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Green Day Across The World


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I am going to work my ass of getting the attention of the press as much as I can for this

event. Even if I have to buy ad space in the biggest music magazines on the planet.

I think the closer the day gets the more you will see it in magazines and n TV. I am

going to make this a historical Green Day event if it's the last thing I do. This is

going to be bigger than anyone could possibly even imagine. I promise you this....

This project is very important to me and very close to my heart. This to me is

the ultimate way to say thank you to Green Day from their fans. This is something

that has never in the history of music has ever been done by fans of a band before.

This will be talked about for years to come. Kind of like Woodstock was, but this

won't be about a collection of bands all in one spot like Woodstock was. This will be

about one band, the greatest band on the planet, Green Day and there will be celebrations

going on all over the world in every country on the same day. This will make history! On the day

that Green Day gets inducted into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame and the presenter gives

a speech about Green Day, May 28, 2011 will be spoken about.

Aw I love that you take this so seriously, I almost break down when I enter the swedish green day forum, they don't wanna do it or they say"It's not gonna work out" but after reading this I'm sure as hell it's gonna be the biggest thing in Green Day history!

As I am one of the two creators I just love to read this.

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Shall this event involve any form of that delightful substance called food?

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:lol: That would be favourable, I don't want some douche invading such a holy event.

On another note, people have been suggesting magazines, do you reckon free music mags like Time Off and Rave would do a little add?

Yeah we could but maybe a month before the event? That would be cool. Ah so many things to think about, but it's exciting! :D

Shall this event involve any form of that delightful substance called food?

I like food, just thought I should add that...

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I am going to work my ass of getting the attention of the press as much as I can for this

event. Even if I have to buy ad space in the biggest music magazines on the planet.

I think the closer the day gets the more you will see it in magazines and n TV. I am

going to make this a historical Green Day event if it's the last thing I do. This is

going to be bigger than anyone could possibly even imagine. I promise you this....

This project is very important to me and very close to my heart. This to me is

the ultimate way to say thank you to Green Day from their fans. This is something

that has never in the history of music has ever been done by fans of a band before.

This will be talked about for years to come. Kind of like Woodstock was, but this

won't be about a collection of bands all in one spot like Woodstock was. This will be

about one band, the greatest band on the planet, Green Day and there will be celebrations

going on all over the world in every country on the same day. This will make history! On the day

that Green Day gets inducted into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame and the presenter gives

a speech about Green Day, May 28, 2011 will be spoken about.

oh I love you :wub:

You're right, we're going to make this day famous and important, It's about Green Day GOD DAMMIT!

Shall this event involve any form of that delightful substance called food?

Food is the right answer. We need food, food is good. (shit rhyme :huh: )

Maybe we could this one time support those evil fast food places and go picnic!

(in Finland we should go to Ruttopuisto! It's near and full of drunk people and weed-smoking hippies!)

I'm so bored. I'm sick so I can't go to school. So I'll plan this event with you guys!

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oh I love you :wub:

You're right, we're going to make this day famous and important, It's about Green Day GOD DAMMIT!

Food is the right answer. We need food, food is good. (shit rhyme :huh: )

Maybe we could this one time support those evil fast food places and go picnic!

(in Finland we should go to Ruttopuisto! It's near and full of drunk people and weed-smoking hippies!)

I'm so bored. I'm sick so I can't go to school. So I'll plan this event with you guys!

Do you mean not support fast food places? :huh:

I love your idea of a picnic! Gathering in a park and sitting around (with provided food) would be really nice actually :)

Green Day on the grass :shifty:

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Do you mean not support fast food places? :huh:

I mean support... I don't usually want to eat for example in McDonald's :D

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Yeah we could but maybe a month before the event? That would be cool. Ah so many things to think about, but it's exciting! :D

I like food, just thought I should add that...

I am not sure how the reps in your area are going to handle it but here in Texas I'm getting some of the local restaurants

to donate food for the event. They were excited to be involved in an effort to clean up the environment and rock out on Green

Day all in one day all over the world. Besides its a tax write of for them donating it anyway

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I mean support... I don't usually want to eat for example in McDonald's :D

But don't supporting a fast food place and having a picnic contradict each other? :blink:

Well atleast I thought you suggested having a picnic.

Anyway it doesn't really matter...

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But don't supporting a fast food place and having a picnic contradict each other? :blink:

Well atleast I thought you suggested having a picnic.

Anyway it doesn't really matter...

