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Green Day Across The World


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I haven't volunteer myself for one reason, I don't know if I will have time to do something.

I have posted about this on the GD portugal forum tho..

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sorry i haven't been on in a few days everyone, i got pneumonia and i feel like shit...

i wouldn't have even known about the tweet if not for people texting me about.

Wow, thats just so surreal. I'm still working on this everyone I just been a little slow

this week, i apologize. I hope to have teams page done this weekend and once that is

done i'll send all the team leaders a list of ideas incase you can't think of a platform in your area.

Then I'll be starting the auctions after thats done. If anyone needs me for anything

email me dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com

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Ah cool! We're still trying to figure out what the best city would be to meet up but so far, it's Cologne. If there's too many who can't make it to Cologne, we might just end up having two meet-ups. Would you be able to come to Cologne for the meet-up? Or is that too far for you?

I think cologne will be great! I can be there, of course! ;)

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Wooo that tweet, yay :D

sorry i haven't been on in a few days everyone, i got pneumonia and i feel like shit...

i wouldn't have even known about the tweet if not for people texting me about.

Wow, thats just so surreal. I'm still working on this everyone I just been a little slow

this week, i apologize. I hope to have teams page done this weekend and once that is

done i'll send all the team leaders a list of ideas incase you can't think of a platform in your area.

Then I'll be starting the auctions after thats done. If anyone needs me for anything

email me dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com

Dawn, it's okay this week has been a little slow, take your rest if you need/want it, no one wants you to get even more ill :)

Get well soon!

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Hey, I wanna put a video on my YouTube account advertising this. It'd be cool if I could get a bunch of people to participate.

All I need you to do is take a video of yourself saying this:

"My name is __________ and I'm from ____________, and I will be celebrating Green Day Across the World".

Thank you everyone!!! Please participate if you can. I'd especially like people from all over the world!

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wow, i'm proud of you guys (if that's the right word) that adie tweeted about you- thats soo amazing! :woot:

so, um ..

the teampage for germany wasn't working..? :ermm:

so i'll just ask, where are the german "meeting points"?

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We tried to take a video with drunkbunny... well, it didn't work out at all. First my camera died and then, with drunkbunny's camera, we giggled all the time until that camera died too. :thumbsup:

We'll try again later. Maybe... :lol:

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Oh, guys, also ...

I'm trying to put together a band to play a Tribute to Green Day on this day.

It'd be so awesome if we could get a gig in New York City.

and I wanna donate all the profits to NRDC. so it's doing something good while having an awesome time.

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Oh, guys, also ...

I'm trying to put together a band to play a Tribute to Green Day on this day.

It'd be so awesome if we could get a gig in New York City.

and I wanna donate all the profits to NRDC. so it's doing something good while having an awesome time.

We have a Green Day tribute band too. I just sent some e-mails to different pubs, because we want it to be quite early so that people that are not from Madrid can go, and also there might not be many places who would allow people under 18...

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We have a Green Day tribute band too. I just sent some e-mails to different pubs, because we want it to be quite early so that people that are not from Madrid can go, and also there might not be many places who would allow people under 18...

I can see that, because there's bars at a lot of places because drinks are how places make money. I know this one place nearby me that has a bar, but it's still all ages.

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I can see that, because there's bars at a lot of places because drinks are how places make money. I know this one place nearby me that has a bar, but it's still all ages.

I'm totally against not letting people inside a place just because they're under 18. If it's just because of the alcohol, ask for identification when you're going to buy alcohol, not at the door of the place! Why can't you enjoy the music and just have a soft drink or something!? :pinch::dry:

The only e-mail I got so far says that in Madrid undereighteens can't access any... "sala de conciertos", pub/ establishment where concerts are played. :(

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I'm totally against not letting people inside a place just because they're under 18. If it's just because of the alcohol, ask for identification when you're going to buy alcohol, not at the door of the place! Why can't you enjoy the music and just have a soft drink or something!? :pinch::dry:

The only e-mail I got so far says that in Madrid undereighteens can't access any... "sala de conciertos", pub/ establishment where concerts are played. :(

to be honest, 18 and over clubs don't make sense if it's because of alcohol. because here you have to be 21 to drink anyway... but then again, the clubs probably don't want to be responsible for children. when you're an adult, you can do whatever you want. but some kids might sneak out to clubs and the parents might get mad at the clubs for letting them in.

You could always see if you could have it in someone's house / backyard, though!

