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Green Day Across The World


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Trust me there are a lot of people out there that think this is an awesome idea. Also as it gets more press and

more attention the negative attitudes will change. I have been able to get several items donated to help raise

money for this cause. The biggest item donated so far is a Fender Squire Statocaster that was sign by Billie,

Mike & Tre' They got it from a charity event back in 2005 and now it's being donated to this cause. Also

I have several signed and numbered silk screen prints of Green Day's. I have quite a few items also that I

am donating to the cause. I also have been busting my ass and so far I completed 20 of my Green Day

custom made tops that a lot of you may have seen on a previous tread and some of may have been given

one by me in Dallas, NYC, or from J'net when I gave her some to give away to you guys. Hopefully I'll

be able to sale or auction all of these items off to help raise awareness to this cause.

I need to get this more organized in the United States. I need everyone that is interested in helping get

this up and going here to message me and let me know. I need to assemble teams for each state

so we can really get this going. Also I need about 5 very dedicated Green Day fans to be on my team to help

me with the United States. It is a huge undertaking that one person cannot do alone. I need several people

to volunteer their time to work on individual tasks so everything gets covered and nothing gets left behind or

undone. This is an absolute a monumental task we will accomplish this, but it's going to take all

of us Green Day fans pulling together all over the World. If Green Day fans give you shit about this next time

you just say "what part of this isn't a good idea just what exactly do you hate about this?" Then you ask them

"is it honoring Green Day or helping to clean up the environment that makes you think this is a bad ?" Maybe

that will shut them up... You guys this is a wonderful thing we are doing here! We are honoring the best band

EVER!! and we are honoring them and showing our respect to the band by taking on something that is very

important to Green Day. I just don't understand why anyone would have a problem with that. Just get together whom

ever you can and don't stress over those who don't understand of care and remember it only takes 1 person to make a

difference in this world. If we all just start with ourselves I promise you the rest will fall into place. We can do

this you guys! I believe this with all of my heart and soul... So everyone let's get this up and going, and we

we can begin to do this by starting with ourselves. If we all do this our one will become many. This is a good

thing we are doing here. After we all honor Green Day by doing this project to help clean up the environment all over

the World on May 28th 2011 we will all come together that night and celebrate Green Day and the awesome thing we

have accomplished by helping each other. That night in our own Countries all over this great big World that we all live

in, know that we will all be celebrating together even though we live so far apart. I really feel like we are all a type of family

here and we all love our Green Day family and we can share that love with the World on May 28th 2011. I am here for anyone

who may need help or that would like to help with this please message me or send me an email to dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com

We can all do this :thumbsup: If I can do this from my wheelchair then I know we all can absolutely come together

if only for that one day and make a difference in this World we all live in. You guys have helped me so much on here

you have reached out and said such kind words to me when I needed to hear them the most. Just like Green Day's

music has has touched all of our lives for the better in some way. I have been given so much from Green Day and like

many of you I may not still be here today if not for those 3 guys and all of the ones that support them to get Green Day's

music out there for the whole World to hear. As much as they have given us I believe we can come together on May 28th

and honor them by giving back to this World we all live in. I mean really, who in the world could think that was stupid?

I love my Green Day family :wub::hug:

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Reason I don't like Green for a Day: People who don't realize we're talking about the band Green Day will think we're "going green" for a day or something related to the enviornment. I think Green and Day should be next to each other like in the band's name.

I agree...Yes we are doing something for the environment but the focus is that we are coming together and doing this to honor Green Day.

I say call it what ever the hell you like where ever you are at because at the end of the day we are all honoring Green Day. Like here

in Texas it'll be something like Green Day fans across Texas or something like that. what ever we decide we want it to be in our County

or State. But at the end of the day it is Green Day Across The World (because that is basically what we are all doing by coming together

across the World and honoring Green Day).... Who knows once the media picks up on this they may call it something all together different.

Who really knows what will grow out of this seed we have planted ? What we call it isn't the main reason for this it is our actions in honoring the

greatest band in the World, Green Day! So call it dog shit for all I care. Because this whole event is what we do not what we say.. What's that old

saying?, "Actions speak louder than words" So let stop with the words and get to the action of it. Because until we start to"DO", this idea / seed will

just die and be nothing more than words and I think we owe Green Day much more than that don't you?

