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Green Day Across The World


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that happened to me too when i used firefox, but then i tried explorer and it worked.

we are allowed to write in our own language in our own thread right? it feels more natural

Ah, thank you. I didn't think it was the browser that was wrong. Now it works.

I'd think so! I'm going to write in my own language anyway, I think that's better/easier.

Since the direct link hasn't been posted yet: http://greendayacrosstheworld.activeboard.com/

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There is a button that will take you to the forum on the home page of the website http://www.greendayacrosstheworld.org

Sorry for not posting the direct link I wasn't thinking. I have been up for 2 days straight trying to catch up with everything.

I hope everyone likes the forum and if you have any problems or questions email me dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com

The forums link is http://greendayacrosstheworld.activeboard.com/

If you have problems becoming a member on the forum use explorer and it will work, once you are a member it won't

matter what browser you use. I really hope everyone likes the forum and it makes things easier for everyone.

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I am not going to be able to make this. Bought tickets to a concert on the 28th of May before Christmas. Sorry guys :(

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I can't register on the forum. I don't have IE on my computer at all.

Would some really nice person mind creating an account for me and then PM-ing me the username and password here on GDC?

Then I can edit it once I get in there. :)

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that is so awesome!!! I have the flyers we gave out at American Idiot if you want I can email them to you. They are a basic overview

and in color with Green Day pictures on it also it has the main website on it. If you want them message me.

I've sent you a message on Facebook a few weeks ago (sometime in January) about the flyers. Not sure if you read it. Can you please sent me the flyers as well (post, email, whatever)? Or hand them out to me if you happen to be in NY next week. That'd be lovely.

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The forum works fine, thanks Dawn :)

I'm really looking forward to next week, and the weeks after that, because then I'll have more time to concentrate on GDATW. I want this event to be something awesome, the band deserves it and so do we.

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Glad to see everythign is back on track!

Hey Dawn, I have a suggestion, how about there being a mobile version of the website? Since it's in Flash is doesn't open on iPhones and iPod Touch

All you have to do is install a plug in in your news editor, let me know if you need any help :)

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Glad to see everythign is back on track!

Hey Dawn, I have a suggestion, how about there being a mobile version of the website? Since it's in Flash is doesn't open on iPhones and iPod Touch

All you have to do is install a plug in in your news editor, let me know if you need any help :)

If you can tell me how to do it I will. I'm not very computer smart, but if you can tell me how

I will do it

I've sent you a message on Facebook a few weeks ago (sometime in January) about the flyers. Not sure if you read it. Can you please sent me the flyers as well (post, email, whatever)? Or hand them out to me if you happen to be in NY next week. That'd be lovely.

I'll be in NYC on the 22nd-28th I'll bring them with me

I can't register on the forum. I don't have IE on my computer at all.

Would some really nice person mind creating an account for me and then PM-ing me the username and password here on GDC?

Then I can edit it once I get in there. :)

email me a user name you want to use and your email address and I' do it for you


I'll definitly check out the forum. :happy:

Uruguay is standing under Europe though. :lol:

If your talking about the GDATW website I didn't do that my web designer did all of that.

On the forum I just put the 7 Continents and left it where you all can add your own areas

because it would take for ever for me to add all the places in the world

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If you can tell me how to do it I will. I'm not very computer smart, but if you can tell me how

I will do it

I need to know what news editor you use. Cutenews? Wordpress? Ask your webdesigner if he can do it(mobile version) for you, or you can e-mail me :)

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I need to know what news editor you use. Cutenews? Wordpress? Ask your webdesigner if he can do it(mobile version) for you, or you can e-mail me :)

GDATW.Org was created by Dawn's webdesigner using a free Flash page builder, so there's no news editing software being used whatsoever. We had quite a bit of, er, discussion over this awhile back ... But in the end, it was decided that everyone would just have to deal with the way the site is now, 'cause Dawn likes it that way. :)

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The auctions for Green Day Across The World have now started VERY RARE signed Green Day items up for auction.

New item added frequently. Don't miss out HAPPY BIDDING! 100% of auction proceeds go to help fund Green Day

Across The World events & funds left over after GDATW the remaining funds will be sending donation to The NRDC.

Just remember not only are you bidding on awesome Rare Green Day memorabilia you are helping this cause. So

please check out the auction site. You can link from the link I'm providing here or from The Green Day Across The

World website under fundraisers. Keep checking back I have 100's of items to put up for auction so I'll be adding a

little at a time quiet often.

