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Green Day Across The World


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I've got an idea of what we could do (on the day of the event) to raise money. Might sound a little stupid but I want to share it anyway. How about playing street musicians for a while and donate the money we can make by that to organisations like NRDC and such? I think it'd be fun to actually play Green Day's songs instead of just listen to them. It's a way of honoring them (and we can get people out there to here their music) and at the same time, we make money for a good cause.

I don't think it's stupid, at all.

We're planing to bring some bands to play here. I don't know how we're going to do it yet, because we have to ask for permission in the city hall and we have to know the place were we could switch some loudspeakers, amplifiers, microphone, etc.

I never thought that we could make money out of that. Maybe it's not enough to donate it to an organization, but it would surely make enough to cover some expenses like printing flyers and that kind of stuff :)

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I don't think it's stupid, at all.

We're planing to bring some bands to play here. I don't know how we're going to do it yet, because we have to ask for permission in the city hall and we have to know the place were we could switch some loudspeakers, amplifiers, microphone, etc.

I never thought that we could make money out of that. Maybe it's not enough to donate it to an organization, but it would surely make enough to cover some expenses like printing flyers and that kind of stuff :)

Oh thats awesome. I got the idea to look for GD cover bands! That's be cool if we could get bands play as well.

It'd still be cool to make some money but it really isnt easy :/

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I've just learnt that you can create your own ad on Facebook! I assume it would appear on the right hand side of the website. Does anyone know how it works and if it's free?

It looks really easy to make. You just have to write your text and upload a photo. Not sure if that's all though.

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Oh thats awesome. I got the idea to look for GD cover bands! That's be cool if we could get bands play as well.

It'd still be cool to make some money but it really isnt easy :/

I think that lots of band that just like Green Day a bit will learn how to play a few songs and go, just to promote themselves.

I'm making a Green Day Quiz right now to play that day. I think it will be something like this:


You throw a dice to advance with your counter and you pick a card on the left depending on the colour where you landed. I think it's going to be fun :lol:

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I think that lots of band that just like Green Day a bit will learn how to play a few songs and go, just to promote themselves.

I'm making a Green Day Quiz right now to play that day. I think it will be something like this:


You throw a dice to advance with your counter and you pick a card on the left depending on the colour where you landed. I think it's going to be fun :lol:

That's so awesome :woot: I love it!!

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We Germans (most of which are on the forum as well) have talked about a city to meet up in today and we have come to the conclusion that Cologne would be best. It's more or less definite now. So when you, Dawn, update the website, you can put Cologne for Germany. GET READY COLOGNE :banana: We're gonna rock the shit outta you!

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I think that lots of band that just like Green Day a bit will learn how to play a few songs and go, just to promote themselves.

I'm making a Green Day Quiz right now to play that day. I think it will be something like this:


You throw a dice to advance with your counter and you pick a card on the left depending on the colour where you landed. I think it's going to be fun :lol:

That would be such an awesome game :woot:

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Like I said on the phone, I'm glad she did that Dawn. That was nice of her. I'm sure there are people who will question her motivation for donating the money back to GDATW but it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I say we all put yesterday behind us and look towards the future because there is so much left to plan and organize if we want this day to be as big as it can possibly be. It's time to unite and plan rather than bicker amongst ourselves.


I think that lots of band that just like Green Day a bit will learn how to play a few songs and go, just to promote themselves.

I'm making a Green Day Quiz right now to play that day. I think it will be something like this:


You throw a dice to advance with your counter and you pick a card on the left depending on the colour where you landed. I think it's going to be fun :lol:

Love the idea sounds really fun! :thumbsup:

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That would be such an awesome game :woot:

It really would :D

by the way.... gaan wij nog iets doen hier?

en dan meteen dat spelidee gebruiken, als ze dat niet erg vind. Als een soort van megaganzenbord. Kan je wel met stoepkrijt op de grond tekenen. Heeft alleen niet zo heel veel met het milieu te maken... maar is wel makkelijk om te organiseren, en leuk. En trekt aandacht naar Green Day. Moeten we wel veel mensen vinden die willen komen.

Furthermore I suggest that if you are to reply to this, maybe in the Pinkpop thread to avoid spamming up the thread. :)

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Love how Chamberlain very, very, very suddenly had a change of heart and refunded almost all of Dawn's money --- I'm actually chuckling over this! Someone who has a 'huge firm of graphic design' under their belt doesn't suddenly refund a client three hundred dollars because some chick in Canada mentioned contacting the pagebuilder she utilises.

Seriously, Chamberlain claims to have 'twelve years of web and graphic design', and the best design she can shit out looks similar to the sites my little brother used to make on FreeWebs.Com when he was seven years old ...? How impressive! I am in absolute awe.

Whatever, though, I already sent the eMail to Wix.Com detailling all of the bullshit this Chamerlain's been pulling. There's a few additional things I've noticed she's done that definitely don't seem legal, but I'll see what Wix.Com has to say before I mention them here.