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I agree...Yes we are doing something for the environment but the focus is that we are coming together and doing this to honor Green Day.

I say call it what ever the hell you like where ever you are at because at the end of the day we are all honoring Green Day. Like here

in Texas it'll be something like Green Day fans across Texas or something like that. what ever we decide we want it to be in our County

or State. But at the end of the day it is Green Day Across The World (because that is basically what we are all doing by coming together

across the World and honoring Green Day).... Who knows once the media picks up on this they may call it something all together different.

Who really knows what will grow out of this seed we have planted ? What we call it isn't the main reason for this it is our actions in honoring the

greatest band in the World, Green Day! So call it dog shit for all I care. Because this whole event is what we do not what we say.. What's that old

saying?, "Actions speak louder than words" So let stop with the words and get to the action of it. Because until we start to"DO", this idea / seed will

just die and be nothing more than words and I think we owe Green Day much more than that don't you?

Of course it's not the most important thing, but I think we should decide. For example, in the contest you made, what are people supposed to write on their drawing? What if they write 'Green Day Across The World United' and it ends up being 'Green For a Day'? that would be confusing.

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Several people have asked me for ideas that they could do for the environment in

where they live. Look on the internet there you will finds tons of ideas. It doesn't

necessarily have to be something in your Country or area you are helping. For

an example on of the states in the US has asked to do reforestation of the

Amazon. You can do just about anything that will make an environmental impact

in this world. It can be something as huge as raising money to help research

find a way to help halt the global warming problem this World is facing to something

as small as cleaning up trash in a neighborhood, city or park. Everything we do

no matter the size will make an impact in this World even if only a slight one.

Just as yourself... "What Would Green Day Do?.....lol

No, but in all seriousness if we all step up and do something, together we can

make a difference and honor Green Day by doing it...

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So...have we decided on a name yet or are we gonna make a new poll? Or is every country gonna come up with their own name? :unsure:

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Of course it's not the most important thing, but I think we should decide. For example, in the contest you made, what are people supposed to write on their drawing? What if they write 'Green Day Across The World United' and it ends up being 'Green For a Day'? that would be confusing.

I am just going to have them do "Green Day Across The World" I guess, which is a compromise

in what I wanted because I wanted " Green Day Fans Around The World Unite" and if anyone

disagrees start a contest and a website and call it what ever makes you happy because at the

end of the day it is what we do not say. I am going with a compromised version that seems appropriate

and excepted by most. I'm not getting exactly what I wanted for a title I'm compromising and

if it causes to much of an uproar over a stupid title then how in the hell are we all going to came together

and do this because it takes team work not a lot of fighting over small stuff. Besides the choices were not

a consensus it was the ideas of 1 or 2 people. The name isn't what we need to be focused on Call it

"Doing Shit For Green Day" I mean really let's just move on from this. If someone is really offended by

this please message me and if it seems that Green Day Across The World is going to damage what

we are trying to do then maybe we can start a new vote and let everyone that wants to come up with

a name and the top one will be voted on (which is what should have been done from day 1) All I

know is we need to come together on something because as of Dec 2nd I will have a web site up

and going which is a huge task in itself. So you guys let me know if "Green Day Across The World"

is not ok. I think it is a good compromise for everyone...

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So...have we decided on a name yet or are we gonna make a new poll? Or is every country gonna come up with their own name? :unsure:

There should be a main name but each state or Country can choose a sub-name which may help show pride in

where they live and might draw more support in their area's / hometown's. But it will all fall under one main

name. Kind of like the USA we all have our names of our states and cities in which we live but we are all still a part

of the United States. No one liked the title I came up with so I read what people were saying on here and it seems

that "Green Day Across The World" makes a good compromise for everyone, do you all? It's short and to the

point without being boring and it gives honor / respect to the band we are honoring.

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I like that name and I wouldn't mind if it was the name for the event in the end. Of course, if everyone agrees.

Though I think, in the end it really doesn't matter that much because it's about what we do and what the event is about and not what it's called.

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Yeah, let's just go with "Green Day Across The World". No one seems to have a problem with that name, and it serves its purpose. And we really need to get it over with such a petty thing as the name.

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Yeah, let's just go with "Green Day Across The World". No one seems to have a problem with that name, and it serves its purpose. And we really need to get it over with such a petty thing as the name.

