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Green Day Across The World


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Yeah. Make a forum for them, and then subforums for each country, and then threads for the major cities. The people organizing the events in various countries would be mods of their countries' subforum, and would control their cities' threads.

If a generalized website were made, it could essentially just link to the forum for each country.

I just solved all ya'll bitches problems in under 2 minutes while talking to my friend and watching tv.

I don't mean to sound condescending or anything.

I think you guys should also realize the value in having details just displayed. An easy way for people to keep up with some specifics, so they don't have to read an entire thread just to get an idea of what's going on. When we do stuff for GDA, I'm always sure to do the major promotion through the website, even though the forum serves as a place for the die-hard folks to discuss till their hearts content. Having a place just to display information in an organized way will really go a long way to helping get more people interested.

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I think you guys should also realize the value in having details just displayed. An easy way for people to keep up with some specifics, so they don't have to read an entire thread just to get an idea of what's going on. When we do stuff for GDA, I'm always sure to do the major promotion through the website, even though the forum serves as a place for the die-hard folks to discuss till their hearts content. Having a place just to display information in an organized way will really go a long way to helping get more people interested.

Thanks for the ideas and suggestions Andres!

I agree that we need to talk to Dawn about it all since she has control over the website. They may be able to add a forum or something. I am unsure about it but she can always talk to the designer and see.I know she has plans on adding all the countries details on the site but has been unable to since she is so ill. I'm sure in the next few days, we will be able to see what we can do to get the events worldwide more organized.

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Thanks for the ideas and suggestions Andres!


I think you guys should also realize the value in having details just displayed. An easy way for people to keep up with some specifics, so they don't have to read an entire thread just to get an idea of what's going on. When we do stuff for GDA, I'm always sure to do the major promotion through the website, even though the forum serves as a place for the die-hard folks to discuss till their hearts content. Having a place just to display information in an organized way will really go a long way to helping get more people interested.

That could be done on the main website and in a locked thread that would contain all the details for each gathering spot (date, time, location, dress code, whatever else).

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I like that idea of the forum.

It's true that even if each country has reps that are aware of what's happening through GDC and can tell the other people in their country, if there was a forum with everything organized, people would just click on the subthread they want and have all the info by themselves. And also, for new ideas and stuff, because for example, I'm one of the reps for Spain and I'm only spreading the things that are getting confirmed, not the ideas that we have on here, because it would be chaotic. And even when I spread those news, it's only by making a new entry on the blog and editing the pages on Facebook and Tuenti (a spanish social network) and leaving a comment on the page, so most of the people won't see it just because they don't check these pages often.

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Hey, I wanna put a video on my YouTube account advertising this. It'd be cool if I could get a bunch of people to participate.

All I need you to do is take a video of yourself saying this:

"My name is __________ and I'm from ____________, and I will be celebrating Green Day Across the World".

Thank you everyone!!! Please participate if you can. I'd especially like people from all over the world!

Sounds good. But my accent really sucks. :(

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Yeah, I like the idea of a forum dedicated to this. Having a thread for each country can be a better way to discuss this.

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I'm kinda late on this, sorry, but is there a representative for Portugal already?

I don't think so.. But I posted about this on GD Portugal the forum,Are you a member? We could organise teams there. and then send it to dawn or something. I'm not sure if I'll be able to help, I have so much to do till then.


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I don't think so.. But I posted about this on GD Portugal the forum,Are you a member? We could organise teams there. and then send it to dawn or something. I'm not sure if I'll be able to help, I have so much to do till then.


Yes I'm a member! But I almost forgot this forum exists, I barely go there :P

I don't think I'll be able to be a representative, but I'd love to be part of this! Is it going to be in different cities or only in Lisbon (I hope not)?

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Yes I'm a member! But I almost forgot this forum exists, I barely go there :P

I don't think I'll be able to be a representative, but I'd love to be part of this! Is it going to be in different cities or only in Lisbon (I hope not)?

I don't know, It's hard 'cause we are all from different places XD

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I don't know, It's hard 'cause we are all from different places XD

I know... :ermm: but I hope that there's at least two meetings: one in the South and other in the North.

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If I can get my friend online today, I'll talk with her about a forum, like i said earlier.

she already has a forum for her stuff, I think it would be perfect for our stuff. she can do the little editing and stuff to make it look kickass :]

i just wanna look for free sites vs having to pay for one.

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I really like the video idea and the whole forum thing will kinda clear up a lot of questions I'm getting from ppl that want to get involved.

I've recently asked a former teacher of mine to please keep the sites name in the corner of the board just to spike interests in students that come in and out.., he said he had a lot of people who like Green Day and/or are simply interested who asked questions like what we're doing exactly and how.. I've been trying to come up with ideas here and there and trying to get it out to them other local high schools involved with it also, and then move up from there.. So a forum on the greendayacrosstheworld site would be amazing, seeing that, we could all converse with others in your area and start getting places and jobs designated for the day.

