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Green Day Across The World


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So...are you telling me to get a microphone as well? :errm: Just wondering.

If you want us to spread this idea as soon as possible, we should finally decide on a name and a logo. Everyone's creating groups for this and threads in other forums, so if you don't want people to use certain names, then it's probably about time to agree on a name. I suggest to either add Dawns idea to the poll or just take the name that won the poll.

I'm kind of getting sick of being bossed around! No fan will be replaced this event belongs to the fans and there

are plenty of ways to communicate. All fans are invited to help out with this event in their area. I know you guys came

up with the idea and the date but this now belongs to the fans and I'm not kicking anyone out because they have no microphone

I counted and I have over 200 people behind me already and I have only been at this for a few days. We all need to agree and get

along and no one is the boss of anyone.. This is a team effort and we need all the people we can get. I am investing several

thousand dollars into this and getting us some corporate sponsors to help us with some expenses. Because this is going

to be very expensive to do. I didn't mean to sound rude earlier but enough is enough and we all need to get along and work

together. Oh and by the way I don't have a microphone either I ordered it but wont be here for at least a week. No ones

getting kicked out so nobody worry about that ok...=) Now can we all just get along please? we all have a common goal.

I love my Green Day Community family :hug::wub:

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By the way, is there a representative for the Netherlands yet? If not, I'm willing to be. That is, if there is some other Dutchie out there to help me out with it - can't do it all on my own, haha.

I was thinking about it, and I wanted to be one at first. But I decided not to, simply cause I could never organize it on my own, I wouldn't know where to start, what to do etc.

I'd love to help you out if you'll be the representative though! :D

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I'm kind of getting sick of being bossed around! No fan will be replaced this event belongs to the fans and there

are plenty of ways to communicate. All fans are invited to help out with this event in their area. I know you guys came

up with the idea and the date but this now belongs to the fans and I'm not kicking anyone out because they have no microphone

I counted and I have over 200 people behind me already and I have only been at this for a few days. We all need to agree and get

along and no one is the boss of anyone.. This is a team effort and we need all the people we can get. I am investing several

thousand dollars into this and getting us some corporate sponsors to help us with some expenses. Because this is going

to be very expensive to do. I didn't mean to sound rude earlier but enough is enough and we all need to get along and work

together. Oh and by the way I don't have a microphone either I ordered it but wont be here for at least a week. No ones

getting kicked out so nobody worry about that ok...=) Now can we all just get along please? we all have a common goal.

I love my Green Day Community family :hug::wub:

Sorry, I'm a little confused by your post! Did I say anything wrong? :unsure: Or did you just confuse me with someone because I did not came up with the idea (because you said "I know you guys came

up with the idea and the date").

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So...are you telling me to get a microphone as well? :errm: Just wondering.

If you want us to spread this idea as soon as possible, we should finally decide on a name and a logo. Everyone's creating groups for this and threads in other forums, so if you don't want people to use certain names, then it's probably about time to agree on a name. I suggest to either add Dawns idea to the poll or just take the name that won the poll.

I'm kind of getting sick of being bossed around! No fan will be replaced this event belongs to the fans and there

are plenty of ways to communicate. All fans are invited to help out with this event in their area. I know you guys came

up with the idea and the date but this now belongs to the fans and I'm not kicking anyone out because they have no microphone

I counted and I have over 200 people behind me already and I have only been at this for a few days. We all need to agree and get

along and no one is the boss of anyone.. This is a team effort and we need all the people we can get. I am investing several

thousand dollars into this and getting us some corporate sponsors to help us with some expenses. Because this is going

to be very expensive to do. I didn't mean to sound rude earlier but enough is enough and we all need to get along and work

together. Oh and by the way I don't have a microphone either I ordered it but wont be here for at least a week. No ones

getting kicked out so nobody worry about that ok...=) Now can we all just get along please? we all have a common goal.

I love my Green Day Community family :hug::wub:

PS Q .O.D. you can use whatever artwork you want for the flyers and websites you make yourself. I will be using he ones from the

winners of the contest. Everyone is eligible to enter even the representatives. The top winners will not only be on the shirts, banners and buttons

I am getting they will also win a kick ass GD prize. There will be more than 1 winner. I will be judging and I am going to pick 2 others to judge it with me.

Also everyone that enters a submission will receive a prize(they wont be as nice as the top winners but everyone will get something for entering).

Submissions due by Dec. 01, 2010 You can enter as more than one if you like. please don't submit a scribbled paper just to get a prize this is serious.

Good Luck everyone. There is a thread for this contest. If you have any questions please post them there.