UPDATE: i am hoping GDATW will be able to help Japan in the wake of their devastation


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  • 2 weeks later...

that's what i love about GD fans- so much fucking dedication! so who's gonna be in boston? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yayy! We just bought a new video camera, so I'll be filming Finland's event :D

Maybe we should do some kind of GDATW-video after the event?

sorry I haven't been very active lately.. That still doesn't mean I haven't been planning this whole thing ;D

Also just checked Finland's GDATW FB-page, and there's already over 80 participating. Holy shit that's.... loads of people :mellow:

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want to get advice from all of you guys.... I am going to donate to help Japan in the wake of their natural environmental catastrophic disaster

I think its something we should do....so what do you think? I was thinking about donating half of what I've raised so far and that gives us

plenty of time to raise more, I haven't even auctioned of 1/3 of the items I have so I know we will be ok with GDATW and I want to

help Japan on behalf of GDATW... Let me know your opinions.....

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want to get advice from all of you guys.... I am going to donate to help Japan in the wake of their natural environmental catastrophic disaster

I think its something we should do....so what do you think? I was thinking about donating half of what I've raised so far and that gives us

plenty of time to raise more, I haven't even auctioned of 1/3 of the items I have so I know we will be ok with GDATW and I want to

help Japan on behalf of GDATW... Let me know your opinions.....

As I posted on Twitter, GDA is trying to organize something now for Japan. I see no problem with you giving half of what you've raised to relief efforts in Japan, however, this is something you'd have to talk to the people who've donated so far with. People donated to this event with the understanding that their donation was going to help GDATW and the NRDC. I'm sure most people would be in favor if giving some of that for Japan help, but I think it's important though that everyone has an understanding of where their money is going to end up.

Now, I'm still working on getting something together for GDA to help Japan, so I'd like to make sure that whatever we end up doing through GDA and GDC is a united effort. I (or Tony or J'net) will be in touch with you soon about that.

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As I posted on Twitter, GDA is trying to organize something now for Japan. I see no problem with you giving half of what you've raised to relief efforts in Japan, however, this is something you'd have to talk to the people who've donated so far with. People donated to this event with the understanding that their donation was going to help GDATW and the NRDC. I'm sure most people would be in favor if giving some of that for Japan help, but I think it's important though that everyone has an understanding of where their money is going to end up.

Now, I'm still working on getting something together for GDA to help Japan, so I'd like to make sure that whatever we end up doing through GDA and GDC is a united effort. I (or Tony or J'net) will be in touch with you soon about that.

I will be informing others and asking I was going to use money from items I donated for the auction and since even though its items I donated I

wanted to see what others that are part of this thought about it. Andres only a hand full of people have donated, most of this (money & auction

items have came from me) I have given myself. I think there is a misconception that so many people have donated when really just a few have.

but I'm still asking others their opinions on this because actually I think that GDATW should help because thats what we are all about. I was

going to donate on behalf on Green Day Across The World in honor of Green Day. A lot of people are getting confused I said that the funds left over

after GDATW was going to the NRDC and I hope to be able to donate at least $10,000 to the NRDC and still hope to. But I really think

it would be great if GDATW donated to help Japan. Its what Green Day Across The World is for helping the environment across the world in honor of

Green Day and to me no one needs that more right now than Japan.

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want to get advice from all of you guys.... I am going to donate to help Japan in the wake of their natural environmental catastrophic disaster

I think its something we should do....so what do you think? I was thinking about donating half of what I've raised so far and that gives us

plenty of time to raise more, I haven't even auctioned of 1/3 of the items I have so I know we will be ok with GDATW and I want to

help Japan on behalf of GDATW... Let me know your opinions.....

I haven't been on board for a while, but for what it's worth I think that's an extremely worth endeavor. Japan's need is urgent, pressing, and growing; I'm sure nobody can deny their need.

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want to get advice from all of you guys.... I am going to donate to help Japan in the wake of their natural environmental catastrophic disaster

I think its something we should do....so what do you think? I was thinking about donating half of what I've raised so far and that gives us

plenty of time to raise more, I haven't even auctioned of 1/3 of the items I have so I know we will be ok with GDATW and I want to

help Japan on behalf of GDATW... Let me know your opinions.....

That would be a really great thing to do. :)

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owh so many new ideas. great. but first sorry that I wasn't so active lately. are there many new things about the meeting in germany?

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owh so many new ideas. great. but first sorry that I wasn't so active lately. are there many new things about the meeting in germany?

Not really. We are working on flyers right now that I'm going to order from this one website I found (1000 flyers for about 30€, so not too bad).

We're using one side of the flyer as an advertisment that I'm going to send out to magazines. If you know of local or non-local magazines that you think would put the ad in there (for free or low costs), please let me know!!

As soon as we have the flyers, I will send them out to people so that you guys can hand them out or whatever. Put them in record stores or book stores or just put them up on pillars etc.

Donations are more than welcome to: a.die@live.de

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Any Scottish folk on here? I'm Regional Leader for Scotland, if you wanna gimme a shout and get involved.

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