My question had to do for the US, are we doing state by state or like "regions"? For instance... Ohio, Michigan and Indiana be in one certain location, y'know for like the smaller states or states with fewer volunteers bunch up together in a bigger city? :)

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so, um ..

the teampage for germany wasn't working..? :ermm:

so i'll just ask, where are the german "meeting points"?

Dawn hasnt updated the team pages yet which is why none of them are working right now. She'll hopefully do it next week or so.

And we are still contemplating whether we're gonna have two meet-up places or just one. Cologne is on the lead currently (because most people are from around that area) but we might end up having another meet-up in the South as well.

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Sounds good. But my accent really sucks. :(

It's better if you have an accent! We wanna show how diverse Green Day fans are, and how we'll have people from all over the world celebrating.

My question had to do for the US, are we doing state by state or like "regions"? For instance... Ohio, Michigan and Indiana be in one certain location, y'know for like the smaller states or states with fewer volunteers bunch up together in a bigger city? :)

Yeah, a state like North Dakota isn't going to have as many people as California.

Plus, I think New York City is gonna be a big one, because people all over the east coast could go, because there's tons of trains and busses to there.

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Yeah, a state like North Dakota isn't going to have as many people as California.

Plus, I think New York City is gonna be a big one, because people all over the east coast could go, because there's tons of trains and busses to there.

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Dawn hasnt updated the team pages yet which is why none of them are working right now. She'll hopefully do it next week or so.

And we are still contemplating whether we're gonna have two meet-up places or just one. Cologne is on the lead currently (because most people are from around that area) but we might end up having another meet-up in the South as well.

In facebook, my friend suggested to make the second meet up in "heidelberg". I think boths sounds great.!

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If I can get my friend online today, I'll talk with her about a forum, like i said earlier.

she already has a forum for her stuff, I think it would be perfect for our stuff. she can do the little editing and stuff to make it look kickass :]

i just wanna look for free sites vs having to pay for one.

Just make sure it's not ANOTHER site. You need to be able to tie it into the main site. Otherwise it'd just be adding to the problem about information being too scattered around the net.

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I really like the video idea and the whole forum thing will kinda clear up a lot of questions I'm getting from ppl that want to get involved.

I've recently asked a former teacher of mine to please keep the sites name in the corner of the board just to spike interests in students that come in and out.., he said he had a lot of people who like Green Day and/or are simply interested who asked questions like what we're doing exactly and how.. I've been trying to come up with ideas here and there and trying to get it out to them other local high schools involved with it also, and then move up from there.. So a forum on the greendayacrosstheworld site would be amazing, seeing that, we could all converse with others in your area and start getting places and jobs designated for the day.

My question had to do for the US, are we doing state by state or like "regions"? For instance... Ohio, Michigan and Indiana be in one certain location, y'know for like the smaller states or states with fewer volunteers bunch up together in a bigger city? :)

Veronica, I'd love to help you with Ohio/Michigan/Indiana.

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Veronica, I'd love to help you with Ohio/Michigan/Indiana.

Alright!!! :) Im debating on what would be the best location to do it and then what should we do.. like if we want to plant, or clean or something, Im going to have to call around and ask if we need prior authorization or something once we find a definite spot that works for everyone with us

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Yeah a big forum sounds great! That's a great way to gather all the people from one country to one topic together. :eyebrow:

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Eek, I just emailed like the biggest environmental organisation in Finland, asking them if they'd like to work with us on GDATW... I hope they'll at least give us some ideas, that would be awesome as fuck (I'm not allowed to say that, am I?)

Andres- thanks for the ideas. I agree with you, we should put up a forum so that it'd be easier to be in touch with people and share information. :)

(I should be looking for summer jobs but I'm just thinking about GDATW :dry: )

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^What organisation is that? Do you guys think it'd make sense to contact really big ones like Greenpeace? They might be able to help spread the word.

Also, I thought about sending the German Warner Records an email and ask if they could put up a post about the event on the official German Green Day website. We should really try and contact Reprise and ask them to put info up on Greenday.com

In facebook, my friend suggested to make the second meet up in "heidelberg". I think boths sounds great.!

If you really can't make it to Cologne, I think it's fine if you just have your own meet-up, no matter how many people turn up eventually. So yeah, that's fine :)

How many are there right now who would go to Heidelberg for the meet-up, do you know?

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^What organisation is that? Do you guys think it'd make sense to contact really big ones like Greenpeace? They might be able to help spread the word.

Also, I thought about sending the German Warner Records an email and ask if they could put up a post about the event on the official German Green Day website. We should really try and contact Reprise and ask them to put info up on Greenday.com

It's called Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliitto (The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation). I was thinking about contacting the Finnish Greenpeace, too, but I kinda have a better feeling about FANC so I emailed them first. But yes, I think it'd totally make sense to contact Greenpeace - they're international just like us. :)

Yeah, we should contact Reprise too. They might be interested in this because it's good publicity for GD (or they might sue us because we're using the name Green Day without their permission, who knows :P)...

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