And my positive reputation points certainly have jumped up from my recent posts in this thread ... Holy shit!

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I'm making a Green Day Quiz right now to play that day.

That game looks sweet!! :thumbsup:

From GD_MS_Lover: that game looks effing sweet!! :D

Lol, great minds think alike! :)

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Love how Chamberlain very, very, very suddenly had a change of heart and refunded almost all of Dawn's money

Did they really? That'd be brilliant! I hope that doesnt have too much of an effect on the website though since Dawn put so much heart into this.

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:mellow: I just saw that thing in some peoples sigs and caught my attention... I don't understand completely whats the real purpose of this but if someone patience and nice explain it to me, that would be great. :)

I guess there's nobody from Argentina... ¿¿¿ :unsure:

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:mellow: I just saw that thing in some peoples sigs and caught my attention... I don't understand completely whats the real purpose of this but if someone patience and nice explain it to me, that would be great. :)

I guess there's nobody from Argentina... ¿¿¿ :unsure:

If you click on the link in my sig, it will lead you directly to the website of the event where you can find a discription of the event :) It's basically to honor the band and also to support them in the environmental things they do with NRDC. But in the end, it's up to you what you do on the day of the event.

And there are a few from Argentina. Dai is for example.

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Love how Chamberlain very, very, very suddenly had a change of heart and refunded almost all of Dawn's money

Really? Well that's good then! I'm curious what Dawn has to say about this. Something positive to say the least. :rolleyes::lol:

Well, you get rep points for posts that deserve them, right? :happy:

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Mallory if you want to check her out go ahead. if you keep talking about her and her business

you are going your going to wind up getting sued for defamation of character because in publicly

saying things that could harm her business could get u sued. By saying the harsh stuff u have said

could hurt her business. you know how some people just believe stuff with out checking the facts.

That could hurt her business and you doing that could get you in lots of trouble I'm just trying to

give you a heads up if you don't believed you can get sued then call an attorney ok...

i told you she was going to make a donation for this cause before this. but she went ahead and did it

now cause and she saw how i was being talked too and what it was doing to me. an ambulance had to come

to the house that night. But you know what Mallory I am about sick of your shit I have done nothing but help people

If you don't like the site don't go to it. all you are doing is causing problems and trying to mess this up. I'm

a good person and I always think of others 1st but i have had it. if you don't stop harassing me then I will

take this higher. I've seen people like you my whole life not happy unless ur causing drama and stirring

up shit. at first u were like great site and now you are like that is shitty work.and for those saying she is only trying to help me. Why didn't

she step up when i came on here time and time again asking for help with this stuff? huh?

but now she is all like you should have asked i'd did it for free .... go back and read back in this thread

when i begged for help over and over. At least i stepped up and did it and now you want to talk shit.

so i don't care what you have to say anymore. i know what i can accomplish and the fans that care and i will

do the band proud. As for mallory I'm done have nothing left to say to you, i have better things to do.

Like I said on the phone, I'm glad she did that Dawn. That was nice of her. I'm sure there are people who will question her motivation for donating the money back to GDATW but it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I say we all put yesterday behind us and look towards the future because there is so much left to plan and organize if we want this day to be as big as it can possibly be. It's time to unite and plan rather than bicker amongst ourselves.

Thank You MCC, I agree

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Mallory if you want to check her out go ahead. if you keep talking about her business if

you don't believed you can get sued then call an attorney ok...your going to wind up getting sued

for defamation of character because in publicly saying things that could harm her business could

get u sued.

i told you she was going to make a donation for this cause before this. but she went ahead and did it

now cause and she saw how i was being talked too and what it was doing to me. an ambulance had to come

to the house that night. But you know what Mallory I am about sick of your shit I have done nothing but help people

If you don't like the site don't go to it. all you are doing is causing problems and trying to mess this up. I'm

a good person and I always think of others 1st but i have had it. if you don't stop harassing me then I will

take this higher. I've seen people like you my whole life not happy unless ur causing drama and stirring

up shit. at first u were like great site and now you are like that is shitty work.and for those saying she is only trying to help me. Why didn't

she step up when i came on here time and time again asking for help with this stuff? huh?

but now she is all like you should have asked i'd did it for free .... go back and read back in this thread

when i begged for help over and over. At least i stepped up and did it and now you want to talk shit.

so i don't care what you have to say anymore. i know what i can accomplish and the fans that care and i will

do the band proud. As for mallory I'm done have nothing left to say to you, i have better things to do.

I'm going to stay out of this argument for the rest, but Mallory is not trying to mess it up, nor is she harassing you. She is trying to help. Maybe you could try to be more open to criticism and people saying things you don't agree with.

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Come on guys, let it drop. Don't get mad at each other, it's a great thing you all are doing, and what's done is done, whether some are happy about it or not. Please, no more drama over the website. I'm begging you, let it go and move forward. :thumbsup:

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I'm going to stay out of this argument for the rest, but Mallory is not trying to mess it up, nor is she harassing you. She is trying to help.

i begged for help and why didn't she step forward? i asked plenty of times i been begging for volunteers.