Sorry, I'm a little confused by your post! Did I say anything wrong? :unsure: Or did you just confuse me with someone because I did not came up with the idea (because you said "I know you guys came

up with the idea and the date").

no not talking about you, sorry about that. they will know who they are

if you have to ask then no its not you. I just wanted to let you know that

you don't have to worry. you are a rep and will remain one =)

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no not talking about you, sorry about that. they will know who they are

if you have to ask then no its not you. I just wanted to let you know that

you don't have to worry. you are a rep and will remain one =)

Oh okay. I was just confused because you quoted me =D Nevermind.

And even if they say I'm not a rep anymore (for whatever reason), it wouldn't matter because we German GDcers are kinda like a big family so we are kinda organizing our meet-up all together. At least so I hope :lol:

If there is any German GDCer here who I'm not friends yet on FB, please add me: Facebook.com/GDCAnja

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Oh okay. I was just confused because you quoted me =D Nevermind.

And even if they say I'm not a rep anymore (for whatever reason), it wouldn't matter because we German GDcers are kinda like a big family so we are kinda organizing our meet-up all together. At least so I hope :lol:

If there is any German GDCer here who I'm not friends yet on FB, please add me: Facebook.com/GDCAnja

It's going to take way more than 1 person. here in the US I am getting at least 5 per state

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A couple of things I wanted to say:

1. I made a Facebook event for Spain.

2. I'm kind of confused about the Skype thing... are we going to chat all together at a certain day and time, or what? :unsure:

3. The environmental thing, once again. I'm one of the representers and I have no idea what we could do. :(

4. I go with "Green Day Across the World", GDAW. I also like Green for a Day though, I think not saying the world 'Day' after 'Green' but saying it (if that makes sense xD) it very well done, also the reference to KFAD (that the media won't get, but the fans will) is pretty good, and it can also be a reference to an environmental thing. Me likes it :)

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Sorry you guys I guess I was taking this al to far,it's just I was so excited about it and I guess it seems like to others

I was taking this away from them and that was never my intention. I was only trying to ad to the great idea. I really

didn't mean to step on anyones toe's and I a so very sorry. If you have any questions or problems please

direct them to GDlover94 and ItsHoAsHell (Q.O.D.) this is their project and I will step back and let them handle it

I guess I was to excited and messed it up which wasn't my intention. I came up with the contest and cleaning up the

environment to try and make it as grand as I could for Green Day and I apologize because that wasn't my call to make.

I hope I didn't upset them to badly I am sorry I didn't mean to cause any trouble.

As Zia said, you have nothing to be sorry about :) I think it's simply awesome that you've put so much effort into this, and how could you possibly have stepped on someone's toes? This is our project and everyone's allowed to work on it! So keep up the good work :)

2. I'm kind of confused about the Skype thing... are we going to chat all together at a certain day and time, or what? :unsure:

3. The environmental thing, once again. I'm one of the representers and I have no idea what we could do. :(

4. I go with "Green Day Across the World", GDAW. I also like Green for a Day though, I think not saying the world 'Day' after 'Green' but saying it (if that makes sense xD) it very well done, also the reference to KFAD (that the media won't get, but the fans will) is pretty good, and it can also be a reference to an environmental thing. Me likes it :)

2. I'm confused about the Skype thing too. I made myself an account, now what?

3. I have no idea what environmental stuff we could do, either.

4. I like the name Green Day Across The World too. I don't think it needs the word "Fan" since it's quite obvious what the event is going to be about, and the word "unite" is a bit useless too because of course we're uniting ^^ Also, the name sounds like we're going to do something "green" all around the world, and that's good.

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about skype we need it to talk to everyone! sometimes we can do so that the most representers can talk at the same time but it will never be possible for all at once but I can eisier post messeges to all of the representers and they can check it when they logg in thats what we had in mind. Its the easiest way from all sources to conect with people all over the world as know thats why we picked skype :)

I'm kind of getting sick of being bossed around! No fan will be replaced this event belongs to the fans and there

are plenty of ways to communicate. All fans are invited to help out with this event in their area. I know you guys came

up with the idea and the date but this now belongs to the fans and I'm not kicking anyone out because they have no microphone

I counted and I have over 200 people behind me already and I have only been at this for a few days. We all need to agree and get

along and no one is the boss of anyone.. This is a team effort and we need all the people we can get. I am investing several

thousand dollars into this and getting us some corporate sponsors to help us with some expenses. Because this is going

to be very expensive to do. I didn't mean to sound rude earlier but enough is enough and we all need to get along and work

together. Oh and by the way I don't have a microphone either I ordered it but wont be here for at least a week. No ones

getting kicked out so nobody worry about that ok...=) Now can we all just get along please? we all have a common goal.

