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Green Day Across The World


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Adrienne's tweet: "Green Day Across The World today!! SO awesome!"

:woot: :woot:

It doesn't matter what you did on this day, how many people showed up at the meet ups, it's about celebrating the band we all love so much. So, so awesome.

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It seems like you all had a great time and Addie's tweet is so, so awesome! :woot:

Makes me extremely happy even though I couldn't participate. =)

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So, what now? :) Are we going to make that GDATW video thing? We should have some decent video material, I think... And pictures, lots of them :D And what about the prizes? People were pretty excited about the guitar...

Also, should we start planning next year? Right now I'm so stoked about this I definitely want to do the same thing again, what about the rest of you? I think now that we've done this once and it worked out fine (even though there are things that need to be worked on) it would be easier to organise this next year and get people interested it this. Having Adrienne's support is awesome, too :bunny:

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That's so awesome, that Adie tweeted about this! :woot:

Yeah I'm definitely up for doing it again next year :happy:

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Having another event like this next year would be great, since this year I couldn't participate :(

But I'm glad you guys had fun :) And Adie tweeted about it! Maybe Billie will do it too. That'd be awesome!

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As musse said, we have lots and lots and LOTS of material! Videos of our 'performance' and many pictures :lol:

btw I think the money we gathered is now something like 50 dollars. We're donating it to NRDC :)

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Here's Good Riddance, by us, the Finnish fans! :------)

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^ aww, that is so awesome! Really made me all warm and fuzzy inside to watch that :)

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It sounds like it all went pretty well. If there is another one of these next year, I will put way more effort in and do something for SA :thumbsup:

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Good Riddance

Here's Good Riddance, by us, the Finnish fans! :------)

Oh good you linked that (: It took like an hour (or more) to upload that from my computer to youtube, but it certainly was worth it.

I've watched that several times today and every single time I'm about to cry :') I want to do this again, as soon as possible!

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So gutted that i missed the Glasgow meet-up, due to being ill :( - I hope everyone had a good day! :blush:

and i hope there's another Scotland/ Glasgow meet-up soon! :whistle

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So iselin, the other team leader, was unable to come because of some personal issues. And my wallet was stolen last night so i almot couldn't go either :( luckily my dad lent me some cash so i'm on my way on the train right now. This was really not how i imagined this day starting out.

So sorry to hear that Oda. But I'm glad you got it back!

We didn't have any meetups here so I got out myself and did something x)

I cleaned up in a forest that's pretty near where I live for two and a half hours and then I recycled bottles.

It was a lot of mosquitos and pretty wet but it was kinda nice anyway.

Respect for that!


Here's Good Riddance, by us, the Finnish fans! :------)

Holy Moly :o This is so awesome!!


It didn't even rain!

We had soooo much fun. There were about 37 people there but it was awesome anyway! The meet up in the railway station was cool. It was awesome to see all the Green Day fans joining us!

First we sat in a park, talking. Then we went singing! We had about 5 (?) guitar players and the rest of us sang. We sang for like 2 hours and it was soooo fun! People took videos and pictures of us and sometimes we asked people what they want to hear. Some woman wanted to hear Dookie, so we sang She! :)

AAAND WE EARNED 30 EUROS!!! And we're gonna donate them to NRDC! :dance:

The people were THE BEST! We decided to meet next year too and make a tradition out of this. It was soooooo cool. Hope you had fun too. ;)

37 :o Wow! I wish we were that many haha

The German team was 13 people but we all had a lot of fun cleaning up a park by the Rhine River! It was a beutiful setting and beautiful weather! We were assisted by 2 guys from the city who were really helpful and entertaining! They even brought water bottles for everyone :thumbsup:

We have approx. 10€ left from the donations and donating it to NRDC!

It was definitely worth the 5 hour trip and I am SO READY to do it again next year! Then it's gonna be better and bigger!!!

P.S. I can't stop giving reps lol

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It's great to read stories about other meet ups for GDATW! Awesome :D

Something different about meet ups. Isn't it the 10th anniversary of GDA this year? How awesome would it be to have big GDC meet ups to celebrate that? Idk, I suddenly thought of that.

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Here's Good Riddance, by us, the Finnish fans! :------)

Really, really, really awesome! :woot:

What a great feeling this must have been..