She never really speaks to me unless its giving me shit this isn't the 1st or even 2nd time she's

done this. there is a lot more you don't know.this is starting to piss me off so bad and of course she's chuckling

you all just don't know it all;

i have never been mean to anyone. I have given tickets away to Green Day concerts and American Idiot . the times Talks

I've given away custom Green Day shirts. I love helping people, I don't just sit and talk about what i want to do I jump up

and take action and try to make a difference in the world, thats just who i am. I have done a lot on here for others on here

while i'm in new york I'm going to think about what to do because I don't have much money at all but i have put every

penny i can into thisI even took out a loan and I busted my ass for this and countless other selfless things I've done

from the kindness of my heart and i get treated like this for taking action trying to make this happen and for all i have

done for others in the past.I just don't understand really i don't, and i don't know what else to do, but i do know i can't take

this anymore. i have lots of thinking to do. Maybe I should return everything stop worrying and let you all start over

and i'll just shut my computer off and go listen to something that i care about more than anything Green Day's music

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i begged for help and why didn't she step forward? i asked plenty of times i been begging for volunteers.

She never really speaks to me unless its giving me shit this isn't the 1st or even 2nd time she's

done this. there is a lot more you don't know.this is starting to piss me off so bad and of course she's chuckling

you all just don't know it all;

i have never been mean to anyone. I have given tickets away to Green Day concerts and American Idiot . the times Talks

I've given away custom Green Day shirts. I love helping people, I don't just sit and talk about what i want to do I jump up

and take action and try to make a difference in the world, thats just who i am. I have done a lot on here for others on here

while i'm in new york I'm going to think about what to do because I don't have much money at all but i have put every

penny i can into thisI even took out a loan and I busted my ass for this and countless other selfless things I've done

from the kindness of my heart and i get treated like this for taking action trying to make this happen and for all i have

done for others in the past.I just don't understand really i don't, and i don't know what else to do, but i do know i can't take

this anymore. i have lots of thinking to do. Maybe I should return everything stop worrying and let you all start over

and i'll just shut my computer off and go listen to something that i care about more than anything Green Day's music

I have lot's of thinking to do.

I need those who this event to happen on May 28th that want me to continue to move forward and make

history by honoring green day. I need the real green day fans to step up and let me know if you want this or

do you want me to pull the plug. let me know what you want. I care about what you want not what the haters want

If there are enough of you that want me to continue i will I'll check back tomorrow

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i begged for help and why didn't she step forward? i asked plenty of times i been begging for volunteers. She never really speaks to me unless its giving me shit this isn't the 1st or even 2nd time she's done this. there is a lot more you don't know.this is starting to piss me off so bad and of course she's chucklingyou all just don't know it all; i have never been mean to anyone. I have given tickets away to Green Day concerts and American Idiot . the times Talks I've given away custom Green Day shirts. I love helping people, I don't just sit and talk about what i want to do I jump up and take action and try to make a difference in the world, thats just who i am. I have done a lot on here for others on here while i'm in new york I'm going to think about what to do because I don't have much money at all but i have put every penny i can into thisI even took out a loan and I busted my ass for this and countless other selfless things I've done from the kindness of my heart and i get treated like this for taking action trying to make this happen and for all i have done for others in the past.I just don't understand really i don't, and i don't know what else to do, but i do know i can't take this anymore. i have lots of thinking to do. Maybe I should return everything stop worrying and let you all start over and i'll just shut my computer off and go listen to something that i care about more than anything Green Day's music

Please don't quit Dawn! You've invested too much into this event to just give up because of these petty arguments.

Guys, this event clearly means alot of all of us involved. That is why emotions are running high. We have to put the negativitiy behind us if we are going to achieve what we want to happen on May 28th. Dawn (or anyone else for that matter) can not possibly please everyone involved with this event. There will always be differing opinions but let's just try to stay positive about it all. If someone really does not like the website, then find another avenue to help spread the world about GDATW. Mallory, you could make a secondary website for Canada for instance. I just know that there is SO MUCH stuff to still plan and organize and all this bickering is going to kill the very event we are so passionate about! We need to all UNITE and make May 28th a kickass day.

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Come on guys, let it drop. Don't get mad at each other, it's a great thing you all are doing, and what's done is done, whether some are happy about it or not. Please, no more drama over the website. I'm begging you, let it go and move forward. :thumbsup:

they wont stop they are going to the GDATW site and talking shit. I feel like pulling the plug

the bashing is too much. i cant get them to go forward mallory is getting big rep points for doing this

I think a lot of people have forgotten who and what this is for.I don't know what to do I've already

poored my heart and soul into this project and i havent just sit around talking about whats gonna

happen or what i'm gonna do, I been out there doing it. what to you think i should do tann?

i just dont know.

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