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Green Day Across The World


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Reason I don't like Green for a Day: People who don't realize we're talking about the band Green Day will think we're "going green" for a day or something related to the enviornment. I think Green and Day should be next to each other like in the band's name.

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Just a small question... will it matter if Adelaide dropped out of this? Like, seriously, I'm all up for it, but I feel as though I'm going to crack under the pressure, and I don't want to feel like an absolute fool if I fail badly.

Sorry if I was being really negative :unsure:

I'm sorry to hear you being so unsure... don't give up just yet! Honestly you don't have to go to the lengths that Dawn is, maybe try and find a few friends or family members to help you out. All you really have to do is decide on a place (I would recommend the rundle mall), and send some emails to some radio stations or news papers, and maybe post some flyers.

Please don't drop out though! I have faith in you!

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Just a small question... will it matter if Adelaide dropped out of this? Like, seriously, I'm all up for it, but I feel as though I'm going to crack under the pressure, and I don't want to feel like an absolute fool if I fail badly.

Sorry if I was being really negative :unsure:

Don't drop out! You don't have to do anything super huge and awesome (I know I won't!), it can be just you and a couple of your friends hanging out. I feel the pressure too, but let's try to remember we're doing this for fun and it shouldn't stress us out ^___^

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Reason I don't like Green for a Day: People who don't realize we're talking about the band Green Day will think we're "going green" for a day or something related to the enviornment. I think Green and Day should be next to each other like in the band's name.

yea I agree you!

everyone must know it's about green day not environment !

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how would you recomend that we do then? everyone wants diffrent names for diffrent resons. Do anyone have an idea for chose a name? or do you want to make a new poll with better names? :)

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how would you recomend that we do then? everyone wants diffrent names for diffrent resons. Do anyone have an idea for chose a name? or do you want to make a new poll with better names? :)

I'd say a new poll...

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New poll sounds awesome.

Just take the 'Green For A Day' option and add it with a few more good suggestions?

Some people have had really good ideas for names.

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Hey guys! How's the organization for this going? I could be "responsible" for Sao Paulo, the biggest city in Brazil. I did a Green Day event once here and we got around 140 Green Day fans together! You can check out some pics of the event on my website CLICK HERE

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Wait, what if we have an enviornmental project or two while listening to Green Day and having our actual celebration?

We would be able to get quite a bit of people, help a good cause, attract media attention, and give Green Day and their fans a good image. :happy:

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yeah inviroment is a very good cause but at some places there is not much places to clean up in xD But it is a very good idea and I think that every country should do what ever they can to make this day special! Its all about having fun^^ I have heard people are doing parades someone wanted to have a picknick xD I dont know this is our way to celebrate Green Day do whatever you want :banana:

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^haha yes do whatever you guys want! Someway it's gonna be awesome whatever you guys figure out to do!(and I totally know you all can figure something fun to do!) :D

(Sorry for being offline in like 2 days or so but, I just had to get offline somedays just to think, being lazy and just having a holiday from the internet.)

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I'm sorry to hear you being so unsure... don't give up just yet! Honestly you don't have to go to the lengths that Dawn is, maybe try and find a few friends or family members to help you out. All you really have to do is decide on a place (I would recommend the rundle mall), and send some emails to some radio stations or news papers, and maybe post some flyers.

Please don't drop out though! I have faith in you!

Okay, I'll keep at it! Thanks for re-assuing my faith :D

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As some people here I also think that getting care for enviornment in this totally Green Day day is not too good. I mean we're going to gather for Green Day, because of our love to Green Day and what should enviornment be there too? It's Green Day, just Green Day and then it's better haha.

I think that we should at least take one hour as an hour that would be suitable for all the places on the world, that we can say just somehour you know. It's weird if you say the 28th of May, because when in America they're starting their 28th the day's nearly ending in Australia. Just one hour, this would probably be very early for Americans and a little late for Australians, but just to know you know.. I don't know what I have just written, but let's say it's what I meant.

And for here, I maybe could contact MTV Adria over e-mail to tell something about it, but I don't know if it will work. And for other countries you should try this too(:

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This whole thing is becoming seriously confusing ... I'm totally lost as to what's going on now, haha. :unsure:

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I got this idea, how about, when the day comes, all the reps get some video footage of what they've organised and put it up on a shared YouTube account? Just so we cen see what everyones done

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This whole thing is becoming seriously confusing ... I'm totally lost as to what's going on now, haha. :unsure:

me too :wacko:

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Well, I am still hoping that the Texas meet up will involve an environmental project. Don't get me wrong, I am all for meeting up and celebrating Green Day but I would rather leave my mark on a community in the name of Green Day by performing a positive act. Leeanna (cityof_lust17) and I have done research for Austin and found some interesting options for projects there. I just hope to see a difference being made in the community regardless of what we end up doing. :)

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As some people here I also think that getting care for enviornment in this totally Green Day day is not too good. I mean we're going to gather for Green Day, because of our love to Green Day and what should enviornment be there too? It's Green Day, just Green Day and then it's better haha.

I think that we should at least take one hour as an hour that would be suitable for all the places on the world, that we can say just somehour you know. It's weird if you say the 28th of May, because when in America they're starting their 28th the day's nearly ending in Australia. Just one hour, this would probably be very early for Americans and a little late for Australians, but just to know you know.. I don't know what I have just written, but let's say it's what I meant.

About the environment thing: just celebrating Green Day would be awesome too, but if hundreds of GD fans are going to have meet-ups that day I really think we should do something environmental. We know the band cares for the environment and I'm pretty sure they'd be very proud of us if we followed their example by getting together and doing something for this planet. But if the environmental thingy doesn't work out, I'm happy just to have a picnic with other Green Day fans :happy:

And having the meet-ups exactly at the same time around the world... I honestly don't think it'd work. Americans would have to get up really early and Australians etc would have to stay up really late and, well, that'd make things really complicated. I think every country should just come up with a time that suits them best.

I got this idea, how about, when the day comes, all the reps get some video footage of what they've organised and put it up on a shared YouTube account? Just so we cen see what everyones done

I like the idea but I don't have a video camera =/

This whole thing is becoming seriously confusing ... I'm totally lost as to what's going on now, haha. :unsure:

me too :wacko:

Just get together and do something awesome on May 28 :D That's pretty much all we have atm.

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Why would people be totally against it? :blink: Did they give reasons?

Sorry, I'd check for myself, but I don't have FB. :P

just people who think it's silly/stupid or simply don't get it. beats me! their loss, the rest of us shall celebrate regardless! :-D

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I'm trying to get in contact with Channel [V] to see if they could post something about this. Anyone know how I could contact any other forms of publicity? besides the newspaper?

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