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Green Day Across The World


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Just donated a little on paypal to this...

Wish I could be involved in one of the meetups! They're all too far away from me though...

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Ok, if you want to PM me your e-mail, i have a list of things you can do without a team :)

That goes for anyone else too! 2 days to go!!!

Can I have a list of things to do also?

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Can I have a list of things to do also?

Of course. Just PM me your e-mail address. That goes for anyone interested :)

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Just realized that I'll be on my way up to North Carolina on Saturday, so I won't be able to take part. :cry:

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Only 3 more days :woot: Cant believe it. When this first started back in October or so, May seemed so far away. And now it's here!

Tomorrow :dance:

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Best of luck to everyone taking part :) I wish I could say I will be with you in spirit but I'll be shit-faced at Kings of Leon while this is all going on :lol:

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I'm getting kind of sad that I can't participate :( Oh well, I hope you all take lots of pictures! =)

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The Portuguese fans are going to wear their GD shirts...

No meet-ups planed here.

To everyone who's involved... Have a great time! =D

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anyone from Turin (Italy).here's an event tomorrow in Piazza Castello from 14.00 PM!! Please we need you!!! don't miss!!!

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Of course. Just PM me your e-mail address. That goes for anyone interested :)

Oh wow. I could have participated then. It's just that.. None would help me and no one would appreciate what I'm doing.

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Man, this is my first post in a very long time of not posting :lol: and I'm so fucking excited about tomorrow. I'm gonna meet so many amazing people!... I hope... :lol: jk

And I'm gonna go to the meeting in Germany in Cologne! :D

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I'm getting kind of sad that I can't participate :( Oh well, I hope you all take lots of pictures! =)

we will send you MANY pics :hug: I´m so sad that you can´t participate! :cry:

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Just a random thought I got while wasting time on Twitter: has anyone told Kerrang! about what we're doing? They seem like the kind of a magazine that might be interested :)

Excited for tomorow!

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Ack, the Dutch GDATW meet up seems like kind of a fail. Or at least the one in Utrecht. Heerlen seems to go well... for some reason the entire Dutch fanbase lives in Limburg =/

The one in Utrecht will basically be a GDC meet-up. :(

(not that GDC meetups aren't fun. But y'know, it's still kind of disappointing)

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Ok, if you want to PM me your e-mail, i have a list of things you can do without a team :)

That goes for anyone else too! 2 days to go!!!

Yeeeeeeah my team leader showed up again!!! And she told me to take a trash bag to clean some areas in my town :eyebrows: ..I'm so fuckin happy I could cry... :banana: ...but if my mum doesen't let me join that, I'll kill her-.-..I've been talking about that for weeks and today she was like "what??Why do you have to do that??you'd better stay at home...you don't even know the other people are doing that tomorrow..."and blah blah blah.... :pinch:

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Omfg! Tomorrooooow!

We are arranging a little quiz and we WERE SUPPOSED TO give GD shoelaces as the prize but then the store that we ordered them fucked up. So no shoelaces. Luckily we have another prize to give (shoelaces would have been cooler though).

And according to weather raports, it's going to rain. Not much, hopefully.

But it's going to be a great day anyway. :)

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according to weather raports, it's going to rain.

same here! that's why a lot of people gave up on this =/

But I still hope my 5 hour bus ride will be worth it :P

Everyone have an awesome time tomorrow! :banana:

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Yeah, looks like it might rain tomorrow in certain countries. Not that bad actually, it means that the world/nature is taking care of itself already. So yay, that's one good thing for the environment. It's not that nice if it's gonna rain a lot if you want to walk outside and all that, but I hope you get what I mean, haha.

Anyway, Green Day Across the World is tomorrow, May 28th, 2011! Let's make it a GREAT GREEN DAY everyone! :D

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No rain for us tomorrow :D If you trust the weather forecast!

Everyone have an AMAZING time!!! Whatever you do, have fun doing it! And good luck for a succesful first GDATW Meet-up!

I cant wait :banana:

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Just over an hour, dudes! :D

Gonna be a great day. We're supposed to get some showers too.

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