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The only way for this to be effective is for each country/major city in bigger countries (i.e. the US) to get its own thread in its own forum and for a team of people from each area to organize where to meet and what to do.

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to be honest, 18 and over clubs don't make sense if it's because of alcohol. because here you have to be 21 to drink anyway... but then again, the clubs probably don't want to be responsible for children. when you're an adult, you can do whatever you want. but some kids might sneak out to clubs and the parents might get mad at the clubs for letting them in.

You could always see if you could have it in someone's house / backyard, though!

You can be 18 to drink here, and 16 for drinks with low alcohol content (like beer).

And it's not the club's problem if you don't control your children...

I get that you can't give alcohol to undereighteens(?), but the solution to that is actually not giving alcohol to them when they ask for it, not not letting them in the place. And anyway, if they want alcohol, they're going to get it one way or the other, so... My view on this is that they prohibit music to people under the age of 18, and I think that's terrible. But I think we're going slightly off topic xD

Hmmm... I never thought of that :thumbsup:

The only way for this to be effective is for each country/major city in bigger countries (i.e. the US) to get its own thread in its own forum and for a team of people from each area to organize where to meet and what to do.

That's what we're doing :P

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My question is wondering when the website will gain the functionality you guys need to be able to plan and gather and better organize. It's too split right now. There's a dedicated site, but the majority of traffic seems to still be through GDC. And a single thread here isn't the way to make this grow and easily plan all these different events. Don't forget, right now all this is happening behind a wall - only registered users can see any of this thread, and even then, having 1000+ posts in a single thread makes it hard for passerby's to know what's going on. You guys need a forum dedicated to this - and place that can attract and encourage fans to participate. Sorta like, you need to pull it all together rather than be scattered across GDC, Facebook, and the dedicated site. Maybe a forum would be good for organizers, but definitely need a solid 'directory' of all the events, and at what stage of the planning process you guys are at for each one - and specifics on how people can help.

There's just a lot that could be done here to better organize Green Day fans together.

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My question is wondering when the website will gain the functionality you guys need to be able to plan and gather and better organize. It's too split right now. There's a dedicated site, but the majority of traffic seems to still be through GDC. And a single thread here isn't the way to make this grow and easily plan all these different events. Don't forget, right now all this is happening behind a wall - only registered users can see any of this thread, and even then, having 1000+ posts in a single thread makes it hard for passerby's to know what's going on. You guys need a forum dedicated to this - and place that can attract and encourage fans to participate. Sorta like, you need to pull it all together rather than be scattered across GDC, Facebook, and the dedicated site. Maybe a forum would be good for organizers, but definitely need a solid 'directory' of all the events, and at what stage of the planning process you guys are at for each one - and specifics on how people can help.

There's just a lot that could be done here to better organize Green Day fans together.

I agree. There should be a forum set up for the website so it's not just here on GDC, and facebook

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I've kinda had that on my mind before but never did anything about it.

I'll try to get with a friend tonight and see what we can do about a forum.

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I'm down with making a forum. I just need to know from whoever bought the domain if they have access to it, so we can make it like "forums.greendayacrosstheworld.org"

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I'm down with making a forum. I just need to know from whoever bought the domain if they have access to it, so we can make it like "forums.greendayacrosstheworld.org"

You should talk to Dawn, or wait to see what she thinks when she has chance to reply. Because i think it'd really be best if you guys kept it all under a single site.

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My question is wondering when the website will gain the functionality you guys need to be able to plan and gather and better organize. It's too split right now. There's a dedicated site, but the majority of traffic seems to still be through GDC. And a single thread here isn't the way to make this grow and easily plan all these different events. Don't forget, right now all this is happening behind a wall - only registered users can see any of this thread, and even then, having 1000+ posts in a single thread makes it hard for passerby's to know what's going on. You guys need a forum dedicated to this - and place that can attract and encourage fans to participate. Sorta like, you need to pull it all together rather than be scattered across GDC, Facebook, and the dedicated site. Maybe a forum would be good for organizers, but definitely need a solid 'directory' of all the events, and at what stage of the planning process you guys are at for each one - and specifics on how people can help.

There's just a lot that could be done here to better organize Green Day fans together.

Yeah. Make a forum for them, and then subforums for each country, and then threads for the major cities. The people organizing the events in various countries would be mods of their countries' subforum, and would control their cities' threads.

If a generalized website were made, it could essentially just link to the forum for each country.

I just solved all ya'll bitches problems in under 2 minutes while talking to my friend and watching tv.

I don't mean to sound condescending or anything.

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