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It's great to read stories about other meet ups for GDATW! Awesome :D

Something different about meet ups. Isn't it the 10th anniversary of GDA this year? How awesome would it be to have big GDC meet ups to celebrate that? Idk, I suddenly thought of that.

What did u guys do in the Netherlands? :)

Nice idea, but I'm broke as hell :lol: You mean ONE meet-up at one place?

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What did u guys do in the Netherlands? :)

Nice idea, but I'm broke as hell :lol: You mean ONE meet-up at one place?

There were two meet ups, there was one in Heerlen, I don't know what they did there. We organized another one in Utrecht, and we were there with four people. Not much at all, but I had a great time anyway. :) Because we weren't with a big group, we didn't sing/play songs, give away flyers etc. We did do the moss graffiti.

Same here actually, haha :lol: Well maybe not just one meet up, but a few ones in cities where a lot of people can go to. Don't think that could work though.

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There were two meet ups, there was one in Heerlen, I don't know what they did there. We organized another one in Utrecht, and we were there with four people. Not much at all, but I had a great time anyway. :) Because we weren't with a big group, we didn't sing/play songs, give away flyers etc. We did do the moss graffiti.

Same here actually, haha :lol: Well maybe not just one meet up, but a few ones in cities where a lot of people can go to. Don't think that could work though.

What exactly is moss graffiti? Google isnt of much help right now :D

Thats cool though that you had 2 meet-ups. We should have had more too. We were only 13 people but seeing as it needs only one to make a difference, it really doesnt matter in the end how many participate, I guess. I mean, we all did expect a whole lot more at our meet up but we still had fun! And actually, the less you are, the better organized it is. We even lost each other in the crowd sometimes haha So if we had been like 40 people...oh gosh.

Do you have pictures or/and videos?

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It seems like you all had a great time and Addie's tweet is so, so awesome! :woot:

Makes me extremely happy even though I couldn't participate. =)

This :)

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What exactly is moss graffiti? Google isnt of much help right now :D

Thats cool though that you had 2 meet-ups. We should have had more too. We were only 13 people but seeing as it needs only one to make a difference, it really doesnt matter in the end how many participate, I guess. I mean, we all did expect a whole lot more at our meet up but we still had fun! And actually, the less you are, the better organized it is. We even lost each other in the crowd sometimes haha So if we had been like 40 people...oh gosh.

Do you have pictures or/and videos?

You moss a mixture of yoghurt or beer or whatever the recipe says it should be, and moss, so you get a liquid type of thing containing spore*. You then paint it on the wall, and after a few weeks moss will grow and you should get these kinds of results.

Hm, it was kind of hard to do anything like singing with only four people, though. Hopefully next year we'll gather a bit more people, haha.

We have a couple of pictures, no videos though.

lol sorry I'm replying even though you quoted Katarina :pinch::lol:

* Warning: Don't use yoghurt that's been expired for 10 days D: You'll end up with a stinky mess which you'll have to pour in the KFC bin because it starts leaking in your bag, while strangers think you're keeping puke in a tupperware box :lol:

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You moss a mixture of yogurt or beer or whatever the recipe says it should be, and moss, so you get a liquid type of thing containing spore. You then paint it on the wall, and after a few weeks moss will grow and you should get these kinds of results.

Hm, it was kind of hard to do anything like singing with only four people, though. Hopefully next year we'll gather a bit more people, haha.

We have a couple of pictures, no videos though.

lol sorry I'm replying even though you quoted Katarina :pinch::lol:

This is so cool, wow! You should definitely go back to the place and take pictures after a few weeks :D What kind of stuff did you moss paint? (is this how you say it? lol)

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I'm glad everyone had a good day :) Even though Denmark was a big fail :(

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Awwwww, I'm loving all of the stories and pictures, guys. :happy: If something like this is planned for next year, I'd love to help out.

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This is so cool, wow! You should definitely go back to the place and take pictures after a few weeks :D What kind of stuff did you moss paint? (is this how you say it? lol)

I have no idea how to say it :lol: We painted "Green Day", the Kerplunk flower, out initials, and maybe "GDC" as well? Not sure. And then we had to stop because people came by and were half watching what we were doing and we weren't sure whether it was legal at all.

It would be awesome if we could go back! But none of us live in Utrecht, so we can't really just pop by to shoot some pictures.

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