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Green Day Across The World


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The website is going to have a page explaining the event, a green day bio page, a page of their charitable

works, a page with all the countries and states teams heading up the event in their area and their contact info and also

what each country and states environmental platform is, a page full of green day pictures from over the past 20yrs, a page

full of fans with GD band members pictures & GDC meet-ups, an interactive blog page, a page about their side projects like

Foxboro Hot Tubs & The Networks etc., a page showing items that are on ebay up for auction, and a paypal donation button &

a cart to buy t-shirts with the event official 2011 logo on them (the logo will be one universal logo, 1 official one for everyone), land

there will be a button that connects the Green Day Across The World twitter, face book myspace, and tumblr pages to the website.

I have also decided to have a whole page about American Idiot On Broadway, the cast, how it got it's start,behind the scenes info

& pictures of it all.


I Need Everyone To Start Sending me Pictures of the band over past 20yrs., pictures of The Network, Foxboro Hot Tubs, pictures of fans

with band members and Adie, even videos of the band doing something great like when they gave the guitars away, ALSO WHEN THEY


over past 20 years please. send to dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com and put GDATW pics in subject line

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I know the website name for this event is going to be "Green.Day.Across.The.World.May28th2011org"

Can't help you with the flyers, never done anything like that before, but that website URL.... is that right? With all the dots everywhere but no dot before the org? (and such a long website) I don't think that's even a valid URL, with all those dots and without a proper ending.

I mean, just checking, because it seems a little weird and we wouldn't want a flyer with the wrong URL. :)

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Can't help you with the flyers, never done anything like that before, but that website URL.... is that right? With all the dots everywhere but no dot before the org? (and such a long website) I don't think that's even a valid URL, with all those dots and without a proper ending.

I mean, just checking, because it seems a little weird and we wouldn't want a flyer with the wrong URL. :)

i forgot to put dot b4 the org sorry,the designer is coming by today , maybe i copied it wrong but will let you know for sure later

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i forgot to put dot b4 the org sorry,the designer is coming by today , maybe i copied it wrong but will let you know for sure later

Oh, okay. :)

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To be honest, I find the url way too long. People would probably be too lazy to type that all out. And the date is probably not even necessary in an url link as it will be on the website itself. I think just the name suffices. Something like www.GreenDayAcrossTheWorld.org or so. Just my opinion.

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Yeah, I think it's too long as well. And it's very easy to mistype or forget what exactly it is.

all these url's are available for both .org and .com:




even greendayevent.org and .com are available.

just suggestions for shorter url's :)

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The web designer came by today and worked on it. This web designer is awesome the front

page of the site is going to have the flashing pictures with stuff written about the

band on it. It's not going to be just alike the pictures will & different and the words will be too.

but it looks cool if u get a chance please go to www.greenday.com and you'll see what I mean. But that's

just what we are doing on 1st page there will be 10 pages all together and you'll have to wait and see the rest.

The site will be up on Jan. 5th 2011 and it will be www.GreenDayAcrossTheWorld.org once it's up

I have to many companies donating I have some donations I've already received. It's going to be better

than I even imagined.

Is the url ok to everyone?

I hope so because the contracts have been signed.

i can help with flyers :happy:

please do, i need all the help I can get.

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That url is alot better sweet and to the point. :thumbsup:

go read the logo contest thread and the shit being said in there you wont believe it.

I have had it. I'm about to loose my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Someone hacked the site email please emails to dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com

put GDATW in subject line please also put contact info in email

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I may have ideas for the flyers.. I can try to work something out :)

Maybe we should have one pecific logo wich one we all could use and then few other logos?

Is there already the 'main logo' or something? I also have a printer so we can print and share some flyers here in Finland with Musse.

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I may have ideas for the flyers.. I can try to work something out :)

Maybe we should have one pecific logo wich one we all could use and then few other logos?

Is there already the 'main logo' or something? I also have a printer so we can print and share some flyers here in Finland with Musse.

Dawn is holding a contest to choose a logo


I think it's going to be choosed sometime in January

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I've already mentioned here that it's a great idea 'bout this special Green Day day for fans(:

and it's getting more and more seriously, and Dawn: you're the woman!

but I'm afraid there aren't be much poeple showing up on the 28th of May in Ljubljana (Slovenia's capital), lame Slovenia:s

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I may have ideas for the flyers.. I can try to work something out :)

Maybe we should have one pecific logo wich one we all could use and then few other logos?

Is there already the 'main logo' or something? I also have a printer so we can print and share some flyers here in Finland with Musse.

no contest for logo is over jan 3rd and could use all the help we can get

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don't worry once site is up a lot more will be interested. plus that is why i'm raising money and doing

auction's to help draw publicity in. i also plan to pay and take out ads in popular music magazines.

I promise u guys I'm good at this kind of stuff. Once I get a fire lit under this in the USA I expect

it to spread like wild fire across the worlds. I'm not stopping till MTV gets on board. believe it or not this

is an awesome thing we are doing for the band and the environment, its a win-win. Also don't call news or

radio until after the holidays because that's all they are focusing on right now. After the holidays

this event will kick ass!!!

as for the flyers on Jan 3rd after the contest I'll announce the winner and those who want to help with

the flyers can and I'll have all the info by then and I'll take the flyer and get as many as I can printed

up at office depot.

