said a donation was made to the NRDC. I know that was the intent, but I was never aware of what the actual costs were for the event (the website, the stuff sent to team leaders, the NYC party) or how much money she collected from everything. We just never had any part in any of that.

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GDA was never involved with the money side, we just promoted the May 28th event. Off the top of my head, I can't remember if she ever said a donation was made to the NRDC. I know that was the intent, but I was never aware of what the actual costs were for the event (the website, the stuff sent to team leaders, the NYC party) or how much money she collected from everything. We just never had any part in any of that.

Right, I see. And yeah I'm totally aware that GDA isn't involved with or responsible for this, and that it's not your responsibilty to investigate it. I'm just wondering whether people have been misled by her about where the money from the things they bought would go, regardless of GDA. But I suppose she's the only one who knows that.

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So how many people actually received their prize? So far only one person posted about it in this thread. What about the team leaders/other prize draw winners? I wonder when those prizes will be sent out.

And yeah, did anyone ever post about how much money was actually raised for NRDC? Like from the amazon stuff and whatnot..

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First of all, i feel very sad about how this is turning out, and confused. I'm certainly responsible for helping to promote this, and while i do genuinely believe Dawn was trying to do some good (having seen it first hand), this has been followed through to the end.

I've just spoken to Andres to start working out how we can help resolve the outstanding issues people have, and bring this to as satisfactory conclusion as possible, for everyone.

So, with that said, i'm going to close this particular thread and Andres is going to start a new one which will have the purpose of setting out to get to this resolution. Look out for that in just a few minutes, and feel free to give us your thoughts, and ideas if you have them, to help us do this. Thank you.

Edit By Andres: Update December 2, 2011: In light of new facts, here's a new thread open for discussion about everything related to this.

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