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Green Day Across The World


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I have come up with something that may help get more people involved in this event. I have a black Fender Stratocaster that

has been autographed by Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre' Cool and I am going to give it away to someone that gets involved in this

event. Everyone that gets involved in this event will be placed in a drawing and the winner will be receiving the guitar as a prize.

All you need to do to have a chance to win that guitar is to participate in this event on May 28th 2011. Other items will be given away

in the drawing also but the grand prize will be the black Fender Stratocaster that has a silver pick guard and the guitar is autographed by

Billie, Mike and Tre' I hope everyone gets involved in this event, it's for a great cause and you could win some

awesome prizes just for being a part of it all........

I'm not sure if I understood right... :unsure: The guitar is for the winer of the logo contest?

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Wow. Seriously, wow, that sounds awesome :runaround: Can anyone win the guitar, or is it just for the US or something?

Also, once again, I think it's great you've put so much effort on this. We can make this thing work out :)

The Green Day World Stage movie comes to theaters in Finland next week (don't ask why) and I thought I might print some flyers and stuff to give to people there but since we don't have an official logo yet I don't really know what to do :/ I personally liked the Dookie kind of logo that we first had, what happened to it?

I'd like to help too, if there's something I can do :)

anyone can win it as long as you participate in the environmental platform in your area. i guess the best way

for me to know is the head rep in each area will take names down and take pictures of the event in your areas.

i will be giving lots of stuff away for those who participate and it is for the whole world

I'm not sure if I understood right... :unsure: The guitar is for the winer of the logo contest?

no the guitar isn't for the logo contest, i have other prizes for the logo contest. there are

a list of some of the prizes for the logo contest are listed in the thread. The fender strat

that is singed by green day is going to one lucky person that participates in the event.

so everyone please join up and participate it could be you that wins the guitar, everyone

has an equal chance at it......

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So I'm on board with the logo thing, is there anything else going on currently that I can lend a hand at/should know about?

after the holidays there will be lots for everyone to do. the website is on target to be up and running on Jan.15th.

i had one lady working on the site and she took my $500 and changed her phone number and wont answer

her emails. so i am now working with a professional web design company which is going to cost me $2,500

but they are letting me do it in payments. i am going to have to tighten up my budget if I'm going to be able

to pay that much., i called a lot of web design companies and some wanted up to $5,000 to do it.

they said it's going to cast so much because it's going to be an interactive sight where people can blog

and the site is going to have a shopping cart to by t-shirts and also a donation button and lots more stuff

so that is why it is so expensive. i'm not going to trust another person that places adds for web design

and doesn't wrk for a web design company because i have already been swindled out of $500 that i couldn't

afford to lose. don't worry i will get this site up and going somehow, when it is up and running it's going to

be so awesome

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I'd love to get involved, but I think there's already someone signed down from my area. Queenslanders, let me know if you need help :D

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I'd love to get involved, but I think there's already someone signed down from my area. Queenslanders, let me know if you need help :D

each area is going to need more than one person to organize the event in your area.

after the holidays i'm going to get all of the teams set up so everyone will know who is who

and what job you will each have. trust me there will be enough work for everyone

I hope i can go in Melbourne, but i doubt my parents will let me....

if you absolutely cannot make it to the big one in your country then do a smaller one in your area.

the environment needs help everywhere not just in the major cities. do your best to make it

to the major one but if you can't you can still participate.

someone just donated Billie Joe's 1st record from when he was only 5yrs old

"Look For Love" I'm going to try and get Billie to sign it when I go to NYC

for the Times Talks and American Idiot. If he signs it then it should bring in

a lot of money. That is a very rare record and if he autographs it too then it

should raise a lot of money in the auction.

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each area is going to need more than one person to organize the event in your area.

after the holidays i'm going to get all of the teams set up so everyone will know who is who

and what job you will each have. trust me there will be enough work for everyone

Awesome :)

I'll be happy to help if my parents let me.

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I hope i can go in Melbourne, but i doubt my parents will let me....

I hope you can go! I'm rep for Melbourne (and the whole of Australia) and you'll just have to let your parents know that you'll be in good hands! Plus there will be cupcakes! Everyone loves cupcakes!

I think we'll be gathering at federation square, so it's easy to get to by train!

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after the holidays there will be lots for everyone to do. the website is on target to be up and running on Jan.15th.

i had one lady working on the site and she took my $500 and changed her phone number and wont answer

her emails. so i am now working with a professional web design company which is going to cost me $2,500

but they are letting me do it in payments. i am going to have to tighten up my budget if I'm going to be able

to pay that much., i called a lot of web design companies and some wanted up to $5,000 to do it.

they said it's going to cast so much because it's going to be an interactive sight where people can blog

and the site is going to have a shopping cart to by t-shirts and also a donation button and lots more stuff

so that is why it is so expensive. i'm not going to trust another person that places adds for web design

and doesn't wrk for a web design company because i have already been swindled out of $500 that i couldn't

afford to lose. don't worry i will get this site up and going somehow, when it is up and running it's going to

be so awesome

Ouch. That's terrible that somebody would so heartlessly scam someone trying to do something positive like this, but that's the world we live in. =/ But hey, I appriciate that you're so adament about putting this together, I'm sure it'll pay off tenfold.