I love my Green Day Community family :hug::wub:

The thing is we are only replacing those who do not try to call back to us I have been trying to reach some people for a while now and we haven't even got their e-mails its not that we are trying to boss someone around! we are simply trying to organise this and skype do not cost money and you do not nead a cam or a mic! We picked it because of that! we dont have any money either and we dont expect anyone to have! Im getting tired of that noone looks for real fact before they push us down! We are trying really hard and there is people calling us mean and that we wanna decide everything that hurts! we just want people to talk to us instead of judging us. we just need people who wanna do this like you dawn who is serius about this and if noone tries to reach to us we cant have someone whos not trying! This is about making the event work not replacing people!!!

this was not only to you dawn it was to everyone :)

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about skype we need it to talk to everyone! sometimes we can do so that the most representers can talk at the same time but it will never be possible for all at once but I can eisier post messeges to all of the representers and they can check it when they logg in thats what we had in mind. Its the easiest way from all sources to conect with people all over the world as know thats why we picked skype :)

Okay... but... why? :lol: I mean, we are all chatting here, what are we going to talk about through Skype?

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As someone said before, everybody should be able to see what we have to say and of course, involve and contribute their own ideas so I don't see what a skype convo is uselful for, either.

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we were just needing some people to organise this. It allways comes new people in here and we needed some to be Representers to help eatch country with their ideas not desiding just organise. We were going to tell you everything it just needs a little organisation and this was the way we thought was best. It was allso a way to see how many countrys that would participe. Thats why we didnt wanna decide anything before everything was done so that it would be eisier but you were so excited and really wanted this and we are happy for that it was just a little harder to organise. Thats why we from now on is gonna skipp the skype thing and just go by webbsite when its done ofc. We are from now on posting everything there and all your questions will be uppdated. We were just trying to make it eisier to summit all your ideas thats why...

And I wanna say that all of you are making a great job and we are prowd of you, just as Green Day will ;)

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I was thinking about it, and I wanted to be one at first. But I decided not to, simply cause I could never organize it on my own, I wouldn't know where to start, what to do etc.

I'd love to help you out if you'll be the representative though! :D

Yeah, sure. That's exactly why I don't want to do it alone, I've never done anything like it before, no idea how to organise etc. I'm more a follower than a leader, haha. I'm kind of thinking along the lines of how it works on Hyves, with several beheerders (admins?), and the rest of the people can bring in stuff as well.

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This is a great idea and everyone has awesome ideas, but now it's starting to look a little confusing for me.

Just a suggestion: maybe settle on a date and a name and then let everyone decide what they want to do themselves, in their own way, let everyone be creative with it, then there's no problem of anyone feeling like they're being ordered around, and everyone is happy about being able to do what they want to do?

The basic plan is that there will be a meet-up in most big cities/towns, right? It's fairly easy for everyone to then go and work out who lives in their area and discuss what the plans are amongst yourselves on Facebook or on here or whatever.

I think most people already have a general idea of who lives near them, so talk about it with those people and figure out what you want to do on the day, and then you could start putting the word out to non-GDC members in whatever ways you can come up with?

The separate Facebook groups for each place are neat. Everyone seems to have a Facebook, and everyone's been coming up with great and fun ideas and being really thoughtful.

I don't really think leaders are super necessary, everyone is capable of planning and helping out - some more than others, but that's just my opinion. Team work is awesome fun. Y'know. Just an idea. :)

I can't see it being a very easy task for just a few people to have to be in charge and plan out something that looks to be such a big event.

I could have taken this all the wrong way, but I just really hope it works out well for everyone because it really is an amazing idea.

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OK you guys I'm feeling better now and I'm not going to let what others say to or about me bother me.

This event belongs to all the fans not just 1 or 2 people! So I'm in it for the long haul you guys....

I'm going to make sure this is so huge that every music magazine and TV station will be talking about this.

I've got my game face on now. I will get us some sponsors to help pay for all of this. Also I will be running

several contest between now and on the day of the event. I'm even getting some trophies made up.

I need to start getting names and emails of everyone in the United States interested in helping.

Also I need to know what each states platform is for helping clean up the environment. If anyone has any

ideas what so ever please contribute this is for all of us. It may have started out as an idea and a date but

it has grown a lot since then and I hope it will continue to grow with everyone's help. Let's

get to work everyone lets give the biggest thank you ever to Green Day by doing this... they have

done so much for their fans and now we can give back.... :hug::banana:

What do you all think of "Green Day Fan's Around The World"? I think that would be awesome on

a t-shirt with cool graphics which will be from who ever wins the contest I'm running for the person that

submits the best logo / picture, drawing etc... Also the winner will receive some kick ass Green Day

merchandise, and not crappy stuff collectors stuff :thumbsup:

Thankgod you're back in! I came into this thread and read a few posts and started getting worried!

Some may call it taking over, but I'd say you're just really passionate for a great cause, and actually getting the ball rolling! All your ideas and the way you're dedicated to it make me feel like it will actually happen ...and be something special:)

Just a suggestion: maybe settle on a date and a name and then let everyone decide what they want to do themselves, in their own way, let everyone be creative with it, then there's no problem of anyone feeling like they're being ordered around, and everyone is happy about being able to do what they want to do?

