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Hey...my town group has really no ideas...can someone give us some advices??? :unsure:

we plan to do soethong that´s called "Guerillia Gardening". there´s a link to the website, but it´s on german =/


I still don't get this... Where am I supposed to show up if I want to participate? (I live in Sweden)

you could look at the GDATW website (http://www.greendayacrosstheworld.org/) and contact someone from sweden. that´s the best way :)

I wish you luck that you find smoeone ;)

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^ really? oh... I´m so sorry for you! how many are you?

Ah, okey. Thanks :)

you´re welcome ;)

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I've got some stuff going on, finally! :runaround:

Been in contact with a really nice lady from 'Grønn Hverdag' (Green Weekday?) Yeah, anyways. I found out that NU is arranging Oslo Bikefest that day. There'll be concerts and debates and everything! So i've e-mailed the people in charge to see if we can help with anything :thumbsup:

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That sounds good. :D

BTW, that dumbass Norwegian Green Day fanclub thing on facebook has made their own event. :lol: Maybe you should tell them to be a part of ours or something since your're our "teamleader". :)

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Our team is being supported by a guy from the City Council who is going to bring us to places where a clean-up is really necessary and he is gonna bring us equiment like trash bags etc.

Just 10 more days now :happy:

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In Finland there is already 100 people participating. Or so they say at FB.

So, we're planning to meet at 3 pm (15:00) and then we are just going to hang out at the park (singing and playing GD-songs, chatting, etc.) and at some point we are doing a Green Day related Quizz :D (winners get, ofc, amazing awards like GD-shoelaces and pins)

We also are propably going to try to raise some money by singing GD-songs on the streets.

Are we taking a big group pic or pictures of everyone or whaaat? Oh and I need to remember to write down everyone's nimes, right? :)

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we plan to do soethong that´s called "Guerillia Gardening". there´s a link to the website, but it´s on german =/


Wooow...mhmm I think I understood sth even though I don't know German...XD..it's a great idea, but I think we've not enough time now to organize that in my town...my team leader even told me that maybe she can't join us on next Saturday, so I have to do sth alone...wtf :pinch:

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^ really? oh... I´m so sorry for you! how many are you?

It was just me and drummerdude13

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It was just me and drummerdude13

even if you're just 2 people, you can also do something

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Can somebody tell me about GDATW-shirts? What's going on with them and where could I get them if needed?

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Can somebody tell me about GDATW-shirts? What's going on with them and where could I get them if needed?

I suppose you could buy them from Dawn's website, over here but I decided not to buy one. I have enough GD shirts already and... I don't know, I just decided not to buy that one :D

And I suppose it's already too late to get them, isn't it?

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This is awesome :dance: Green Day are definitely gonna notice :P and it's great we're organizing this :dance:

Can't help to say though that I feel a bit jealous :P I cannot participate in the huge Green Day celebration **sigh** cuz of my age, my parents....

Take lots of pics, videos, anything you want so that the people not going can see :D

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I suppose you could buy them from Dawn's website, over here but I decided not to buy one. I have enough GD shirts already and... I don't know, I just decided not to buy that one :D

And I suppose it's already too late to get them, isn't it?

Okei kiitti :D Tässä nyt olis muutama tyyppi galleriasta jotka olis ehkä kiinnostuneita. Mäkään en oo varmaan ostamassa.. Mut ölölö .. myöhästä? Eiks Dawn enää tee niitä vai mitä..?

En nyt jaksanu ruveta englanniks vastaamaan :lol:

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Okei kiitti :D Tässä nyt olis muutama tyyppi galleriasta jotka olis ehkä kiinnostuneita. Mäkään en oo varmaan ostamassa.. Mut ölölö .. myöhästä? Eiks Dawn enää tee niitä vai mitä..?

En nyt jaksanu ruveta englanniks vastaamaan :lol:

(Puhutaan suomea niin kauan et modet tulee hakkaamaan :lol:)

Mut siis sitä vaan mietin et ehtiikö tulla postissa lauantaihin mennessä? Jos, ni eiköhän se sitte onnistu ihan hyvin ^^

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Wtf...my team leader disappeard...so now I'm the only one in my town to join that, and I don't know what too :( HELP!!!!

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Wtf...my team leader disappeard...so now I'm the only one in my town to join that, and I don't know what too :( HELP!!!!

Where about's in Italy are you? If there is no team, i have a list of things you can do on your own if you want. I can send it to you if you want to send me your e-mail.

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I finally got to talk to the people arranging Oslo Bikefest :happy: And they would love our help. I'm so excited now! It's all working out :D

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I'd love to know what's happened to the Ireland one :lol: I cant go anyway, cause I'll be at Kings of Leon :lol:

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Only 3 more days :woot: Cant believe it. When this first started back in October or so, May seemed so far away. And now it's here!

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Where about's in Italy are you? If there is no team, i have a list of things you can do on your own if you want. I can send it to you if you want to send me your e-mail.

I live in Treviso, near Venice...oh that sucks, I really wanted to do something, but I don't now other GD fans in my area...if it isn't too late, I really need your advice =/ Thank you :thumbsup:

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I live in Treviso, near Venice...oh that sucks, I really wanted to do something, but I don't now other GD fans in my area...if it isn't too late, I really need your advice =/ Thank you :thumbsup:

Ok, if you want to PM me your e-mail, i have a list of things you can do without a team :)

That goes for anyone else too! 2 days to go!!!

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Ok, if you want to PM me your e-mail, i have a list of things you can do without a team :)

That goes for anyone else too! 2 days to go!!!

I'd need one of those lists too... I have no idea about what to do, and I've got no team here =/

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I'd need one of those lists too... I have no idea about what to do, and I've got no team here =/

Sure, just PM me your e-mail address.

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