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anyone can win it as long as you participate in the environmental platform in your area. i guess the best way

for me to know is the head rep in each area will take names down and take pictures of the event in your areas.

i will be giving lots of stuff away for those who participate and it is for the whole world

no the guitar isn't for the logo contest, i have other prizes for the logo contest. there are

a list of some of the prizes for the logo contest are listed in the thread. The fender strat

that is singed by green day is going to one lucky person that participates in the event.

so everyone please join up and participate it could be you that wins the guitar, everyone

has an equal chance at it......

Oh okay :)

So you'll be giving all this stuff after the event right?

I'll put this on the spanish page :)

someone just donated Billie Joe's 1st record from when he was only 5yrs old

"Look For Love" I'm going to try and get Billie to sign it when I go to NYC

for the Times Talks and American Idiot. If he signs it then it should bring in

a lot of money. That is a very rare record and if he autographs it too then it

should raise a lot of money in the auction.


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I posted some ideas and whatnot on the German FB page about 2 months ago (when this whole idea came up) and I also asked for help and ideas. But I didn't really get any responses =/ So if there is someone who's German AND willing to help, here's a link to our page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=171412756204288

If you aren't on Facebook, there will be an extra thread be opened here on the forum anytime soon.

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Ok fans i need everyone to send me your pictures with the band or a member of the band and your info to greendayacrosstheworldtp@gmail.com this is for the website that will be up and running within the month! Spread the word! :D

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I'm confused... Where do we find all the specifics?

I'd love to help out! I'm not so sure how much I can do, though. Do you already have people in the Austin area?

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I'm confused... Where do we find all the specifics?

I'd love to help out! I'm not so sure how much I can do, though. Do you already have people in the Austin area?

yes we do I live in Killeen and there are quite a few more in Texas that are getting together in Austin for this.

there will be more specific info later, the specifics will be on the website which will be up after the holidays

OMG ....good news! i got an awesome website builder and we are going to get it up before the 1st of the year and

ad stuff as we go but when it is finally finished it is going to blow everyones mind! It better its a $2,500 website.It will

give much needed credibility to what we are trying to do...i'm so fucking excited i can hardly contain my excitement.

this site is going to be very professional looking, it will show everyone how serious this event is. the web designer

is coming to my house to start on this monday. i have seen other sites she has done and she is phenomenal. I'm

going to have a page explaining the event, green day bio page, a page of their charitable works, a page with all the

countries and states teams heading up the event in their area and their contact info and also what each country and

states environmental platform is, a page full of green day pictures from over the past 20yrs, a page full of fans with GD

band members pictures, an interactive blog page, a page about their side projects like American Idiot on Broadway, a

page showing items that are on ebay up for auction with a paypal donation button & a cart to buy t-shirts with the event

logo on them, land there will be a button that connects the Green Day Across The World twitter, face book myspace,

and tumblr pages to the website. let me know if you can think of anything else that might make the site even better....

When I go to NYC in Jan. I am going to give the website address to Billie and the cast of AI.....I can't wait :dance:

Also if you have any cool pictures of the band so i can post on the bands picture page on the site or if you have any pictures of you

and a member of Green Day please email them to and I will post as many as I can on the fan page of the site. email to me

dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com and in subject put "GDATW pictures"

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yes we do I live in Killeen and there are quite a few more in Texas that are getting together in Austin for this.

there will be more specific info later, the specifics will be on the website which will be up after the holidays

OMG ....good news! i got an awesome website builder and we are going to get it up before the 1st of the year and

ad stuff as we go but when it is finally finished it is going to blow everyones mind! It better its a $2,500 website.It will

give much needed credibility to what we are trying to do...i'm so fucking excited i can hardly contain my excitement.

this site is going to be very professional looking, it will show everyone how serious this event is. the web designer

is coming to my house to start on this monday. i have seen other sites she has done and she is phenomenal. I'm

going to have a page explaining the event, green day bio page, a page of their charitable works, a page with all the

countries and states teams heading up the event in their area and their contact info and also what each country and

states environmental platform is, a page full of green day pictures from over the past 20yrs, a page full of fans with GD

band members pictures, an interactive blog page, a page about their side projects like American Idiot on Broadway, a

page showing items that are on ebay up for auction with a paypal donation button & a cart to buy t-shirts with the event

logo on them, land there will be a button that connects the Green Day Across The World twitter, face book myspace,

and tumblr pages to the website. let me know if you can think of anything else that might make the site even better....