You know, picking up food from fast food place and go eat it to somewhere else? :lol:

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Sorry if this has already been decided on or discussed...

A website for the event would really help with organization and getting the word out. That way we could put the website address in our signatures, tweets, whatever and people could simply click and get more information. Like they could click on a link for their country/state and find contact information for the reps and such.

Just trying to help in any way I can. :happy:

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Sorry if this has already been decided on or discussed...

A website for the event would really help with organization and getting the word out. That way we could put the website address in our signatures, tweets, whatever and people could simply click and get more information. Like they could click on a link for their country/state and find contact information for the reps and such.

Just trying to help in any way I can. :happy:

I'm getting my son to get a website up and going for me,Q.O.D & GDlover94. he is great at that kind of stuff.

he is a hacker.As it gets closer i am going to buy ad space in some music magazines and hoping to get MTV

involved in getting the word out there. also I'm even gonna put ads in every state's craigslist. I already have on my

facebook & myspace, i'm still brain storming up ideas. I have only been at this for a couple days. My son

is a dj and travels all over the united states I am going to have flyers made for him to post everywhere.

Also i need to see if GDA will put it out on their podcast and hopefully their site too. I am gonna do

what ever it takes to get the word out there. I promise this will make history. I am so committed to this

what else do I have to do with my time besides sit in this damn wheelchair.

It would be awesome to get some well known public figures that like Green Day to endorse this.

I am so going to send Serena Williams a tweet about this event on May 28,2011

I need everyone that has twitter to tweet about Green Day Fans Across The World Unite on May 28, 2011

please tweet everyday and several times a day if you would please.We need to stir up a buzz about this!


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Sorry if this has already been decided on or discussed...

A website for the event would really help with organization and getting the word out. That way we could put the website address in our signatures, tweets, whatever and people could simply click and get more information. Like they could click on a link for their country/state and find contact information for the reps and such.

Just trying to help in any way I can. :happy:

We are gonna fix that. Maybe every country can fix it's own website and then one for the whole world and from the world webside it can bee links to every countries own site?

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You know, picking up food from fast food place and go eat it to somewhere else? :lol:

excuse my stupidity :ninja:

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Hey someone who knows how we gonna get Sweden apart of it!The swedish fans doesn't like the idea at all!

We the creators of this event are from Sweden but the swedish fans is not so into it! :o

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I am not sure how the reps in your area are going to handle it but here in Texas I'm getting some of the local restaurants

to donate food for the event. They were excited to be involved in an effort to clean up the environment and rock out on Green

Day all in one day all over the world. Besides its a tax write of for them donating it anyway

That's awesome! How did you go about doing that? What type of places did you approach? :)

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That's awesome! How did you go about doing that? What type of places did you approach? :)

You just call your local restaurants and tell them what you are trying to do. Also make sure you emphasize the fact

that it's a world wide event and that your group is going to be doing stuff to save the environment also. Tell them that

everything they donate is a tax write off for them. I also told them that the media would be involved and that I'd mention that

they donated the food for the event and that is advertisement for them. I used to get sponsors for my daughter when she

was little and I used to put her in pageants. I never had to pay for a dress or any entry fees by using sponsors. It's all

about how you talk to them. You have to make them feel as if you are doing them a favor by allowing them to sponsor

such an important event and in the end it doesn't cost them a dime anyway because charity is a tax write off in the US

I am not sure if it is in other Countries. You just have to make them feel lucky that you chose them and make them feel like

it is an honor to get to sponsor such a huge and important event.

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You just call your local restaurants and tell them what you are trying to do. Also make sure you emphasize the fact

that it's a world wide event and that your group is going to be doing stuff to save the environment also. Tell them that

everything they donate is a tax write off for them. I also told them that the media would be involved and that I'd mention that

they donated the food for the event and that is advertisement for them. I used to get sponsors for my daughter when she

was little and I used to put her in pageants. I never had to pay for a dress or any entry fees by using sponsors. It's all

about how you talk to them. You have to make them feel as if you are doing them a favor by allowing them to sponsor

such an important event and in the end it doesn't cost them a dime anyway because charity is a tax write off in the US

I am not sure if it is in other Countries. You just have to make them feel lucky that you chose them and make them feel like

it is an honor to get to sponsor such a huge and important event.

Yeah that's a really good idea, just have to find places that will budge and put for us :D

That's awesome! How did you go about doing that? What type of places did you approach? :)

Could you think of any places in Bris that would consider?