See I just love my Green Day family. We can all come together when it counts... :hug:

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I am just going to have them do "Green Day Across The World" I guess, which is a compromise

in what I wanted because I wanted " Green Day Fans Around The World Unite" and if anyone

disagrees start a contest and a website and call it what ever makes you happy because at the

end of the day it is what we do not say. I am going with a compromised version that seems appropriate

and excepted by most. I'm not getting exactly what I wanted for a title I'm compromising and

if it causes to much of an uproar over a stupid title then how in the hell are we all going to came together

and do this because it takes team work not a lot of fighting over small stuff. Besides the choices were not

a consensus it was the ideas of 1 or 2 people. The name isn't what we need to be focused on Call it

"Doing Shit For Green Day" I mean really let's just move on from this. If someone is really offended by

this please message me and if it seems that Green Day Across The World is going to damage what

we are trying to do then maybe we can start a new vote and let everyone that wants to come up with

a name and the top one will be voted on (which is what should have been done from day 1) All I

know is we need to come together on something because as of Dec 2nd I will have a web site up

and going which is a huge task in itself. So you guys let me know if "Green Day Across The World"

is not ok. I think it is a good compromise for everyone...

Green Day Across the World is OK with me.

I was just saying that even if the name isn't hugely important and yeah, it's kind of stupid discussing for ages that little thing, we do need a name. We're not supose to fight, just decide something.

Okay, so 'Green Day Across the World', everyone?

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I am just going to have them do "Green Day Across The World" I guess, which is a compromise

in what I wanted because I wanted " Green Day Fans Around The World Unite" and if anyone

disagrees start a contest and a website and call it what ever makes you happy because at the

end of the day it is what we do not say.

I liked 'Green day fans across the world unite' better, but 'Green day across the world' is still good, and a fair compromise.

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Green Day across the world kinda sounds to me like they're doing another world tour, but I like the name. :)

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I haven't been in this thread for a while, and there's way too many pages. So I was wondering if anyone could sum what we're going to do and when?

I thought I could post it to the Norwegian GD Facebook page. :)

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I haven't been in this thread for a while, and there's way too many pages. So I was wondering if anyone could sum what we're going to do and when?

I thought I could post it to the Norwegian GD Facebook page. :)

The biggest part of those pages are name discussions. We have decided on Green Day Across The World.

There is still a discussion about whether we should do something environmental or not.

And that's about it.

I think it's also been decided that the details are up to each country on their own, because it's too hard to organize exactly the same everywhere. It's on May 28th.

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Thank you guys for agreeing and making this easier on this now we have our tittle,

"Green Day Across The World" I'm so excited. Someone on here contacted me about

maybe helping t-shirts. Contest for the logo will be done on Dec 2nd then shortly

after that the web site should be up and going. Then we will have t-shirts for sale

on there and some big Green Day items up for auction also there will be a spot for

those who can and would like to donate to help with this huge endeavor with

this event. I already have some donations that will be coming in from some businesses

that have committed to donating. I already have several items including a black Fender Strat

signed by Billie, Mike, and Tre' that has been donated to be auctioned off to help raise money for

this event. There will be blogging on the site and places for everyone to comment and be involved.

This will be an awesome web site once it's done and it should help this event out tremendously.

I am still needing people from every state to contact me if you could help out with

this in your area so that way I can get the teams together and going, so I can get

all the info posted on the upcoming website. Once we get the teams together we can get

the platforms for each area in place. Once the holidays are over this is really going to

start moving in high gear. So we really need to get the teams in place asap.

Either post on here or message me or email me or call me if you can help out in

your area and don't mind being part of the team. dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com


I am hoping the face book and twitter page for this will be up and running soon

I have some people on my team working on this. I am going to do my best to pull fans

in from everywhere. I have a good idea for those in the USA that might help draw in more

people. If everyone would post an ad on www.craigslist.com in your area then we

should be able to reach some more fans that would love to help with this idea.

But in the mean time I really need you guys to step up and join the teams

in your areas. I need to get these all together and write it all down so I can keep track.

I went and bought a folder for each state and a shit load of binders and other office

supplies so I can keep this all organized. So each person volunteering to help please

put some contact info so I can reach you.

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Since this is no longer a poll and we already have our title should we close this thread

and start a new one? It may attract more people that way....What do you all think?

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