I need people to email me and let me know where your from and if you will

be on the planning team in your area. I need these fast for my web designer

if we are going to get it out on time. then I will get you all together to pick

a platform. Designer needs by monday. please everyone join in and

help even if it's a little. dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com and put GDATW in

the subject line. The more people the less work is required from each person.

My web designer just called and cut the price in half because

even though she doesn't know who green day is she loves the environmental

thing that we're doing. Also I just had another graphic designer offer to help

and do it pro-bono because he thinks the environment thing is such a

great cause. I have been getting the same types of things said by

possible donators. I know some don't like the environment thing

but you can still do it by having a party charge a cover charge

get a DJ or band and donate proceeds to the NRDC. Or pick

up trash somewhere anywhere for a couple of hours then go

have a party. have a bake sale or car wash and donate money

to an environmental charity. i have tons of ideas email me

and i'll give you more. This environmental thing is not only going to

make green day proud but we can expose people that don't know them

to the best fucking band in the world!!



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I just looked at the Australian Facebook page. I invited one of my friends to join, and she's confirmed that she's going. Then I look at maybe attending, and another one of my friends might be coming. :banana:

I hadn't even asked her yet, she must've just found the page.

But I haven't asked my Dad yet. Don't know if he'll say yes, 'cause we'd have to get someone to watch the kids. =/

I'll find a way to get there though. Might talk him into letting me take the train.

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you don't have to. there are many ways to participate if you want.

there will be lots more info after the holidays

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I may have ideas for the flyers.. I can try to work something out :)

Maybe we should have one pecific logo wich one we all could use and then few other logos?

Is there already the 'main logo' or something? I also have a printer so we can print and share some flyers here in Finland with Musse.

Yup, once we've chosen the official logo we can just run around and cover the whole Helsinki with flyers :D

I need people to email me and let me know where your from and if you will

be on the planning team in your area. I need these fast for my web designer

if we are going to get it out on time. then I will get you all together to pick

a platform. Designer needs by monday. please everyone join in and

help even if it's a little. dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com and put GDATW in

the subject line. The more people the less work is required from each person.

My web designer just called and cut the price in half because

even though she doesn't know who green day is she loves the environmental

thing that we're doing. Also I just had another graphic designer offer to help

and do it pro-bono because he thinks the environment thing is such a

great cause. I have been getting the same types of things said by

possible donators. I know some don't like the environment thing

but you can still do it by having a party charge a cover charge

get a DJ or band and donate proceeds to the NRDC. Or pick

up trash somewhere anywhere for a couple of hours then go

have a party. have a bake sale or car wash and donate money

to an environmental charity. i have tons of ideas email me

and i'll give you more. This environmental thing is not only going to

make green day proud but we can expose people that don't know them

to the best fucking band in the world!!

So if me and Zia are the representatives from Finland we should email you?

And it's awesome that the web designer cut the price :) I'm happy people are willing to help us even if they don't know much about GD.

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Yup, once we've chosen the official logo we can just run around and cover the whole Helsinki with flyers :D

So if me and Zia are the representatives from Finland we should email you?

And it's awesome that the web designer cut the price :) I'm happy people are willing to help us even if they don't know much about GD.

yes i need everyone to email me so i can put you on the website so others can contact you to be a part of this

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ok everyone I need your honest opinion here. Be totally honest about what I wrote.

I didn't want to put in a bunch of statistics and stuff like most people writing about

Green Day do. I will put some stuff about them and their background in the flash

player that flashes their pictures and tells a little about them. I'll be doing a bio on

each and tell about all their charity work too I figured since this is. Since we are

about honoring them as fans I'd write it from a fans point a view. Be honest please,

and tell me if I need to add or take away something or if it's crap please.


I could write pages and pages of Green Day's accomplishments: albums sold, awards won,

and throw a bunch of statistics at you, but I'm not going to. You can read about that in any

Green Day book or watch on any Green Day biography DVD. Instead I'm going to tell you

about a band that is like no other I've ever seen. I'm going to tell you about Green Day fron

a fan's prospective. I'm going to tell you about a punk band from the East Bay that has given

so much to so many over the past 2 decades. Billie Joe Armstrong (guitarist,lead vocals,writter),

Mike Dirnt (bass player,vocals), and Tre' Cool (drummer, vocals). The three of them fit together like

the most intricate puzzle. When they come together and play you can feel the magic, they draw

you in like you are a part of something great. Green Day is bigger than any one person. They are

bigger than the sum of their parts. Green Day has always been about their music no matter what

or where the rocky road of music may lead them. Even though they have had some hard bumpy

roads along the way they always seem to have come out on top.Green Day doesn't let anything or

anyone box them in. They are not afraid to push the envelope and try new things. I believe that comes

from their true passion for their music. I hear time and time again fans talking about how Green Day's

music has inspired,changed and even saved them. That's pretty powerful music to be able to pull you

away from the edge of your own destruction. If you ever get a chance go see a live Green Day concert

and when you walk away from it you will be changed forever. Green Day's music just reaches down to

your very soul and pulls out who you are, the real you and let's you know it's ok to be the real you and

not someone else art project. To believe in who we are and if others don't like the real you then they were

not the people you need to surround yourself with anyway. It's ok to speak your mind and to question everything.

It's ok to be your true self and not bury it, worried about what others may think because you don't fit societies mold.

Green Day have given their fans so much and we want to give them back a little of the magic the have given us over

the past 2 decades.

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