When I go to NYC in Jan. I am going to give the website address to Billie and the cast of AI.....I can't wait :dance:

Also if you have any cool pictures of the band so i can post on the bands picture page on the site or if you have any pictures of you

and a member of Green Day please email them to and I will post as many as I can on the fan page of the site. email to me

dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com and in subject put "GDATW pictures"

This sounds phenomanal! I can't wait to see the website!!

I think I'd be a good idea to also have a page with meet-up pictures. There's so many group pictures out there from different meet ups in different countries and I think it's great for people who havent been to a meet up yet to see them because it gives them an idea of how awesome it can be :D

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yes we do I live in Killeen and there are quite a few more in Texas that are getting together in Austin for this.

there will be more specific info later, the specifics will be on the website which will be up after the holidays

OMG ....good news! i got an awesome website builder and we are going to get it up before the 1st of the year and

ad stuff as we go but when it is finally finished it is going to blow everyones mind! It better its a $2,500 website.It will

give much needed credibility to what we are trying to do...i'm so fucking excited i can hardly contain my excitement.

this site is going to be very professional looking, it will show everyone how serious this event is. the web designer

is coming to my house to start on this monday. i have seen other sites she has done and she is phenomenal. I'm

going to have a page explaining the event, green day bio page, a page of their charitable works, a page with all the

countries and states teams heading up the event in their area and their contact info and also what each country and

states environmental platform is, a page full of green day pictures from over the past 20yrs, a page full of fans with GD

band members pictures, an interactive blog page, a page about their side projects like American Idiot on Broadway, a

page showing items that are on ebay up for auction with a paypal donation button & a cart to buy t-shirts with the event

logo on them, land there will be a button that connects the Green Day Across The World twitter, face book myspace,

and tumblr pages to the website. let me know if you can think of anything else that might make the site even better....

When I go to NYC in Jan. I am going to give the website address to Billie and the cast of AI.....I can't wait :dance:

Also if you have any cool pictures of the band so i can post on the bands picture page on the site or if you have any pictures of you

and a member of Green Day please email them to and I will post as many as I can on the fan page of the site. email to me

dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com and in subject put "GDATW pictures"

Woah. I'm already excited. Maybe could could put a page with GD fan art? idk... How much are the shirts gonna be... Do you know?

And, arn't I the luckiest person ever. the coordinator lives near me! :dance:

This is gonna be so much fun! I hope my dad lets me go...

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I would love to get involved somehow, I think I can inform the administrator of "Green Day Portugal" forum about this, and will also give it a try for the drawing contest. Also I have done a bunch GD drawings, I don't know if they could be used for something, but I would be happy to dispose them.

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I haven't been here for a while but.... Stratocaster? omg Dawn I love you!

I would do anything to get that quitar, really! :lol:

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Who do you want to donate the money to, Dawn? Some environmental organisation?

a lot will go to fund this event which will take a lot the web site cost $2,500 alone and this has to fund this

event on a global scale. i have appointed a treasurer to keep all the books so that it all on the up and up.

What is left over will go to NRDC the environmental agency Green Day funds.....

Who do you want to donate the money to, Dawn? Some environmental organisation?

I will be cold calling businesses, it's a tax write off for them any way.

I will have a paypal donate button for whomever decides they want to.

The t-shirts with the event logo that we will sell on the site the event

will receive the profits from the sales. I am going to try anyway

I can wether it be car washes, bake sales, raffels or whatever.

And don't forget I have already received items to Auction off on ebay

to raise money. I will do whatever I can to help my dreams for

this event become a reality......

So I'm on board with the logo thing, is there anything else going on currently that I can lend a hand at/should know about?

after the holidays there will be lots to do, believe me

I'd love to get involved, but I think there's already someone signed down from my area. Queenslanders, let me know if you need help :D

don't worry u will be needed too, this will be done in teams. it's way to much for 1 or 2 to handle,

we need everyone......

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Sounds fantastic. I hope I will be able to help with money even if it probably won't be a lot.

Oh, and did you ever get my email with the pictures, Dawn?

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After the holidays this is going to go into high gear. It's going to be insane, you'll see... There will be plenty for

everyone to do. Also while I'm in NYC J an 6-11th I'm going to give Billie Joe and the American Idiot cast

the website address for this. I'm going to make up flyers and pass them out to everyone at The Times Talks

and The American Idiot on Broadway at St. James Theater


I know the website name for this event is going to be "Green.Day.Across.The.World.May28th2011org"





Sounds fantastic. I hope I will be able to help with money even if it probably won't be a lot.

Oh, and did you ever get my email with the pictures, Dawn?

I haven't checked my email yet but if you sent it to dawn.wilcox1@gmail.com them I'm sure

I have it.....

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