I really like this idea. It would make it much simpler! Everyone knows their own area, what is possible, what can't be done, restrictions etc. A set date and name is really all that's needed. Then people can decide amongst people from their area whether they want/can get the media involved, what they will do on the day, ways of advertising etc..

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What do you guys think about "Green Day Fans Around The World" as the title I put fan in and took Unite out.

The others to me just don't fit. I'm trying to look at it from a prespective of the average fan that doen't come online at

GDC and GDA. I even went around asking random people what each of these titles tell them about this event and below

is the answers I got most frequently. So you guys tell me what you think I have even made an email just in case it's


Green for a Day - sounds like enviromental only and nothing to do with the band

Green Day Across The World- sounds like the band is going to be going around the world

Gree Day Celebration Day- sounds like just a party and nothing about fans all over the world supporting a cause also

International Green Day- sounds like the band is touring or something

Best Thing in Town- doesn't even really even tell anything about the event

So you guys tell me what you think about this.... I think that title will look awesome on banners and shirts.

Every one's input is needed maybe one of you might know a better one. I just don't think the ones in the pole

will work especially since I went around getting opinions of stangers and most said the same things.

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I promise to have things more organized by the end of the week. I so need to take a trip

to Office Depot for supplies. By the weekend I sould have a lot more things more concrete.

So please be patient with me everyoneI promise this will all come together. I am taking

my time because I want this to be as perfect as I can possibly make it. Later this

week I will be gathering names for helpers for each state and I probably need a few

back up helpers for me too....Until then everyone keep brain storming and posting your

ideas please :hug:

Ask Netty if she'd send Greenday.com a message about it.

Also, I posted a little teaser on my blog, but just a 'heads up" sort of thing since nothing is settled but the date yet. Green Day Mind link

Thank you for doing that Tanya, I should have some more concrete info for

you to post within the next few weeks....

Who is Netty?

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Thats awesome, we just need some of this action in Australia.... my nearest capital city hmmm GDCers in Queensland we should meet in BrisVegas!!!!

Yes, there definitely needs to be a meet in Brissie!

Anywhere other than SE Queensland and I would not be allowed, in the way of money or the parentals =/

I know a few people at school who would love this idea, I'll tell them tomorrow.

Someone could even write to local radio stations and ask to spread the word. I know a few stations have a ring-up-with-your-news thing, so if we could find stations that do that it wouldn't cost anything for advertising :)

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Yes, there definitely needs to be a meet in Brissie!

Anywhere other than SE Queensland and I would not be allowed, in the way of money or the parentals =/

I know a few people at school who would love this idea, I'll tell them tomorrow.

Someone could even write to local radio stations and ask to spread the word. I know a few stations have a ring-up-with-your-news thing, so if we could find stations that do that it wouldn't cost anything for advertising :)

Okay well me and St.Banana are organising place and other stuff, so just keep watching out, and the radio is great idea and yeah definently bring some peeps :D

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Not gonna lie, I still like Green for a Day. I think it portrays the environmental aspect quite well. I also like it because it's a pun of a GD song that I think the band would get a kick out of. Most people I have talked to about the logo design contest are wanting to try to use a GD graphic of some sort in their design so that would help portray uniting in the name of Green Day more. :thumbsup:

I am also liking the idea that was thrown out about letting individual countries/states roll with their own ideas for projects and the like. As long as we all do our part on May 28th, we will hopefully make history and leave our mark on the world. :)

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Yes, there definitely needs to be a meet in Brissie!

Anywhere other than SE Queensland and I would not be allowed, in the way of money or the parentals =/

I know a few people at school who would love this idea, I'll tell them tomorrow.

Someone could even write to local radio stations and ask to spread the word. I know a few stations have a ring-up-with-your-news thing, so if we could find stations that do that it wouldn't cost anything for advertising :)

Another person, great! :)

Love the radio idea.

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Okay! this is how it is! We are trying to make everyone happy, but everyone wanna do this in diffrent ways! So it hurts me when you say that we are doing this for ourselfs! We are not deciding this on our own feelings we decide on the things we hear from other people. We do not think this is our thing couse its not! We are the creators and we thought since we begun this we should fight until the end but now it seams like noone belives in us. We try to take all the shiit that we hear because we fight for this, if you dont like something come with a better idea but say to us couse we see everything and are a bridg between other sites. So this is not only a GDC thing its bigger and now it feels like Green Day is slipping appart! Thats why we do this to keep them alive. And we wanted to wait with the logo and the name to make as many people as possible happy its 7 months until acctuall event and we thought it would be best to not hasitate.

We dont care about anything anymore just to make this work and if you want us to step aside so let it be...

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