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Yeah that's a really good idea, just have to find places that will budge and put for us :D

Could you think of any places in Bris that would consider?

just get a local phone book and start calling. also don't get discouraged because you will get a lot of no's.

Also don't speak to the manager ask for the owner. The manager will just blow you off. If all else fails get some

local restaurants to open a booth type thing where ever you have the Green Day bash at and sell food & drinks

because that would work out too. There are lots of options. You can have people that are coming to each bring a dish

of food, most wouldn't mind doing that for a party

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just get a local phone book and start calling. also don't get discouraged because you will get a lot of no's.

Also don't speak to the manager ask for the owner. The manager will just blow you off. If all else fails get some

local restaurants to open a booth type thing where ever you have the Green Day bash at and sell food & drinks

because that would work out too. There are lots of options. You can have people that are coming to each bring a dish

of food, most wouldn't mind doing that for a party

Yeah thats sounds like a good place to start, suppose there are many things to look at :)

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oh I love you :wub:

You're right, we're going to make this day famous and important, It's about Green Day GOD DAMMIT!

Food is the right answer. We need food, food is good. (shit rhyme :huh: )

Maybe we could this one time support those evil fast food places and go picnic!

(in Finland we should go to Ruttopuisto! It's near and full of drunk people and weed-smoking hippies!)

I'm so bored. I'm sick so I can't go to school. So I'll plan this event with you guys!

I'm so happy I'm not the only Finn how's excited about this, together we'll make things work out!

"We need food, food is good" could be my motto, really. I love food :lol: Ruttopuisto might be a nice place, and picnic is a good idea (if it's not raining -.-).

Get better soon :)

I am not sure how the reps in your area are going to handle it but here in Texas I'm getting some of the local restaurants

to donate food for the event. They were excited to be involved in an effort to clean up the environment and rock out on Green

Day all in one day all over the world. Besides its a tax write of for them donating it anyway

That sounds great but I have no idea how I could do that... I'm still slightly underage so I'm afraid they wouldn't take me seriously. But it'd be awesome if we got free food :D

Hey someone who knows how we gonna get Sweden apart of it!The swedish fans doesn't like the idea at all!

We the creators of this event are from Sweden but the swedish fans is not so into it! :o

You can take a boat to Finland and celebrate with us if Swedes aren't interested :D It's weird that they aren't, since GD have been visiting Sweden much more often that Finland for example. Thankless bastards :P

About the website: are we going to get one website for all of us or should I ask my friend to make a site for the Finnish meet-up only? It might be more handy if we had all the info on one site...

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Yeah thats sounds like a good place to start, suppose there are many things to look at :)

If you need any help or have any questions email me at:

GreenDayFansAcrossTheWorldUnite@gmail.com or


I'm so happy I'm not the only Finn how's excited about this, together we'll make things work out!

"We need food, food is good" could be my motto, really. I love food :lol: Ruttopuisto might be a nice place, and picnic is a good idea (if it's not raining -.-).

That sounds great but I have no idea how I could do that... I'm still slightly underage so I'm afraid they wouldn't take me seriously. But it'd be awesome if we got free food :D

Get a team together to help you and have the older ones make the calls. This is a huge undertaking

so you really should get a team of assistants to help you. In the US I am making 1 rep for each state

with a team of around at least 5 assistants. Are you going to do something in your Country to help

take up Green Day's cause and do something to help the environment? I find that alot more businesses

will be more willing to donate things if you are doing a big help the environment in honor of Green Day event

then after you do that later in the day you can through a huge Green Day party for everyone. Also in doing that

you will attract a lot of press and publicity.

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I dunno, but I want to see it!

And if we could do different flyers, not just one specific? Like couple different logos which say the same thing..?

That logo posted here before was great, but I liked it better when 'Green Day' was written in Kerplunk font.. :happy:

Green Day with writing of Kerplunk?

As it?


Is just anyone able to suggest a logo for this? Cause i think id like to submit one :)

Yes, everyone can presented logo ;]

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Green Day with writing of Kerplunk?

As it?


Yes, everyone can presented logo ;]

You should ad the word unite at the end of that Green Day Fans Unite May 28,2011 with a map of the world or a globe behind it.

that would be awesome. It would make a good logo picture to represent the whole event. Can you draw up an example

of it like I just explained? that is if everyone agrees on it. I can't wait until my son gets the web site for this done. I

could use a picture of that logo on the website too.

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What are the plans for England?? Any Idea? Im willing to help if needed.

England has its own thread.......England GDC Meet-Up

Naveed and Slappy are the reps for England.

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